Herm can be a medicore coach. I doubt he can win more then 10-11 games or go deep into the playoffs but I dont think you need to do that in KC
Herm shot his way out of town. I wanted him gone as much as anyone, but it's not mutually exclusive to have wanted him gone and to resent him for the disingenuous way he left. Statements like, "As far as I'm concern, I'm the coach of the Jets"?! What the hell is that?! In truth, it's a strange paradox. I'll miss Herm for last thing he did that pissed me off - talking like a loon.
...I wonder if he'll bring that piece of paper with him that said the Jets made the playoffs. That was my favorite Herman-ism... "Sez here, we goin...."
lol ill agree pretty low class. i guess some jet fans feel like herman edwards was the abusive boyfriend in our fan-team relationship. we get beat horribly on the field he steps to the mic "its ok baby, i didnt mean to do it you know i love you" hahaha i wish him all the luck, even though he shortened curtis career a yr or 2
If all of you are SOOOO offended by the title of my thread then DON'T OPEN IT AND READ IT. There's hundreds of other threads you can open and read. I'm voicing my opion. Bunch of cry babies.
I respected Herm up until he walked out on us. I'll be watching for sure tonight..i gotta hear what he has to say. It will be very interesting to see what he does with KC...can september get here any quicker??
I couldn't agree with you more MiamiJet. If you don't like the name of the thread don't open it and read it/talk to me in 6 years when your balls drop/ or get a sex change so one day you can have some balls!!! Quit cryin'. (I wouldn't be surprised if that morons Canadien)
this just shows how many idiots come here. When you knock a man that got you to the playoffs 3 of his 5 years as a HC and it would had been 4 out of 5 if it wasn't for the injuries last season.
And never won more than 10 games. Played injured vets over fresh rookies, and brought back a 75 year old man to play QB.
I can't wait to hear Herm's press conferences. The joke will finally be on someone else. I hope ESPN or some other source shows them.