Yeah we eventually figured out Kelly was a guy after all that time. Also, I think he had 2 accounts, and posted from both to make the female of Kelly seem more believable. PS. 51pa getting suspended from school lol holy shit ya that was a great day..i think i might have followed that story while in high school classes oddly enough..
what is the story behind the kid getting suspended? i wasnt nearly as active on teh board during my 20s as i am now. i dont remember that at all.
Time flies. Hard to believe I've been on this site longer than I've had kids and I can't remember when I didn't have kids.
Some great memories in this thread. Totally forgot about the Kelly thing. Some others: -The Mack Daddy Mayoral Election -The football and baseball all-time drafts -Ty Law's Madden ranking Though I think Spiveymania tops them all.
I Still remember her Nascar threads and always wondered about Juan Montoya F1 races. I Hope Jess wherever she is, is fine.
Great thread. Lurked for a few years before posting and I would check back to my first post to see if anyone commented. How friggin insecure. Now you can all go to hell. Seriously, this site has been the only Jet site I have ever enjoyed. I do believe I posted elsewhere one time and I felt like I cheated on my girlfriend and that was it. I remember Abyz and Sundayjack being out of their minds back then and Champ, nyjunc and myself getting wrapped up in Herm Edwards for about a year and a half. I dont just seems right when i hit the reply button here and nowhere else. This site is just home. For those out there that are either new...or visit as members/guests and never post..just do it. Once you get going its a great place to vent and just takes the sting out of reality...but you have to just do it.