You are also a member of that club. There's no question about that. Just look at your actions here. You were "man" enough to make public information we discussed in a PRIVATE message. Make sure you take your meds.
I don't get the point of trying to get under someone's skin... I really don't... basic trash talking is one thing... but it seems to me that you've been taking it to a different level lately... I could be wrong... Just my opinion...
What I was posting in October wasn't anything different than the type of stuff I posted in other years. As for Alio, this is a new feud. I was always cordial to the guy and he flipped on me after one too many comments on a baseball team. Then it got personal. Then the other night he posted information that was sent to him in a private message. I understand you want to bury me in this thread and back Alio, but, c'mon, at least on this particular matter, nobody should back Alio. Private message. We are talking about a private message. Luckily, a mod was here at the time and edited Alio's post.
Look, I like Alio... but my comments had nothing to do with him but how you seemed to be rubbing salt, which is something I hadn't witnessed you do before... you were coming off as really aggressive in a ****ian type way... I could be wrong... but just my opinion... I viewed you as one of the more knowledgeable poster here and was kinda surprised by it...
Rubbing salt in the baseball wounds goes on all the time around here. I do it because it has been acceptable here for years and some of it is started by a particular mod.
Yes... we have a GYC & a few roid threads where that was going on...which was the proper place for it was coming into the offseason thread to trash talk really necessary? That's why I took it as trolling...
Initially, I was not talking trash. Can you guys please look at the posts I made that night in the Astros, Giants, and Mets threads? I was prompted by SixFeetDeep to make a similar post about the Yankees. I don't even know what team Hawkins was on last year or how he fared. I guess you guys think he sucks and that I was pointing that out or something??? That's what it is looking like to me now. If you saw that Hawkins comment as being of a trash talking nature, then you fellows are a little too paranoid. Once I got jumped on by a couple posters, then the trash talking commenced. If you guys want me out of this thread, send PMs and/or make some closing comments and we'll go our separate ways (unless I later see my name mentioned again).
I guess it wasn't enough for you to take the hint from Murrell cutting that post, and me letting it go? You just need to come back for more? Let it go Cakes. I already have.
That does not explain post 613. Either you drop something or you don't. You didn't drop it and hence, you have me all over your precious Yankees thread again.
WTF are you talking about? I dropped the crap about the PM thing. Which is exactly what you were weeping about. The comment about you being part of the club that purposely tries to get under people's skin stands as I wrote it. It's true. And it's also by your own admission. You want to drop that one too? Then leave the thread, and don't come back unless you want to actually discuss the New York Yankees offseason, which you don't, unless it's to start trouble. Very few people get away with trolling. Even fewer get away with it after boldly admitting it. If I had to guess why you have, it would be because when you actually post about a subject seriously, you're an intelligent guy. You can't do that in a Yankees thread, and never could. So do us all a favor and walk away.
Yankees jacked ticket prices! They're making the fans pay for their awful spending in free agency? Ugh
The Mets are following suit yet they've spent no money, sometimes I really wish Steinbrenner would have purchased the Mets all those years ago.
Was the percentage any more than any other year? The ticket prices climb every offseason for every club now. It's really just a matter of whether the percentage jumped or not.
I'm actually kind of offended. And they're almost certainly going to raise it the following year when they move into the new stadium.
Even after the Met ticket price increase this year, they still have the lowest average ticket price of all major nine teams in the metro area. AMAZING, what a little knowledge is.