And you wouldn't know a gratuity from a bribe if it bit you in your deflated balls. Wow this is some funny stuff. _
I made nothing up. I read the report, unlike you, who is arguing something he specifically chooses to remain ignorant about. Holy mother of god. How far up your ass could your head possibly be?
Right, it's like when you pay an official from a third world country for the rights to start construction of a plant without getting all the necessary approvals and regulatory licenses, he just performed a service that you are compensating him for. _
This is true. They were getting compensated. Not sure if specifically for deflating balls. They do a lot of things (legal and illegal) for players. Brady took care of them. But the gratuities weren't mind boggling. And giving attendants autographs and signed equipment is not unusual. And basically common practice in NFL locker rooms. If he gets a year I won't lose any sleep over it. But it's unwarranted for the crime. How's about stopping the lynch mob mentality around here and being logical for a change. But not possible.
So where is the word bribing in the report. It's a big word that you threw into the mix to stir controversy.
Here's the texts where he straight up said if he's not paid Brady gets hard balls. Jastremski: I have a big needle for u this week McNally: Better be surrounded by cash and newkicks....or its a rugby sunday McNally: Fuck tom Jastremski: Maybe u will have some nice size 11s in ur locker McNally: Tom must really be working your balls hard this week In the report there are also texts where they threaten to go public with this to ESPN if the gravy train stops. I won't post those bc you NEED TO READ THE REPORT YOU PATS FAN LOSER Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
You're talking about reading the report and then you're all about interpreting it. Your own personal interpretation of course which you mislabel as the facts. Look I accept what you say as an opinion. And you know what they say about opinions. Everyone has one.
This was from text messages and basically a joking around conversation. Not to be taken 100% seriously. Let's be fair (if possible) in trying to interpret the evidence. It's pretty obvious Brady is guilty of orchestrating the deflating. He apparently chewed them out for not giving him the specs he wanted in the Jets game.
We have nothing that says it's a joke. All we have are the words on the page. Also you conveniently ignored the ESPN part bc you still haven't read the report. Would you like to address the Tom and jastremski texts? Did you even know those existed? Did you know they show Brady doing everything he can to control the situation to cover his ass? Probably not, because once again, you haven't read the report and are talking out of your ass. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Here is the legal definition which is what I think we should be looking at: So in my interpretation (and I'm labeling it as that) and plus this word was not used in the report: it would mean he basically paid them not to disclose information.
Oh it's very clear he's a Brady apologist. He's doing what every single other Brady apologist is doing and that's ignoring and discrediting the report bc it tarnishes the golden boy. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Holy shit--you haven't even read the fucking definition you just posted! You cannot be this stupid. Seriously. Go read that definition and then try to understand it. _
It's funny that he doesn't understand what the term "bribe" means, and posts a definition that he hasn't even read. _
It's honestly amazing how someone could be so purposefully ignorant to fact to prove a point. He's Junc jr at this point. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Not a Brady apologist. A Jets fan. Just because I don't want a max penalty for him doesn't mean I don't hate him. 2-4 games is sufficient for this infraction. Again it's my opinion.
i'm not so sure it's purposefully ignorant.. He's staunchly backed Tebow, Donald Sterling, Idzik, and now Brady's legacy.. That's about as dense as dense gets.. sure knows how to pick em.