Pennington article in the Boston Globe

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by Murrell2878, Jul 20, 2008.

  1. RedWhiteBlue&Green

    RedWhiteBlue&Green Active Member

    Aug 16, 2004
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    I have stuck up for Penny too many times in the past. Last season, he kept on making critical mistakes at the end of games. Then, he would say that he learns from his mistakes, but he would keep doing them over and over again. And Kellen? He was the worst qb in the league. I don't want either of these guys leading this team. I was Hall of Famer Brett Favre.

    I cannot believe that the Jets management and coaching staff are happy with their current qbs. They saw what happened last season, and they cannot be wanting to go into this season with the same horrible two choices. It's time for a change at qb, and if the Jets are smart, his name will be Brett Favre. Penny and Clemens should not have a shot to be qb this season.
  2. Dr. Christian Troy

    Dr. Christian Troy New Member

    Oct 6, 2005
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    Also in the Globe:

    Least penalized teams...

    Seattle � 59
    *NY Jets � 63
    Indianapolis � 67
    New Orleans � 68
    Jacksonville � 76
    NY Giants � 77
    Buffalo � 78
    New England � 78
    Pittsburgh � 80
    Tampa Bay � 81

    *That's a good stat for MAngini's resume in an otherwise pitiful year ('07)
  3. Bricket-head

    Bricket-head Active Member

    Aug 1, 2005
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    Sorry I can't understand a word you're saying with Brett Favres unit lodged in your mouth like that.
  4. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    I agree. Kudos to the CS for instilling that kind of discipline.

    I'm a little concerned about keeping it that way with the absence of Mike Westhoff. He was such great ST coach and he would ride guys like hell over stupid penalties. Not saying our penalties will balloon now in his absence, but he certainly contributed a lot to making our STs as penalty-free as possible.

    Let's hope he makes a speedy recovery and will rejoin the Jets next season.
  5. Bricket-head

    Bricket-head Active Member

    Aug 1, 2005
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    I'm very sad to see the Giants on this list. I always enjoyed those cluster-fuck Giants games where the offense would rack up 4-5 penalties in a 2 minute span of time. They would always show close-ups of Coughlin shaking with rage with his beady red eyes(shudders)
  6. ATL-JET

    ATL-JET Active Member

    Sep 2, 2002
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    I have to agree with Secton 227 Row 5, if THIS is a WIN-NOW team, we're in trouble.

    We don't have a SOLID QB situation and a bunch of question marks in several of our Key FA and Draft pick ups

    1. Can Damien Woody, REALLY play the RT spot EFFECTIVELY for a FULL season

    2. Can Jenkins keep his weight down

    3. Can he play the 34 Nose?

    4. We know Keller will cause mismatch options will his lack of blocking ability be a problem

    5. Can Pace live up to his numbers of last season or was it a fluke

    I mean even with just this lingering over us, this is hardly a win-now situation.
  7. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    It's fans like you that embarrass the rest of us. Chad has led us to only our 2nd AFC East Title EVER, he led us to 2 div playofs, he led us to 3 postseasons- the ONLY Jets QB to do so. he put his career on the line in 2004 to help us win, he has been nothing but a classy player throughout all the tough times. You are the type that will root against him if he wins the job and that's very sad.

    FOURTHANDLONG Active Member

    Apr 20, 2006
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    Chad is done and 2002 was six years ago. Curt Warner has won a superbowl but I would not want him to be the Qb of the Jets this season either. His class has nothing to do with him being the best option for us at Qb and he is not. He put his career on the line because he would have never been under the center for the Jets again if he did not come back. Same reason he came back so early from injury after Kellen almost bough us back against the Ravens last year. He did it for his pocket not the team. If he would have stayed out he would have never come back again after that Raven game. Chad is the smartest Qb in the league and he knows he was PUP long after that Raven game last year. Curtis Martin and our Defense led us to those playoffs with the exception of 2002 not Chad.
  9. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    Yeah, I agree Junc. I never could quite figure out that mentality.

    During the KC game (final game of the year) fans were booing Kellen Clemens and chanting C-H-A-D-... CHAD, CHAD, CHAD. These were the same morons calling for Chad to get off the field and for bringing in Clemens a month earlier. Okay, Clemens was stinking up the field but so was Chad when he was out there and playing behind the same dismal O-line.

    Some fans are just stupid. What a bunch of f@cking losers to cheer against your own QB.
  10. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    Chad led us to 10 wins and a playoff berth just 2 years ago, what has Warner done since 2001?

    He came back to help the team not for himslef, he was risking his career coming back in 2004 w/ a torn rotator cuff and all Jet fans should appreciate that and everything else he has done for us. That doesn't mean you have to root for him to win the job but if he does you should all be rooting for him to succeed but I know you won't be.
  11. NYJets38

    NYJets38 New Member

    Mar 1, 2003
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    I don't get why it is personal for people.

    The guy who plays the best should play. We all hope that is Clemens because it is good for our future, but I hope they both play well and its a tough decision. Seems like some people are rooting against one of them which is stupid.
  12. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    The better both of them plays the more they push the eventual winner of the comp. Competition is good for both QBs... makes you go to the next level.

    I'm rooting for Clemens to surprise to the upside this year. He's had the whole offseason to study the playbook and look at film of himself and the things he did wrong and right. He got beat up pretty good last year behind that O-line of ours and he knows the value of making quicker decisions and releasing quicker and playing smarter. He had enough of a taste of playing actual NFL games in all kinds of weather too and there is some chemistry from last year upon which he can build this year.

    Behind our new O-line and with some of the weapons we've got (Stuckey back, Keller and the other TEs, better blocking and some new RBs) I would not be surprised to be watching a whole new Kellen Clemens this year.
  13. AlioTheFool

    AlioTheFool Spiveymaniac

    Sep 27, 2005
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    Look, I appreciate what Chad has done for us in the past. I also appreciate his classiness, and overall demeanor. I'll also cheer for him if he manages to blow Clemens away in TC, thereby earning a starting role.

    However, I'm not looking at Chad as the QB of this team right now. He's by far a more intelligent QB than Clemens, and that's great, and may even work behind this revamped offense. At the same time, another year for Clemens to not play 16 games is another year of stunted growth. Unless this actually is a "win now" team (and I agree with 227 that it isn't), Chad starting only holds us back from future development.

    Would it be awesome to see a fluff piece about a QB who battled back from injury and job-loss to win his second CBPOY while leading his team into the Super Bowl? Of course.

    Sports is a "what have you done for me lately" enterprise. Chad's done exactly nothing for us lately, and therefore, doesn't deserve any special appreciation. Had he won a Super Bowl, or even an AFC title, I'd be more apt to say "look what he's done for us, give him another chance", but he hasn't. Vinny almost took us to the Super Bowl, and I couldn't wait for him to be driven out of town.

    If Chad overwhelmingly wins the starting job, he'll have my complete support. Until that time though, as far as I'm concerned, the Chad era may as well be over.
  14. sec314

    sec314 Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2006
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    I stopped rooting for Chad because if he's our starter then we have nobody better then Chad, and if we have nobody better then Chad, then we suck because he is finsihed. The Chad of yester year is gone fellas. This version makes mental mistakes and throws interceptions inside the 20 and has a minor league arm.
    #34 sec314, Jul 21, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 21, 2008

    FOURTHANDLONG Active Member

    Apr 20, 2006
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    Everything perfectly falling into place and the three teams in the Afc South that finished 8-8 because they beat themselves up led us to a playoff berth in 06. The same team we had in 06 was the same team we had last year with a real schedule. I would never boo him off the field in the stadium but with that said I will be rooting for our team to win and I do not think that will happen with Chad. He has done nothing in the last six years to show that he has the ability to get it done in Jan against the Pats, Chargers, Steelers, Jaguars or Colts. The though of him performing three weeks in a row to win playoff games that will probably be away and also the sb is not realistic. He did not come back to help the team last year after the Raven game. he came back because the calls for him to be benched were coming since the off season and after Kellens almost comeback against the Browns he knew the end was near. After that Raven Game chad would have come back in a wheelchair if he had too.
  16. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    In order for Chad to win the starting position he has to be significantly better than Clemens. He has to either demonstrate vast superiority over Clemens or Clemens needs to stink up the field badly.

    The reason I say this is (and despite any and all rhetoric you hear from Mangini that this is open competition and best man wins, etc., etc.) deep down inside Mangini's head, I think Clemens is the QB by default and its Clemens' job to lose.

    I say this because in recent years, Chad has looked good in TC. Looked terrific, in fact. Great leadership, smart, knows the playbook like the back of his hand, good chemistry, etc., etc. Then the real games start and he disappoints miserably and week after week the offense slips into this downward spiral or funnel, for lack of a better word, in which the yardage gained gets shorter and shorter and we're down to making consecutive 2-yard passes, pass after pass. The lack of arm strength is frightening, so much so that DEFs can't believe their eyes when on the field and looking at it, as in, "Holy shit... I could have picked that one off if only I had jumped for it, but I couldn't believe it would come out that slow or I would have gone for it." In the end,they DID go for those kinds of passes, and then he was stinking up the entire field, game after miserable game.

    There is no way Mangini wants to go back to that place. Despite what Mangini is telling the press, in the back of his head he has to be wanting Clemens to make it and my guess is he's going to give Clemens every opportunity to make it.

    In order for Chad to get the starting job, things are going to have to be pretty bad with Clemens.
  17. Hemi

    Hemi Well-Known Member

    Feb 26, 2007
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    No matter who wins the battle, Chad is handling it with class.
  18. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    The sched was very slighlty more difficult last year than in '06. The scheudle is not an excuse, we stunk last year. Chad didn't play well but who could have w/ that OL? To say we were the same team in '07 as we were in '06 is as asinine as it gets.

    That's kind of funny b/c his 2 playoff wins came against Indy and SD and he helped beat SD w/ a torn rotator cuff in his throwing shoulder.

    Did any sane person on the planet think Eli could win 3-4 playoff games before Jan/Feb?

    Clemens was so good in that Raven game that Chad knew his days were numbered:rofl: Kellen was AWFUL in that game, he had a couple of nice drives late but if he didn't stinkfor 3 qtrs we easily would have won that game and Chad wanted to play against Baltimore, he wasn't sitting out b/c he wanted to then noticing KC's play.

    and as usual many of our fans are not.
  19. WhiteShoeWillis

    WhiteShoeWillis Well-Known Member

    Mar 20, 2006
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    Whoop di freakin doo - we have a classy QB on the roster. Being classy doesn't win you football games. I could give two shits about how classy Pennington is being about having to compete for a starting job. He not supposed to be a dick head about it and if he were he'd have no ground to stand on. He has to be classy about it.
  20. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    Unlike our fans.

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