Pretty damn good for a 14 year old huh I was a little critical of your draft before but your last 3 picks have been great... I'm a HUGE Chris Carter fan. He was in the first full NFL game I watched (a Giants/Vikings playoff game I believe) and I've been a fan of him since. Let's see what you do here...
was that the 1997 playoff game?? After the Giants blew that game I got lost in the Adirondack mountains for 6 hours on snowmobiles. That's a game I'll never forget :breakdance:
I believe so... it may have been a little later though. I got into baseball first and that was the Mets play-in wildcard game in 1999... so I think (not sure) football was sometime after that. An interesting thing... as a smaller kid I was actually a Yankee fan and my first baseball game was David Cone's perfect game. I'm off now. My pick has pretty much 0 chance of coming up, but if it does then just look through any lists of mine you still might have and try to get a name out of it (there should be one guy not taken yet that was on every one).
First time I ever went to a Norwich Navigators game (when the Yankees were here) I went on a whim to check it out. I had to buy standing room only tickets because David Cone was doing a rehab stint there. I could not believe Selmon was still there...I had to triple check the draft
1028, Cakes, J_V, and Ganooch are up and all of them except Cakes is here. Cakes will probably pop in soon though
Dammit, I was really leaning towards Kevin Greene. I thought I could get him later in the draft...I skipped over him a few times actually, and was hoping to scoop him up in the next round or so. This sucks.
selmon was on my list. i remember watching him as a kid. championship game when bucs lost to rams 9-0.
:lol: I must have been looking at the 9th round order when I made that post, everything is good though :breakdance:
Deion Sanders, Larry Wilson, Ken Houston...Id say my defensive backfield is looking pretty strong right now :beer:
Wow. A ton of great picks were just made while I was gone. Remember before I made my Buchanan pick? I said there were four guys I was looking at. Well, I got Buchanan and Bell. The other two were Selmon and Houston. Selmon going is tough. I can deal with Houston easier because I have a bunch of SSs to consider. I see I'm up. I will be getting a photo and should have my pick announced within 10 minutes.
Edit- four are gone. Marshall Faulk (you could say he's a top 5 back) Ken Houston (many consider him the best SS) Dwight Stephenson (many consider him better than Webster) Larry Wilson (many consider him the best FS; others say Lott) The fifth one is still out there.
I dont mean to pick on you, but I noticed in the depth chart thread that you have Lawrence Taylor playing OLB in a 4-3. Do you plan on keeping him there or are you also considering switching to a 3-4? Because, with Derrick Thomas, Im kind of in the same situation...Im unsure where to play him...
well now it is getting interesting, soon enough GMs will be running on completely different ranking boards and many players I have never heard of will be called, and we will look at other teams picks as reaches or steals