$1 million fine Loss of next years first rounder Brady suspended 4 games Ball boys shit canned Goodell can give them a $50 parking ticket for all I care. Nothing will change my opinion of these clowns. Sure, it can't be proven that BB and Kraft knew, but remember that this is the organization that leaves no stone unturned and is run so professionally from the top down that everyone is accountable for success from the owner to the ball boys, or some bullshit like that. Fuck the Patriot Way. Lying, cheating, murderous, unprofessional scumbags - All of them.
This is the only way to reign in the issues. 3yrs first rounders, 25m fine, Brady and BB suspended for year. Kraft censured and removed from committees
Oh, and remember the Sal Alosi tripping incident? That got him fired and the Jets were given a $100,000 fine for a heat of the moment transgression by one of their employees. This was premeditated, calculated, and comes on the heals of SpyGate. $1 million might be a bit lenient.
This would be great, it should happen as they got,caught in championship,game. It would help the nfl pr and help us fans considering abandoning the wwe show that the nfl has become.
I'd be happy with 4 games for Brady and a hefty fine (my prediction is $1mil due to repeat offender and how the Pats acted especially Kraft's statements and lack of cooperation). I'd love more but I think it'll be less. Honestly if Brady gets any suspension at all I'd be shocked: the NFL loves to kiss his and the entire Patriot organization's ass. If they can't trumpet around the Patriots being the beacon of excellence and professionalism who is going to take their place?
anything less than 8 games suspension for Brady would be a crime, and it should really be full year. systematic cheating throughout regular season and playoffs, lying, and obstruction. and then there is the matter of the organization. certainly a first round draft pick fine, and either Belichick or Kraft should serve some level of suspension. lack of transparency and cooperation in this investigation, while demonstrating a level of arrogance and sense of being above it all.. they've learned nothing from past penalties. repeat offenders, apparently a stronger message needs to be sent this time that the bullshit needs to stop.
I just read the executive summary. Fuck the Pats. They didn't make the ball boy available for a second interview, Brady refused to let them see his texts - even when they were willing to limit the scope to just deflateable issues, and their lawyer sounds like he didn't admit to any transgressions even though they were caught red-handed. Deny Deny Deny. deflect Deflect Deflect. Sorry Pats fans, you are toast.
Given that Tom Brady is the poster boy of the NFL, and the Goodell and Kraft are buddies, I think this is what will happen. Goodell will burn all the evidence and erase any trace of the text messages. Goodell will actually give the patriots $4million dollars as compensation for "insinuating" the Patriots did something. The Patriots will obtain the Overall 1st pick of the 2016 NFL Draft and will be granted Muhammed Wilkerson. Additionally, Goodell will personally set Tom Brady's footballs to 5 psi prior to Patriots games.
I think fair discipline would be to suspend every Pats lineman for the season and force Br*dy to play every down. The little bitch deserves to be stomped out.
Love it!!! But what will happen is NFL will issue a year ban and Shady will retire so that he never needs to answer for the balls, neither on nor off the field. He's a little pussy, guarantee he is scared shitless that every D-man in the league wants to use him for tackle practice.
s0 he'd miss the year, then retire in disgrace with that permanent * on his legacy? that would be a befitting outcome. sign me up.
Oh, they've learned something from past infractions, it's called do not cooperate. The fact that Brady refused to cooperate despite his dad crying his son is guilty until proven innocent, if you've got nothing to hide why hide it just screams he absolutely knew what was happening and probably was hiding something even bigger than this. The fact that they were willing to limit the scope of reviewing his texts just to the deflated balls really makes me question if there is something else the league feels the Pats are doing that would blow this out of the water?
1. They cheated their way into Superbowl. They shouldn't qualify. Lombardi should go to Seattle. Whether Colts could beat Patriots is besides the point. 2. This is a repeat offense against NFL rules. Pats should forfeit their entire draft [or Day 1/Day 2 at least] next spring 3. Brady should get a year - Vilma got that. Consistency, folks.
Brady will get suspended for at least a few games. I'd be surprised if they take away draft picks, though, claiming that it was "player" misconduct detrimental to the game rather than a team offense.
Every team's fanbase should chant deeee flllaaaayyy toooorrrr over and over as loud as possible every single snap Brady is on the field.
For anyone who just doesn't grasp the magnitude of this offense, let me break this down for you: 1. Deflated balls result in about lighter weight. [In this case, it was around 10% lighter.] 2. Lighter weight results in faster velocity at release point, which means deeper range. By my estimation, the release velocity was also about 10% faster, and the flight distance was improved by about 9% 3. So, by deflating the ball, Brady could a. throw faster bullet b. into longer range. If that's not a serious offense, I don't know what is. I believe Patriots should forfeit their Lombardi trophy this year for this reason.
They raise money for their next campaign. They follow the party line. They occupy space and get special treatment. That's about it.