ganooch is up What's the status on people who will be here tonight? Also, who's not going to be here tomorrow?
You, 1028, Wolfe Tone, and I are here. I hold Murrell's picks, so if everyone stays on we can get atleast back up to JV again tonight.
^Okay, good. I'll be here at least until the NBA game is over (even though I am not tuned to ESPN right now).
I'll probably go in like an hour, so you can give me your picks and then I'll come on tomorrow morning (if Kevin made his) and make Murrell's, yours, my 2, and then yours and Murrell's again.
Alright I'm out... Wolfe Tone PM me a top 5 board and I'll make your picks for you when I wake up tomorrow (pending that Kevin gets his pick in).
alright, ill do it in the morning, I am 2 hours later than you so when i get up it will be 8 your time
Thanks Donnie, greatley appreciatied, especially for the quick thinking, it was pretty early here when I sent the message
I just signed on, and I have to note the recent picks. Once 1028 picks, I still shouldn't been too long, though.