"Official" Start Matt Simms thread

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by Joeyd223, Aug 29, 2013.

  1. Biggs

    Biggs Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2011
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    I meant go down the road with Geno. I was responding to Pickle Pants.

    I hope Geno turns into something but every time Simms actually gets to play in a game he looks miles ahead of him. I'm not convinced Simms couldn't be an NFL starting QB if he got the same kind of action Geno is getting in practice and attention from the OC.

    The other reality is Clemens had great throwing mechanics and totally sucked. Like Geno a highly regarded 2nd round pick.

    Right now we have 2 project QB's we might as well look at both of them.
  2. Big Blocker

    Big Blocker Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2008
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    Pickle Pants. Heh.


    Ftr, Clemens is having a nice season in relief. Only 53.5 %completion, but 7.4 ypa, which is pretty good. Three Td's compared to 2 int's, and overall a 79.3 Qb rating. Isn't that better than Sanchez had in any year?

    It's certainly far better than Smith's numbers.
  3. SackExchange69

    SackExchange69 Well-Known Member

    Aug 19, 2006
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    This team isn't going anywhere this year and 20 turnovers in 10 games tells me that I have seen enough of Geno for the rest of the season. I want him to shit the bed Sunday and get benched. Its the only way the Jets find out what they have in Simms and I am very curious to know what he can do. Not just for one or two games but the rest of the season.
  4. Biggs

    Biggs Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2011
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    Clemens has the advantage of having the same OC for several years.
  5. WhySoSerious488

    WhySoSerious488 Well-Known Member

    Sep 4, 2013
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    You seem to forget how high our fanbase was on Clemens before he was inserted as the full-time starter. Heading into the 2007 season, Clemens had lit up preseason games and played well in garbage time in regular season action. As things went in the tank for Chad during the horrible first half of the 2007 season, our fanbase had built up Clemens to be Johnny Unitas. Just an example from our recent history of a situation where the backup QB, thought to be a can't miss stud because he excelled in preseason and limited action, fell completely on his face after being named the starter.

    I think Tannenbaum knew this about our fanbase, which is why only corpses and non-competition were brought in to back up Sanchez.
  6. Biggs

    Biggs Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2011
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    The fan base was high on Clemens because he was a legit 2nd round pick with lots of upside just like Geno. Draft picks bust but that doesn't mean if you have one and your starter is shitting the bed you don't find out.

    I don't think anyone thought Clemens was Johny Unitas. I think the Jets were 1 and 7 with Pennington, Pennington looked to be done and Clemens was drafted to replace Pennington. If he couldn't get starts when the team was 1 and 7 when where you going to find out about him? Clemens actually had a pretty good game against the Steelers coming out of a bye in 07 and people got a little juiced. He got exposed over time but he has had a good career as a backup. If he was on the team now he might very well be playing.

    The reality is the Jets needed to find out what they had in Clemens and did. It's why they drafted Sanchez. The same is true now with Geno and Simms. Geno looks like sitting won't hurt him right now and it might do he some good?
  7. TNJet

    TNJet Well-Known Member

    Aug 16, 2011
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    If we are down by 2 scores at halftime , Simms needs to be put in as the starter until he proves he is not capable of making plays.
  8. WhySoSerious488

    WhySoSerious488 Well-Known Member

    Sep 4, 2013
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    I remember Jet message boards from 2007. Clemens was being thought of as a can't-miss franchise QB, not just because of his draft status, but because of preseason numbers and "flashes" in garbage time. I mean it is what it is, I'm not saying Simms should never get his chance, but the unknown can be a powerful draw for a desperate fanbase. I just hate giving up on a guy with potential after 10 weeks. And for what? A slightly better chance at a meaningless playoff appearance? Haven't people been watching this team? We're terrible, only the Jags have been outscored by more. This team is rebuilding. It's decisions need to be made in that manner.
  9. Biggs

    Biggs Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2011
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    I agree with most of this. I don't think sitting Geno is giving up on him. I think he looks lost and he might do well sitting and starting over in TC? It might help him to sit for a couple of weeks?

    That said Simms like Geno is a low investment for is team. It might be worth seeing if he doesn't suck in real meaningful action right now.

    If it turns out he can't play I think it takes a huge amount of pressure off Geno. If he can play then holly shit the Jets have a QB. Wouldn't that be fantastic...

    In either case I don't think it changes the rebuild very much unless Simms lights it up and/or Geno after sitting for a game or two, comes back and steps up to a new level. Both unlikely but who knew who Kurt Warner was before he was Kurt Warner.

    As far as rebuilding yes we are. But the league is pretty mediocre. Teams can rebuild and get a little playoff experience. The Jets aren't that good but there is going to be one or 2 playoff teams that aren't that good. It might as well be the JETS.
  10. James Hasty

    James Hasty Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2003
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    Why do you want to spot the Ravens 14 points instead of giving Simms the start?
  11. vxvenom

    vxvenom Active Member

    Nov 12, 2004
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    Why do you think Geno has any potential? Is it because Mel Kiper said so? Over the past 10 weeks, Geno has shown very little potential. Outside of the Falcons game, you could probably count on your two hands the number of plays that Geno has made that makes you think "wow, we may have a franchise QB here". Maybe Geno has the potential to eventually get there, but I don't want to wait 3 more seasons of pick-6s, shitty decision-making and butt fumbles only to find out he's not the answer. He's gotta earn a shot --not just rest on his laurels of being the 2nd QB taken in the draft. Will Simms be the savoir? No, probably not. But at this point, he deserves a shot if for no reason other than the fact that nobody else is getting the job done.
  12. mezzavo

    mezzavo Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2002
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    Here is what I find ironic. Some of you people who are calling what we are striving for a "meaningless playoff" appearance. Are you shitting me? No, really? Are you shitting me.

    Let's take a close look at who the Jets have beaten this year. New Orleans, New England, Atlanta (before they fully tanked). Those three alone personify the statement "Any Given Sunday"! There is zero reason NOT to believe that IF we were to get into the "dance" we couldn't end up, again, in another AFCCG. No one wants to play our defense...even with our swiss cheese secondary because our line beats on QB's.

    I want to know RIGHT NOW what we have in Simms. I will go ahead, as the last poster put up, and spot the 14...if only to shut the people up who are whining about "working through it" with Geno. Personally, I wouldn't do it but that's just me. If we were sitting on 2 and 8 right now then yes...ride Geno until they carry him off the field or we finish the season...whichever would come first.

    But...we are not. We are 5 & 5...we OWN the 6th seed if our offense can pull their turnover laden heads from their asses and get some solid fuckin' average QB play! We need 4 wins from a VERY VERY favorable schedule. We are NOT going to get them with Geno going turnover apeshit every other god damn game. I care about the 2013 NY Jets. I don't give two shits about the 2014 NY Jets until 2014. End o' story. Put the kid in and let us see what we got while we still have some season to salvage.
  13. OverloadBlitz

    OverloadBlitz Well-Known Member

    Dec 20, 2011
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    Anybody who says a playoff appearance is meaningless needs to stop being a fan of this team immediately.
  14. Cman68

    Cman68 The Dark Admin, 2018 BEST Darksider Poster

    Aug 28, 2002
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    That's exactly right. If you're waiting for a Superbowl don't hold your breath. Be happy with the occasional playoff appearance and get on with life.
    #1174 Cman68, Nov 21, 2013
    Last edited: Nov 21, 2013
  15. TonyMaC

    TonyMaC Well-Known Member

    Feb 27, 2013
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    I'm really not sure where you guys are coming from with this, how would starting Simms be a sign of wanting to be a contender?

    Starting a QB without much experience in place of a struggling rookie Quarterback in the home stretch of a season is not a move that bolsters ones odds of making the playoffs, its a lateral move at best.

    In fact playoffs in that case would be gravy if not impossible seeing as how that QB would likely have their own issues to develop through.

    Simms will fuck up too guys, he'll misread a defense, he won't feel pressure a few times, he'll throw a stupid pick. why? because he's got no experience! there is NOTHING suggesting he's above these features of an inexperienced player or that he's that missing piece for a playoff run.

    could he be one day? maybe, I'd like that if it helped the jets win and I'm open to giving him a more serious look this offseason, but he's clearly not one now.

    Mind you a switch to a veteran thats had a more sure track record makes more sense as a playoff move as they aren't likely to have as much to work through, but a permanent move to a QB like Simms would be an experiment based on the prospect of seeing what he has in lieu of smiths tenure NOT a move to win ballgames. you all have to realize this yes?
  16. James Hasty

    James Hasty Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2003
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    I love how all of you guys who are looking at Simms as an unproven commodity and a high risk viciously defend Geno Smith instead of looking at him the exact way you are looking at Simms. You act as though Geno is a bird in the hand or dependable when he has shown himself to be a huge turnover risk every time he is on the field.

    While Geno has more regular season playing time than Simms, he has had an entire year less experience as an NFL player. Unlike Geno Smith who was basically handed the starting job despite an awful pre-season, Simms started from nothing and his smart hard nosed play during the pre-season allowed him to climb from our fourth (on the bubble) quarterback spot to second string. Whether it is pre-season or garbage time Simms has shown up again and again sacrificing his body and moving the ball the way that our starters (Smith and Sanchez) failed to do against the same defenses.

    Even if you see Simms as a lateral move and still think that Geno Smith is the future starting Matt Simms this week could be the best thing for both of them and gives us a chance to stay in the playoff hunt.
  17. pdxdrew

    pdxdrew Well-Known Member

    Sep 9, 2013
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    We should only put Simms in if Geno forgets who he is and turns into a lizard.
  18. James Hasty

    James Hasty Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2003
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    I guess you weren't paying attention during the third quarter of the bills game then because it has already happened.
  19. pdxdrew

    pdxdrew Well-Known Member

    Sep 9, 2013
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    Maybe he turned into a lizard on the bench. You never know.
  20. mezzavo

    mezzavo Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2002
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    Another fantastic post!!! Well said!

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