Pull Sanchez

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by TurkJetFan, Nov 15, 2009.

  1. Br4d

    Br4d 2018 Weeb Ewbank Award

    Apr 22, 2004
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    There is no way Kellen Clemens is the better QB. You're forgetting all the throws he makes in the dirt and the unfortunate picks that happen anyway despite him being very cautious about not elevating the ball much.

    On Sanchez, I think he is improving over the course of the season. He has maintained a pattern of playing better in the second half than the first half, and he has demonstrated an ability to drive for a score when it's needed in the fourth quarter. The Buffalo game is the anomaly for him and it's really clear at this point that Schotty (and Ryan by countenancing the move) totally blew that game and set Sanchez back significantly. That hesitation yesterday at times in front of the home crowd? That was mutiple needless picks in the second half and OT against Buffalo coming back to haunt him (and us.)

    Sanchez is one of the reasons that the Jets remain watchable at this point. If they put Clemens in I'll watch the first few games to see how he does, but I'm pretty sure I won't be watching the games late in December, as I generally don't do in years where the Jets are not in contention. There's too much else to do on a suddenly free Sunday.
  2. SigmaXJet

    SigmaXJet Active Member

    Jan 12, 2006
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    what would that accomplish? absolutely nothing. Rookies throw INTs and don't make great decisions, sorry that's a shocker to you. Bringing in Clemens just stunts Sanchez's growth.
  3. CBG

    CBG Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2008
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    Heres the reality--------yes it would have taken balls and smarts to take Sanchez out of anyone of these games,,,,,,,,,,,,IF you want to let the kid learn and are willing to take a few losses (see NO and Buff just to name 2) than thats fine---but sometimes QB's need to be pulled or take a seat and watch. I never said pull him for an entire game--but if you think starting qb's have never been pulled or it does not happen for a good reason,,,go look at Bradshaw just to name one--it worked out fine with him.If any of you guys honestly wanted to win the division or make the playoffs than Sanchez could easily have been yanked a few times. If you were willing to settle and not have higher expectations (even before 3 and oh ) than u are we you thought you would be rite now , lucky to reach 500
  4. Br4d

    Br4d 2018 Weeb Ewbank Award

    Apr 22, 2004
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    Putting Clemens in the game in the situations where the Jets were in trouble late would have resulted in the same W-L in every game but Buffalo, and if Clemens had been slinging the ball around in the second half and OT against Buffalo there's probably no difference there either.

    We lost in New Orleans because the Saints are a better team than the Jets, a LOT better team. Putting Clemens in against them does nothing. You really think Clemens is going to beat Drew Brees? Dream on.

    We lost against Buffalo because we threw the ball when we shouldn't have. If the Jets had kept the ball on the ground against Buffalo we win that game and if they chucked it around with Clemens the way they did with Sanchez we probably lose it. The only difference being that Clemens probably throws those balls away or takes sacks because he's not a rookie and he's not trying to make every play.

    We lost against Miami the first time because the defense couldn't hold the TWO leads that Sanchez gave them late. Sanchez lead two TD drives that started on the Jets 23 and 37 respectively and then the defense collapsed bigtime.

    We lost against Miami the second time because the special teams gave up 2 TD's in the second half and the defense couldn't hold the Fins AGAIN after Sanchez lead the Jets to 3 second half TD's.

    We just lost against Jacksonville because the defense let them go 82 yards after Sanchez gave them a lead late.

    Anybody who thinks this stuff is Sanchez fault needs to get a clue here. He's actually over-performing for a rookie who has had his best receiver out for a substantial part of the season and whose offensive coordinator is doing just about everything he can to make himself look good and throwing the rookie to the wolves in the process.
  5. DMSMaven

    DMSMaven Member

    Nov 11, 2008
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    Well said ....
  6. JohnnyJohnson

    JohnnyJohnson Banned

    Mar 23, 2004
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    OK yeah pull Sanchez and throw in Clemens who hasn't played since the preseason and doesn't get the majority of snaps in practice. That's fucking brilliant.

    The whole team sucked yesterday. Nothing short of maddening, and pulling Sanchez won't fix anything.
  7. Talisman

    Talisman Active Member

    Apr 26, 2009
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    plain and simple, if a 4-year vet can't completely and utterly outplay a 16-game rookie QB in training camp, then he has no business starting for us. During the off-season when we were still evaluating the two I was actually pulling for Clem if for nothing else than him having a decent year, Sanchez learning from him, and then us trading him for quality draft picks and rolling with Sanchez. But at that time I assumed he was going to outplay Sanchez in camp, which he obviously didn't. At that point, why waste a year "developing" a QB you more than likely to dump after this season anyway? Might as well spend your time developing the guy you think will be here for the long haul...
  8. pdpullmn612

    pdpullmn612 New Member

    Apr 29, 2009
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    there may be the smallest bit of hope left in the season, but i dont agree with pulling sanchez. as much as i hate to say it we are not superbowl contenders. let sanchez finish his rookie season and get all the experience he can. i think the problem is eveyone expect him to come in and be like matt ryan or joe flacco
  9. skorol75

    skorol75 New Member

    Dec 29, 2008
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    Utter poppycock. Sanchez not playing great is an understatement. Defense saved a TD from his fuck up, and only allowed that 1 FG in second half. Overall, defense was OK. Not great, but OK. Sanchez and his 50 QB rating was overall bad. This one is on him.
  10. TurkJetFan

    TurkJetFan Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2002
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    I really wish u ppl would read the op before claiming I'm saying bench the kid...I suggested pulling him for a drive or two in a game at a point where he was holding the ball way to long then threw a pick that almost cost us the game at that point....I never said bench him...read something beyond the title
    I reallllly wi
  11. Big Blocker

    Big Blocker Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2008
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    Comp Attps pct. Yds ypa TD Int Sck Yds/sck rate
    133 256 52.0 1,555 6.1 5 11 31 165 59.3

    130 244 53.3 1,655 6.8 9 12 15 127 66.5

    Considering the relative quality of the OL and receivers that Clemens and Sanchez put those numbers together with, I don't see how you say there is NO WAY that Clemens might not be better. No way? The facts do not support that contention.

    Ftr I do not think they should or will pull Sanchez. That's not the point. The real point is simple - he's not playing well, and he is not showing improvement. I certainly hope he does at some point, sooner than later, otherwise we might be looking at the team having put together all its eggs in a basket that is not really appreciably better than Clemens.

    There is still time even this season to show improvement. I hope that's what we see, and they will leave Sanchez in there, so it's up to him to come through. I hope he does.
  12. Br4d

    Br4d 2018 Weeb Ewbank Award

    Apr 22, 2004
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    Through game 5 last year Flacco was a disaster area. He had 1 TD and 7 picks and made Sanchez look like an all-pro by comparison. He also was averaging 29 throws a games at that point and the Ravens were relying on him too much. They dialed it back and gave him 23, 24, 29 and 23 throws over the next 4 games and suddenly he stabilized. 33 throws against the Giants, back in the dumps again. Then he didn't get 30 throws in any game for the rest of the season and looked great.

    The Jets are doubling down on Sanchez by making him the focal point of the offense instead of protecting him (and their investment) by making the rushing game the leading edge of the offense. So far they're not breaking even using this method. They need to rethink things or the odds that Sanchez emerges as a strong leader are going to go way down.
  13. ukilledkenny

    ukilledkenny You bastards!

    Aug 11, 2005
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    the reason nobody is acknowledging your brilliant take him out for a drive or two idea is because that is no way to inspire confidence in someone. when was the last time you saw an nfl team take their starter out for a drive or two to calm him down?
  14. abyzmul

    abyzmul R.J. MacReady, 21018 Funniest Member Award Winner

    Jan 6, 2003
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    I heard a pretty funny stat last week. Over his first 5 seasons, Peyton Manning threw 100 interceptions.
  15. Milliner is your Mommy

    Milliner is your Mommy Well-Known Member

    Oct 7, 2009
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    i find it funny people want clemens to play. Does anyone remember him? Just because its been awhle since we've seen him play doesnt make him a good qb. Theres a reason rex let sanchez start over him.
  16. Br4d

    Br4d 2018 Weeb Ewbank Award

    Apr 22, 2004
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    There was no point in Peyton Manning's career in which anybody doubted that he was going to be an all-pro QB one day. That gives you a huge amount of leeway to make some mistakes and not pay a big price with the fans, the coaching staff and the front office. That leeway also allows you to bounce back easily from mistakes because you know you're a great QB in waiting, everybody around you knows you're a great QB in waiting, and everybody takes your development - good games and bad games - in stride.

    Mark Sanchez has a very different reality facing him right now, as do the Jets. The expectation that he is an all-pro QB in waiting is just not there. He may well get there, but there are also people in the NFL who think he's not good enough to play in the league. Whereas Manning had a 99/1 ratio of believers to detractors Sanchez is more like 55/45.

    Sanchez will be judged, unfairly, based largely on his performance this year. He's not going to get the benefit of the doubt that Manning got, both because he's not viewed as that category of can't miss prospect and because accurately or not (I lean not) the NFL sees the Jets as a much better team than the Colt team Manning broke in with.

    The pressure on Sanchez is 5x the pressure that was sitting on Manning's shoulders when he broke in at the helm of a last place team. Every failure will be scrutinized heavily and after awhile it's going to be hard to keep meeting expectations that unrealistically posit that Sanchez will get better with each passing game when in fact the team around him is getting worse.
  17. Big Blocker

    Big Blocker Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2008
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    The problem with only focusing on the ratio of pass to run plays is it ignores the realities of the individual games. You tend to pass more when you're behind. The only time the Jets took possession when they were not already behind was the first play of the game. Complaining about too much passing in a game like that is really not taking into account the reality of the game.
  18. Struckanerve9

    Struckanerve9 New Member

    Nov 2, 2009
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    Who gives a crap what expectations of greatness Peyton Manning had when he was starting out. The fact remains, in his first year he LED THE NFL in interception and his team went 3-13. The point is rookie QBs need time to adjust to the NFL, and sometimes it takes a while. It's been shown time and time again. Sadly, if Peyton Manning was on the Jets in his rookie year, you'd have heard all the armchair, monday morning, self-proclaimed experts screaming to bench him. How big of a mistake would that have been? I've been a Jets fan all of my life, grew up in New York and if there is one true thing about NY sports fans it's that we have NO IDEA how to let a young player develop. We expect hall-of-fame play immediately or we turn on you. I shudder to think how many otherwise great careers have been shattered because of the reception they received from we NY fans, while they were just going through the normal growing pains of a young and promising career. Despite what some people think, Sanchez IS improving. Actually, he is LEARNING, which at this point is even more important. LET HIM LEARN. I've been waiting 31 years for the Jets to win a super bowl...I think I can wait a bit longer if it means letting a QB with enormous potential realize that potential. Maybe Sanchez is the next Manning and maybe he isn't, but he's our best shot right now. So I say, "keep slinging it kid!" I'm behind you.
  19. NDmick

    NDmick Revis Christ

    Apr 1, 2007
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    if the defense holds the lead, he would have 3 4th quarter comeback drives in his rookie season, and the world would be calling him the next Brady or Manning.

    Sanchez is a play-making QB. Something this franchise hasn't seen in a long time if you subtract the Favre year last year.
  20. NDmick

    NDmick Revis Christ

    Apr 1, 2007
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    it also has to do with what Flacco and Ryan did last year. Those playoff expectations+Ryan's talking+strong start= tons of pressure, and the OC has done nothing to take it completely off of him minus the Oakland game.... baffling.

    Rothlisberger never threw the ball 30 times in his rookie season. He hit 28, but not 30. I wish it was the same for our kid.

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