poor jeaux... When do you think the realization set in for him? I say bout mid way through the 2nd quarter... jeaux is sitting there on his couch with his Raider face paint on eating lead paint chips & pennies when it hits him that the Radiers are once again teh suck
You know, I never gave the Raiders a second thought before, they were just another team. Until Raiderjockitch graced us with his presence. He has made me actively root against the Raiders. I now find myself watching their games and being happy when they lose. Just because I know he is a fan and it will piss him off. I wonder is this the effect ALL Raiders fans have on people, or just Raiderjoe?
I don?t think he belives in a loss before at least one hour after the game. But that remided me of something i read earlier today:
The running game was good and Russel looked like he could be a decent to good QB in this league. Still they need to put up more then 14 point and play some form of defense. That was awful to watch.
Unfortunately we have seen the last of Raiderjoke around here, at least until the Raiders draft a QB again with the top pick in the raft next year and we get to hear how so and so is the next John Elway, better then Peyton Manning. Poor kid, one day it is going to hit him hard and I really fear for his sanity.
Nothing would make me a happier man than to see the Raiders lose to the Chiefs next week. That would be 2 teams the Raiders have lost to, that as Jeaux put it, "would be battling for last place in the AFC West".
Raiderjeaux...nowhere to be found. Man oh man..Eddie Royal sure allowed that awesome raiders secondary to play all man coverage.
Apparently you don't know joke very well. He does his annual disappearing act by week five every year, this year I have a feeling it will be a little earlier then previous years. I think we have seen the last of joke until the offseason and the Raiders are on the clock.
HAHAHAH! http://nfl.fanhouse.com/2008/09/09/reactions-from-the-raider-nation-still-a-lot-of-work-to-do/
Although the Raiders do suck massively. Russell to me looked like he could have been a good QB if he was drafted by another team. Their running game looked pretty solid plus their #1 CB is a monster, its just that everyone else on their team is horrible.
Is that his pattern? I'm pretty new to TGG. I've been enjoying reading all the ridiculous comments and predictions he's made all offseason and I was looking forward to hearing how he would spin last night's game. Too bad I have to wait until next offseason to find out. By the way, didn't Hall have 2 consecutive 15-yard personal foul penalties at one point? Yikes, that D was atrocious!
:rofl:don't pile on the poor guy to much fellas.here jeaux i'll cheer you up....and with the first pick in the 2009 nfl draft the oakland raiders take...............