Actually giving them the sneakers, jerseys, balls is the bribe for deflating the balls since deflating the balls is against the rules. Bribes are not solely payment for not talking.
He "tipped" him for illegally deflating the balls? Your obtuseness is stretching credulity at this point. NO one can be this stupid. You are no doubt trolling. Well done. Sorry your QB is going to be suspended but your Pats should be okay with Garappolo. _
He gave them fucking signed memorabilia in exchange for deflating the balls. If you read the texts alone you would know that. Once again you do not know what the definition of bribery is so stop using it and telling people there was none.
And you still haven't read your own definition of bribery because you haven't used the term correctly once. _
The fact that the way Br*dy liked the balls was illegal and Br*dy gave memorabilia to McNally and Jastremski to deflate them to an illegal level makes it bribery.
He doesn't know what the definition of bribery means but he knows how to post a link to it. That's gotta be worth something. _
Giving clubhouse attendants signed memorabilia is common in all pro sports clubhouses as are tips for services provided like food and snacks, etc. Its a way of paying them back without having to dig inside their pockets. But there are also monetary gratuities. But no doubt Brady gave extra to these two guys although we don't really know what he gave to other Patriots attendants not involved in Deflategate. Overall many pro players are generous and give nice gifts and tips to people in the org.
Examples of bribes is when the cash and new sneakers are given for deflating the footballs to an illegal level. Jastremski: I have a big needle for u this week McNally: Better be surrounded by cash and newkicks....or its a rugby sunday McNally: Fuck tom Jastremski: Maybe u will have some nice size 11s in ur locker McNally: Tom must really be working your balls hard this week
Are you that fucking ignorant that they have to use the exact word bribe for you to understand there was a bribe?
At some point, do you ever get the feeling of just pushing back and having an internal conversation with yourself? "Hmmm, I'm pretty sure I'm right, but there are a dozen relatively reasonable posters vehemently disagreeing with me. Mocking me. Making fun of me. Maybe I'm wrong? Maybe I'm not understanding what I'm saying? Maybe I'm not understanding what they are saying? Maybe I AM obtuse? Maybe I'm just stupid?" This would be that time. _
Value of the 2 footballs and the jersey, at least $2000. That is based on a regular autographed jersey not even a game worn since I couldn't find a value for that. That is $2000+ for one game of deflated balls. You may not be able to see that it is a bribe but any other sane person would.
wonder how much that signed ball is worth now? lol, he can bring it down to 11PSI for added nostalgia, and sell that bad boy for a pure fortune!
I may have severely under valued the jersey, I checked one site and they sold one, not autographed for $5509. Check out the last line on the description. Wonder if this is one of McNallys older ones? At this rate he is probably clearing $10-$15K a year in memorabilia.
yeah these weren't souvenirs he was collecting. it was a straight money maker, 'earned' throughout the years, and was good as cash. it's all over now for McNally. But he's got time for one last huge payday, by selling off Brady signed footballs from that AFCCG. He can even personally scrub and deflate the ball just like Brady instructed for that game. would net a small fortune.. the actual bribe ball, for deflating balls.
I think you should ask the same question of yourself. You don't back off. And always turn a disagreement into a shouting fest. Instead of a discussion. You're again aligning yourself will low level posters, these guys are obviously from the back end of the board gene pool. The thing is tomorrow you'll start attacking them. Who cares, I know you don't. I won't repeat myself again. Brady deserves punishment but not overkill. He broke the rules and should be fined and suspended for a few games. Not the season or another ridiculous number. I'd personally like to see NEP fined and to lose picks. Best case scenario: suspensions and fines for Belichick and Kraft, but that probably won't happen.
His job has nothing to do with deflating footballs. If you had actually read the report you would know that it is Jastremski who is responsible for preparing the balls for the refs which may or may not involve deflating them in order to get them to the 12.5 psi. McNally, aka the defaltor, has a different job. Read the fucking report.
1. The posters you are calling low level posters and the back end of the board gene pool happen to be some of the most intelligent and reasonable posters on the board. That you can't see what a fool you've been making of yourself when literally everyone is disagreeing with you and mocking you whilst doing so is quite entertaining in its own right. I will not attack any of them because 95% of them I typically agree with on almost all issues and the ones that I'd don't, our disagreements are over very discreet points and the rest of the time I agree with them. 2. This isn't a shouting fest it's a "you have no fucking clue (as usual) what you are talking about" fest. 3. You still have no idea what the definition of the term "bribery" is and it's incredibly ironic that you yourself is the one that posted it. 4. You can't readily disclaim some affinity for Brady and the Pats with the way you've been defending them. Time to get ready to BBQ, I'll read your jumbled and confused response later. _