I’m not trying to be controversial but you only want people to use the treatment under circumstances you deem acceptable?
Only one poster in the thread has included politics in this discussion. It wasn't Nagle. Perhaps that post should be removed.
Here's a hot one. A family member was pregnant twice naturally and miscarried both times. Got shot full of nonsense and had an ectopic pregnancy, lost an ovary. She tried to sue, but there was no case. Why are you making her ovaries explode when she's been pregnant before?
I just don't get the I need to be pregnant thing. I never cared. Childless by choice, and I got so much crap for it. It's complicated and personal, but I don't understand this nonsense.
What’s political about an actual fact that just happened in our country? Also - 99.99999% of us can talk about politics here without it diving into disgusting rhetoric.
You tell me. I don’t get this. Any attempt to have a child should be legal and non political. Simple as that.
Why do you feel adoption should always be a part of the conversation? Curious . IVF is a facilitator for those who want to have a family and a lot of people out there look and search for it
If you want a child your already desperate even if you take every channel. If your able to want and be parents your going to look at every channel
I never ever said it should be illegal ever, and in no way should it be. I just find it amusing that designer embryos isn't playing God but abortion is.
Simply the way it is reported. Dozens of articles are available - some more comprehensive than others. The comments added don't aid in maintaining neutrality but only assist in partisanship rearing its ugly head.
I was just checking the temperature. I don't really see how it can regulated or even to what end but it is highly problematic in many ways. I have a highly personal story that I may or may not relay. I started to and then changed my mind. I will say this, though. Stand your ground if you don't want kids.