Woody should just do what he really wants to do and have The Big Apple Circus design the outfits for the Flight Crew this year. For starters. And who wouldn't rather see a high wire act or some tamed lions at halftime instead of some high school marching band?
I'd have loved to be a fly hovering around for the midfield huddle between Sanchez, Rex, Tannenbaum and Woody.
Give me a break, They arnt wearing pads. What exactly are you looking for from the D-Line? Its pretty much just them running drills and throwing the ball around SMH
I think camp articles are useless. Fans are just craving something to talk about until preseason starts. As per Wilson getting burned and Tebow throwing a pick, that's what practice is for. Get all the fuckups out of your system. I'll be happy to crucify the first guy who fuckups in a game that matters. Until then, its cool.
Hmmm, I wouldn't show up either then..I could just stay home and do that with my kids! smh Guess that's why most players say they don't need OTA's at all..and was seeking to do away with them during the strike. I stated in my original post what I was looking for... am I going to get it ...not till mini camp I guess.
Anybody know if Tom Moore is still on staff? I'm assuming that he is, and this is a good thing! Would he have had any input on the Sparano hire? Also how well will their minds mesh?
I do not believe he is on staff. And I recall a quote from him saying that he hadn't heard from the team since the end of the season. Don't quote me on that though.
I read that Moore went full time in December. Schotty was fired errr... quit in January. That's all I know.
If he can find time to work on looking off defenders, reading the defense going through his progressions and finding the open man, he will be on his way. Can he do it? idk.
If the pressure on Sanchez, by having Tebow on the team makes him into a better QB, it was all worth it. Sanchez needed someone to push him and Tebow didn't come here to stay #2. Plus, we can easily get pack better than a 4th round pick if Tebow has some success.
I never ever cared about OTAs and thought it was something for rookies and scrubs to get a desperate shot at the dream before this season. I thought a bounty was part of showmanship and a natural by-product of a violent sport until this offseason when somehow its acceptable to suspend violent players & coaches in a violent sport for talking about being violent or doing violent stuff on the field. And lastly, I found out that after future HOF players hang up their laces, they have nothing to live for anymore. Soap Opera for men. The NFL is either headed in the direction they want that earns even more money, or its headed off the cliff. With the media reporting lately, I am less than optimistic of it headed in a positive direction.
I think there has been a fair amount of coverage from the OTA's. As was noted earlier, there's not a lot to cover other than the "stand out" plays. It's not required and I'm sure it's not "full speed" for those who do show. It's mostly an opportunity for those not on the team to get a second look from the coaching staff.
Gotta imagine besides the pressure of Teebow their trying to take the starting roles that will push Sanchez there is not one damn reporter who would interview and ask questions and apply pressure with the questions while Teebow is here all the attention is on him and let Sanchez quietly become what he should be the Franchise QB for the NYJ
I too thought there would be more info coming out of the OTA. It just seems like this year it's a lIttle slow. But at least we will have some football this year all year.
Nothing exciting is gonna happen between now and when the team reports to training camp. It never has, and it never will.