Ramsey / Pennington

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by EvilClownFace, Mar 22, 2006.

  1. Mavericknyc1980

    Mavericknyc1980 Active Member

    Mar 12, 2005
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    Excellent post I couldnt say it better myself. Ramsey will surprise a lot of people this and hopefully will be the QB of the future.

    NOVAJET "2020 TGG Fantasy Football Champ"

    Jun 2, 2003
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    No chance Ramsey is our future. If you put all your stock in a highlight reel instead of taking it from someone who has seen every down he's played than it's your funeral. The only other person on this thread from the DC area agrees. I can talk as much Redskins football as I can Jets because you have to in order to talk any kind of football here. I got a dozen phone calls from friends with the sarcastic "nice pickup". I think it is good for a sixth to have a good backup but he is not a starter. It was his fault most of those sacks because he was a statue that took too long to throw the ball and when he did throw it he forced it in (as you can see in your highlight reel) which led to alot of picks. If I had the film I could put together a lowlight reel and you could base your opinion on that.
  3. GreenHornet

    GreenHornet New Member

    Oct 3, 2005
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    I am keeping an open mind. He has the raw skills. He is a New York Jet now; for me that gives him an immediate benefit of the doubt. I hope he succeeds here. He will have to work for it, however. NY is tough; very tough.

    I also hope Pennington can come back. I just dont't see this as realistic; as you have mentioned in the big post. Even if Pennington makes it back to being a starter; I think his every action will be around guarding that shoulder -I think we will see this in how he plays. I could be wrong, but that is how I see it. Plus, Pennington will be one awkward hit from being injured again. He has not shown durability, but I do admire his tenacity and heart.

    Ramsey will get his chance. Let's hope he has done his homework so he can make the most out of his opportunity.
  4. cowboyup

    cowboyup New Member

    Mar 10, 2006
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    I was trolling the Extremeskins website and there seems to be a huge split regarding Ramsey. There are plenty of posters that think Ramsey should be playing and would have done a better job than Brunnel if given a ligit shot!

    NOVAJET "2020 TGG Fantasy Football Champ"

    Jun 2, 2003
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    Don't get me wrong I hear alot of positive things about Ramsey too and yes alot of people here think he may be better than Brunell. But do we want to build a team around a guy who might be better than Mark Brunell? All I am saying is that he had several shots at being a starter and while he did'nt do bad he was far from impressive.

    Even if we sure up our offensive line we still are lacking at RB and receiver. Throwing a bunch of new guys on the OL adding a FA receiver and drafting a rookie RB is all good but considering they will all need some time to gel it may be deja vu for ol' Ramsey.
  6. JetsTillDeath

    JetsTillDeath New Member

    Jun 20, 2003
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    Not going to give up on Chad until I see that he can no longer throw the ball. I am looking forward to them battling it out however, should make for some interesting media.
  7. AMJets

    AMJets Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2003
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    Build him a strong OL (something Spurrier never did), and we may have something here.
  8. AlToon4prez

    AlToon4prez Member

    Mar 30, 2005
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    chalk me up as a guy who believes Ramsey can be a very good qb for the Jets. I'm excited about his potential, and think we got a real bargain from the skins. I really don't want to see the Jets draft a qb. I'm still on the Bush bandwagon
  9. luvdemjets1998

    luvdemjets1998 New Member

    Jan 17, 2005
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    I would let them battle for the starting position in training camp, but more than likely Penny will be our QB for the beginning of the season. However, he will be on a very short leash. The first noticable sign that penny isnt working out he will be benched. And personally, i think he will use that as a motivational tool. He hasn't had this kind of pressure ever since he got the nod to go in for Vinny. He knew then one slip up and he'll be on the sidelines holding a clipboard. And he performed great. He gave us a year to remember. And this this the same situation now. That same pressure he had back in 02 is back on him. He knows this is his last chance to prove that he is our QB. So guys, dont give up on him quite yet. Pennington may be in his 2002-mode.
  10. EvilClownFace

    EvilClownFace New Member

    Mar 2, 2006
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    I didn't base my opinion on the highlight reel. I based it on what I've seen from Ramsey.

    I don't like the "I'm from DC and saw him play" argument. With the wonder that is "The Dish" we are all capable of watching any and every NFL game. Many of us have seen the guy preform on a regular basis.

    The way I see it, this is a matter of "Is the glass half empty or half full?"

    You stated that you can make a "lowlight" Ramsey reel for us to base our opinions on. If you want to get down to it, you could do that with any player. Either make him look great, or look horrible based on which clips you choose.

    My point is, Ramsey never had a fair shot, and was never properly groomed to be an NFL QB. The highlight reel just shows you how much potential the guy has. Will he make bad throws? Of course. Every QB does. Will he make good throws as well? You bet!

    I truely think with the proper grooming, he will make more good throws than bad. I would much rather let a young guy who knows the speed of the game (and what it's like to get crushed by NFL linemen) take the reigns then bring in a rookie who is a COMPLETE question mark. IMO (call me optomistic), this Ramsey thing is only going to benefit us in the long run.
  11. Mr.Totality

    Mr.Totality New Member

    Mar 23, 2006
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    I think ramsey might be a better fit for Mangini/Schottenheimer. Strong arm, tough etc... I have lost all faith in chad
  12. Chad Vs THe World

    Mar 22, 2004
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    can somebody please post a link the ramsey video, im dying to see it, granted ive seen him play, and although he has a solid arm, and can defintly take a hit, he seems to always have happy feet and have the affinity for the big pick, regardless of this, hes a jet and i would love to see the ramsey high light video.

    if possible include a vince young video, i know people are comparing the two
  13. EvilClownFace

    EvilClownFace New Member

    Mar 2, 2006
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  14. MN_Jet_Fan

    MN_Jet_Fan New Member

    Mar 20, 2004
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    I don't care how "ready" Pennington is. I want Ramsey to start.
  15. SigmaXJet

    SigmaXJet Active Member

    Jan 12, 2006
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    they need to take Pennington's head and put it on Ramsey's body, make use of both QBs
  16. sanchizeqb

    sanchizeqb Active Member

    Jan 26, 2004
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    This is hillarious. As if weirder things haven't happened in the NFL or anything. Patrick Ramsey has the tools and talent in place, and for the reasons listed before, was never really given a chance by Joe Gibbs who's goal was to win now rather then teach and have his road bumps.

    That being said, I am optimistic about Patrick Ramsey. Great post, EvilClown.
  17. hammer

    hammer New Member

    Oct 29, 2004
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    Ramsey starts the season- goes 1-3. He is benched for chad and the Jets finish 12-4. A la Glenn Foley - Vinny Testaverde
  18. EvilClownFace

    EvilClownFace New Member

    Mar 2, 2006
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    Yeah. I hear the Bionic arm they're constructing for Chad should be finished by week 4 the latest.

  19. hammer

    hammer New Member

    Oct 29, 2004
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    LOL- Gives him a week to get used to the new arm
  20. sweet daddy

    sweet daddy New Member

    Mar 17, 2006
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    I became a Jets fan the day Ramsey was traded. I have seen every game he has played in that was televised.

    Don't forget several of his INT's have been in games were he came in late in the game down by one or two touchdowns. He was gunning down the field to try to get the Skins back in the game...He was taking risk to win the game...not trying to pad numbers like some "veteran" QB's do. He also doesn't look for the dump off first.

    I hope he wins the starting job...and I think he will make you guy's happy. I hope the Jets continue to upgrade at the OL. I think our possesion recievers are good and that is going to help alot.

    Not to worried about the D with Mangini.

    Just my thoughts..Glad to be on board...Go Jets

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