I think this may mean that an offer to Torre has been made for a lot less bucks as I said earlier and he is deciding what he wants to do. The other possibility is he's out and there is no agreement on who should replace him. "Joe Torre's future with the Yankees remained unclear Tuesday after team officials gathered at the home of owner George Steinbrenner to debate whether the manager should return for a 13th season. "The meetings are adjourned for tonight," spokesman Howard Rubenstein said shortly after the session ended about 4 p.m. "There have been no decisions made, nor will there be any comment today. The meetings will resume tomorrow."
I read into this that Arod wants to stay. There are two reasons. First these meeting were suppose to last all week and he left after 2 days. Second, Boras describes them as an "academic exercise". Now what he should do upon his return is make a statement to that fact and say he hopes things can be worked out. He would become a hero. http://sports.espn.go.com/mlb/news/story?id=3067135
I think you are being a bit stingy on how many innings they can throw...but even so if thats the case, if these guys can pitch as well as they did this season, when its likely that they will pitch better in their 2nd year ( I believe that Joba is still a rookie, no?) then the pitching staff will be deadly...the weak link will likely be Kennedy, but whose to say at this point. They all could be 15 game winners
Asking three rookies to win 15 games each is a tall order and usually doesnt happen. The only time you go into a season with three rookies in your starting rotation is when you are in a rebuilding mode. I cant see all 3 of them starting the year in the rotation which is why I still believe that Joba will either be the setup man again or the closer.
Joba and Kennedy were both rookies this year. They were both on 135 inning counts which will probably go to 170-180 next year. Looks like Guidry is out and the guy who developed them will be the pitching coach which is the best possible thing that could happen.
120 wins? You are out of your mind. You're sold on Kennedy already? He really did nothing to impress me at all, he looked like a mid career Mussina at best. 2nd Wang has clearly shown he can't make a mid game adjustment to his sinker if it is constantly up in the zone. 3 Wait and see if Joba can stay out of the shoulder fatigue zone. Lastly, I can't say anything about Hughes, the kid is a stud.
No Joba wasn't a rookie because as of Sept. 1, being on the roster doesn't count toward your duty in the major league. Same deal with Kennedy.
Technicality. For what he spent in the majors, he is still pretty much a rookie. But if we go your way, 2 rookies plus a kid with about 15-20 games in the majors and they are supposed to win 15 games each??? I dont think so.
Meetings over in Tampa. No decision made on manager. Cashman is on his way back to NY and reiterated that he will not negotiate with A-Rod if he opts out.
That would really hurt A-Rod's $$$.. He will still get paid, but not nearly as much as his agent wants.
Not sure what to make of the fact that they still haven't reached a decision on Torre. Maybe they want him to get so frustrated he quits. I did hear that Steinbrenner wanted a consensus on the decision and they may not have one yet. I also find it strange Cashman is heading back to NY. They were suppose to have days of meetings planned. I can't imagine they got it all done that quickly. Maybe he is headed back to tell Torre in person he is gone.
You Yankee fans fail to realize that every single team in the league including the Drays, Pirates and Marlins could give Arod his 30 million $. The real question is which team will step up to the plate if he opts out? My bet is still the Angels. That being said I don't think anybody could beat the Yankees if there was a bidding war. I don't believe a word Cashman says about not negotiating if he opts out. That just seems like a flat out lie.
Well Boras is rolling the dice if he has A rod opt out because any bidding is hindered if the Yankees are not in it...the money will simply not be there if the Yankees aren't at the table... however I think that is highly unlikely... At the end of the day no deal from another team will be accepted until they get final word from the Yankees...Kinda like how Beltran is only a Met because the Yankees didn't want him after Boras called the Yankees in the 11th hour and offered Carlos to the Yankees for less because thats where Beltran really wanted to play... weather or not the Yankees bite this time is up in the air IMO...
I think we can both agree that Beltran isn't nearly the level of Arod. The Yanks definately are rolling the dice if he opts out but I think the bidding will be extremely high. I think you'll have a team offer him more than what he wants the same way the Rangers did years ago. Remember the only reason he is a Yankee is because the Rangers are a shitty organization. The same could happen this time with another shitty franchise biting on Boras's line that he'll make the franchise worth 1 billion.
Yeah but at the end of the day A Rod doesn't want to play on another shitty team so that's not gonna happen...
Like I said earlier, the meetings with Boras were much shorter then planned. As a Yankee fan I can only read into that that Arod will not be opting out.
Not really. I just saw on Sportscenter that you can only insure Arod for three years and at 50% of his salary because it is so high. How many teams can or would take that risk? His market is maybe 3 or 4 teams.