Well, 50 points to you sir. You have the right idea, and there is no denying that. However, the opinion on how to implement this strategy was incorrect. The Jets do use it. In Rex's 11/3 press conference, he mentioned that if someone commits a penalty, everyone else does pushups. So the idea is done by teams. But the idea of benching the QB to try to improve the Jets is a horrible idea.
Yeah I get where he was going with this, and in-house I've heard Rex do things like this. But when you do it in the Marines there aren't fifty reporters following around every member of your unit constantly asking if your commanding officer has lost his friggin mind. And as for the reaction to bringing it up, there's two things that totally unintelligent fans automatically suggest the second their team loses a game: 1) Fire ______ 2) Bench the QB So no matter how thought through your argument is, when you bring that up the day after a loss (like someone ALWAYS does), when nobody's in a good mood, you're gonna get some venom.