All Im going to say is do the research and see how much of your dollar actually goes to the cause. I bet your going to be supprised by the results. Thats not being paranoid, but knowing the real deaL.
YEa and you barely beat the worse team in the Nfl- Miami Dolphins. While that same team (KC) your killing , had a better showing on the road against the patriots, than you did.(playing at home)
Miami isnt the worse :rofl: in the NFL dummy. THe chiefs, bungals, Lions, Raiders, and Rams all are far worse
KC should have beat the Patriots in their house. The Jets didn't look as good playing the Patriots at home. Jets struggled (could have lost) against Miami. The Cardinals took out that same team(miami) rather easy. So far Jets haven't done anything , to say they aren't one of the worsat teams in the NFL. At Least raiders losat to a Denverbteam who has shown one of the most explosive offense the first couple of weeks.
KC would've never won that game if they replayed it 10 times.... Miami played at Arizona, not at home, and Zona had film from the Jets game... the Jets had film from the preseason. The Raiders have not proved anything.
Yea Miami had the number 1 Pick because they were the best. THey looked decent against an overhyped jets team. Only to be embarrassed by the Cardinals a week later. The Chiefs should have beat the patriots in week one. O)nly to get embarrased by the Raiders in week two(no shame there) Jets play a good majority of those teams and what are you going to say when majority of them beat the jets.
Kc should have won the game against the Patriots( on the road) Raiders played the Chiefs on the road. Miami could have won that game against the Jets at home. They got blown out on the road against Cardinals. Jets have not proved they are a decent team.
The worst team in the NFL in 2008 with have the #1 pick in 2009 Draft you illiterate tard. Guarantee that the Dophins arent within the top 5 this year.
Barely beat the Dolphins...Please give me a break, what kind of lame ass statement is that. The Pats only beat us by 9, 19-10. Not exactly a killing. How about applying your own logic to that game and see what it does to your argument? Honest to God you are a dipshit. THE RAIDERS BEAT KANSAS CITY! A team that you have claimed all offseason is going to be a bottom feeder in the divison, now you are using them as proof of your superiority? WTF? And if you didn't notice, Oakland got their ass kicked by Denver.
What game were you watching against The Dolphins. The Dolphins were one completion away from winning the game. Patriots beat you my Nine points at home. While the Chiefs (had first and goal inside the 5) and lost by 7 points on the road (patriots). 7 < 9 Yes Raiders dominated a KC team that isn't very good. Something Jets couldnm't do against a worse team in Miami.
I put it in the other thread because I read it first but.. Raiders beat the chiefs, chiefs almost beat the patriots therefore... The raiders can beat the patriots. Jeaux, I know its what you're thinking in your demented little mind. I know you want to come out and say it. I know in your world you think its true, but you don't have the balls to come out and say it. Be a man, and stand by your twisted delusional predictions. You know you want to.
Bah. Your misfits beat a nuthin' team with a nuthin' quarterback. Against New England, KC went up against a second-string quarterback who hadn't started in eight years and went into the game cold, and a team that was most likely consumed with the question of whether anything this season would matter for them after the franchise just got wheeled off the field. Still they lost, proving that KC would be hard-pressed these days to beat USC in a straight-up match. The Chiefs are officially now the Washington Generals of the NFL, and you guys are the big fat ref who gets constantly schooled with a bucket of confetti.
jeaux, I'll let you veto any charity I pick, so you can make sure you're not getting scammed. Anyway, I don't understand why you're quibbling. You're obviously going to win the bet, right?
Miami and Kansas City were equal teams a month ago. Then Miami got Chad Pennington, an upgrade over Dumb and Dumber, and Kansas City played their third stringer against you. How exactly are you going to say that a team that has lost 11 straight games playing their third string QB is better than anyone?
But the Jets were never blown out by a division rival.... Raiders were blown out by 3 possessions against Denver, making them the bigger unproven candidate. Denver could win the SB with this logic.
Do you even realize how ridiculous of an argument this post is? I mean are you aware of what you say, or is this just an act? Because if you are aware, I want to make sure that you know there is government assistance for people like you.