Yea this sucks... well Murrell has my board but I'll send it to you just incase. Btw I wrote this in the thread writting by that idiot before it got closed... I'm in your fantasy football league. Prepare to get your ass kicked :up:
I will be tough to beat there. If you noticed that is an all-scoring league. I ran the same style league in 2004 and it was my favorite fantasy football league I ever played in. It is fun to watch NFL games and you don't care how many yards a guy gets- all you care about is whether or not he scored. Last night I asked if everyone could be here around 10 or so. I give up. It will be a slow grind to complete the NFL draft. The baseball one is even going to be longer because there are 16 people and we're already having problems with round 1.
This is just a reminder for all. (I stupidly was thinking we had to draft 2 defensive players and 2 on offense.) One pick must be a QB and another pick must be an offensive player (could even be a 3rd QB if you are cuckoo). A third pick must be a defensive player. Your other backup pick can be a player at any position. So we can draft 3 on offense, if we wish. So that may change things for me. I have Hanford Dixon for nickel cornerback and he may be it for defense for me.
I don't know what we proved with that poll here. More than ten people voted, too! I don't even think we're picking coaches now, which is good. What we could do is create a thread where we comment on our team and explain who is lining up where and why the players were/are so great. We could get super-technical if we wish, but just saying Joe Greene will line up as the left DT would be okay. Saying he will be at a 45-degree angle in the guard-center gap would not be necessary. We could comment on other people's teams and critique drafts and what not. I have quite a bit of interesting material on some of these players, including some actual pre-draft scouting reports of guys like Dierdorf, Youngblood, Casper and Harris. I have some interesting stuff on Lipscomb. I'll list Alworth's game-by-game receiving yardage numbers. It will take time for me to post all that quality stuff, but I'll do it. We could call the thread the All-Time Draft Results thread or something like that.
I just want to thank everyone for making this a success...Hopefully we will finish this today and get the "season" started on Sunday. I am currently working on divisions and schedules. I will have that posted later today
Its been great following the draft guys. Awesome job but there is at least 1 name that I dont see drafted and dont understand why. I will wait until its over to see where you guys had him ranked and I'm sure I will have a few more UDFA's that will pop into my head.
Im just curious as to how backups will be factored into the equation....did we draft them just for aesthetics or will they actually serve some functional role?
There are two players who had top 100 talent, but both had a flaw that I really can't deal with. It is something I alluded to after I made one of my top ten picks. I betcha you are thinking of one of those two players.
edit: I'm doing too many things at once. I saw "backups" and read it as "matchups". I was like, what the heck? I just drafted great players I felt would play well together. I purposely drafted Kelly because I would be able to play him in the backfield and split Faulk out wide on some plays. And I had to draft a fifth player for my secondary since some of us will have extra receivers.
It's been a lot of fun. I hope we get great participation from everyone to vote on the games during our season. BTW - is everyone okay with how the schedule came out? I have us all with 4 home games and 4 away games and 1 neutral site. This way if we can get stadiums photoshopped for us that we all have equal face time with our stadium. If you don't know what I mean please check out the avatars forum and add your info there. Maybe one of you guys could help if you know Photoshop. I'm going to be working on doing a Pre Game. I will do the first one by myself, but could definitely use some help for the rest...You'll see what I mean when I get that one done. I'm looking to start the season on Sunday. The games will go from Sunday to Saturday midnight (technically Sunday morning). I hope to get some Mods help to sticky the games.
How are you thinking this bio thing will go? Should I start doing something like DITK has in his sig? And should I think of a gameplan?
This is what I will do: I will have a description of each of my players. I will note key stats. I will also use quotes from their contemporaries. I will note where each player will line up on my offense and defense. I will explain how my four backups fit in the picture. We should try to fit our team descriptions in one post. They should be lengthy posts. It will be better to fit everything in one post, instead of having multiple posts. It will make it easier for everyone, especially those voting in the polls.
Shit. We NEED a backup QB? I must have missed that... because now I'm screwed. Am I allowed to change a pick?
final picks to be made- DonnieIsTheKing- QB Wolfe Tone- any position Murrell2878- QB 1028- QB kevin68- any position Cakes- any position Jonathan_Vilma- QB ganooch- any position JetGreen- any position MSUJet85- QB and another player at any position
Can we make this 5 rounds? I didn't realize we needed a backup QB and there's still a player I need to talk... so would we agree to that? If not, I'm going to have to ask to change one of my backup picks.