. I didn't dream up anything. I read the salient parts of it plus articles about it by journalists. Plus TV reports covering it. And I didn't make up anything either. So then what's your verdict. I guess you're in favor of giving him the chair.
I can't believe you have the gall to think you can decide what parts of the report are salient and which parts are drivel without actually reading the report. What an ignoramus you are
Based on precedent set in the bountgate case and the similarities between Vilma/Brady Payton/Belichick, I believe and expect the punishment should be 1 year suspension for Brady & Belichick. "In assessing player discipline," Goodell said in a statement, "I focused on players who were in leadership positions at the Saints; contributed a particularly large sum of money toward the program; specifically contributed to a bounty on an opposing player; demonstrated a clear intent to participate in a program that potentially injured opposing players; sought rewards for doing so; and/or obstructed the 2010 investigation." As for Payton - there was nothing linked to him and he pleaded ignorance however Goodell claimed ignorance was no defense and gave him the year. I could understand if Belichick were to receive a lesser penalty here given that the big difference in the bountygate scandal was Gregg Williams was proven to be involved and so it infiltrated the coaching ranks. That evidence doesn't exist here.
On the other hand, NO didn't have prior history while NE was caught before. By strict interpretation, Brady (as prominent player) and Belichick (as ultimately responsible) should get more than Payton and Co, i.e. more than a year. That said, I don't see NFL going that far. My guess is 8 games each, probably reduced to 6 after appeal, plus at least one 1st rounder.
I just don't see how Brady gets less than a year here. If he does it's clearly playing favorites IMO. if that happens I hope reporters ask Goodell the tough questions on precedent and why it wasn't followed.
I don't think he gets a year or should get a year. Because the infraction is not as serious as Bountygate when players were involved in a scheme to intentionally injure other players. Which is a far cry from deflating footballs. And even though Roger tried to enact extreme discipline he was taken to court and eventually couldn't do what he wanted to. His hands are tied. So even if he does sock it to him chances are he'll be taken to court. btw I have no doubt that if Brady does get a year he will get little support from Kraft. Who has already hinted around that if Brady hadn't taken a sweetheart deal financially he might have considered going in a different direction. And probably Belichick has been seriously thinking (like he has with all NEP players) that Brady's usefulness is coming to an end. Now that's the true Patriot's Way. Time for a little Garopollo maybe. I'm sure BB is thinking along those lines. And wants to see what he can do.
I won't cry a tear if Brady gets the year. But again first Roger probably can't get away with it even if he wants to. And second: IMO the integrity of the game is not at a high level, anyways. And there are a lot worse things going on than deflating footballs. Which basically has not much affect in game performances esp of superstars. If I had to make a guess he'll get 4-6.
it's not just the deflating either. it's the bribing & conspiring & lying & refuing to comply with the investigation. this isn't just a guy shooting up some roids.
I say this infraction is worse. While bountygate sounds worse look at the actual penalties and injuries the saints defense received while head hunting? I think 2 un-sportmans like. While integrity of the game and making sure your offensive players do not fumble and directly effect the game more then headhunting. I really believe the people who think this is not a larger deal do not understand the full effect of deflating the ball
The NFL is readying us for the letdown...Kraft's money speaks once again. " NFL calls headline about Brady suspension 'misleading'" http://www.msn.com/en-us/sports/nfl/nfl-calls-headline-about-brady-suspension-misleading/ar-BBjvcOW
The problem is it doesn't just deal with deflating footballs, it's all this stuff too “failure by the Patriots and its counsel to produce McNally for the requested follow-up interview violated the club’s obligations to cooperate with the investigation under the Policy on Integrity of the Game & Enforcement of League Rules and was inconsistent with public statements made by the Patriots pledging full cooperation with the investigation.” Although Tom Brady answered questions voluntarily, he refused to make available any documents or electronic communications, even though the request was limited to the subject matter of the investigation. The inability to review communication in Brady’s possession “potentially limited the discovery of relevant evidence and was not helpful to the investigation.” At various points, counsel for the Patriots questioned the integrity and objectivity of game officials, various NFL executives, and NFL security officials. They did everything they could o prevent the league from investigating, Brady obviously said these guys to do something illegal for him. I'm still skeptical if the punishment but IMO this is worse than bounty gate because as we know for years the league sold itself on big hits and ESPN even did a report in the 90's (that even involved Pete Carroll with the Jets) about guys getting paid for big hits in pools.
At various points, counsel for the Patriots questioned the integrity and objectivity of game officials, various NFL executives, and NFL security officials.
Which is obstruction and lying to NFL over promising to fully cooperate.......Krafty is so far down in his Chivas bottle he forgets everything . They SHoukd make him sell his franchise and get the fuck out
Why would the NFL want to find that their SB Champ * was cheating? Questioning the integrity of the league and the officials is nothing more than deflecting blame. I had it with some dope on FB last night and who kept saying well it's the job of the officials to write down the numbers. Maybe it is but that doesn't exonerate the Pats from cheating.
You guys are just looking for reasons to dump on NEP. They are imminently hateable, in that we're in agreement. But for once try not to act like irrational Jets fans who just want their pint of Brady blood. And are looking for any excuse to get it. Who knows. Not impossible that Brady could some day end up a Jet. Don't think that BB and Kraft haven't already contemplated dumping Tom. Kraft even talked about it during the SB. He said that if Brady hadn't accepted a lower contract they might have had to go in a different direction. Brady is working under scale. And don't tell me you wouldn't take him in spite all the bad feelings over the years. Look, we signed Public Enemy No. 1 in Jason Taylor who was almost as hated here as Brady is. The reasons Tom Brady's kicked our ass over the years (and along with Kraft and BB gloated about it) has almost nothing to do with deflated balls. I won't say nothing but imo we still would have lost those games and by the same scores. All of this holier than thou integrity of the game bullshit is just that. You don't believe it and either do I. These are the same people who want to sign anyone who can play football no matter what the character flaws: including Jameis Winston, a scumbag. I have no doubts that on this board there are some guys who would have lobbied for us to sign AH if he had pulled an OJ.
players being scumbags outside of football has nothing to do with the integrity of the game. we don't expect you to understand that though. it's ok little buddy.