I lost interest in baseball. I will not follow it on the same level anymore. I should have quit it after the 1994 work stoppage. One Third photos won't have any affect on me. The other night I made posts in Astros, Giants, and Mets threads. A Yankees fan saw this and asked why I did not give the Yankees any love. I decided to enter this thread and write a Yankees version of "The pride is back..." Cappy saw it and thought I was being an asshole, which, okay based upon past activities, I can understand. It is immature, though, that he decided to be an asshole. That would be okay except the mods do not appreciate taunting in proper baseball threads, which this one is. All I was doing was commenting on a transaction. AlioTheFool has shown here tonight that he cannot take it. Therefore, he's going to continue to get it. One need not be original with him. The same shit gets him worked up time and time again. It's beautful, really.
Calling Pettitte an HGH freak isn't exactly commenting on a Baseball transaction... so what you're saying is you're actually a Yankee fan who was frustrated with baseball back in 94 but kept watching until losing interest a few years ago and were never a Met fan? Carry on then...
The Pettitte post was made after I received backlash off an innocent post. What is so hard to understand? I made a post. A guy had a problem with it and tried to taunt me, which is a no-no here. I opted to take a chance and taunted back.
You could not be more wrong. What's so hard to understand? It's real easy to figure out I was disgusted with the 1994 season ending in August. Still, I was enough of a fan of the game to come back with it in 1995. I wish I had stayed away because the sport's not been good to me since that time what with the Yankees and Braves and Marlins winning World Series and players cheating left and right. I lost interest during this, the final quarter of the 2007 calendar year because the team I root for does not care. If they don't care, I don't care.
So basically you just come around to troll me? Nice. Especially from a guy who lets junc get under his skin.
Early 2007 called. It wants its post back. Me and nyjunc don't have any problems. You gotta catch up.
Whatever. If I had the desire to shut you up I'd go pull out the stack of PMs [EDITED] Now go back to your cave.
Actually, I didn't think you were "being an asshole." I thought you were just talking a bit of trash... having a bit of fun... and talked a bit of trash back. It's all in good fun, remember? I'm sorry that you took at as "being an asshole," but that must have more to do with projection on your part, than intent on my part. Honestly. This is twice that you have mentioned this. I can only assume that you are asking the mods to warn me (because, after all, you were warned for this in the past). Fine. Mods, please give me a warning to not to make posts that other people will take too seriously. Please also direct me toward the limits of acceptable sarcasm, if some levels or uses of sarcasm are not welcome here. Perhaps Cakes could mentor me as to how to post "all in good fun" or to "just comment on a transaction" instead of being an asshole, which I am so wont to do. Really, people... has it come to this?
Yes, it has, unfortunately. People could look it up. Certain mods got mad I was making comments about flies and things like that back in October. I was making fun of a team (as opposed to taking shots at TGG members) and I got hell for it. My problem was admitting that I was doing it to annoy Yankess fans. Well, hello, no kidding!!! What would you say is the percentage of posters here who purposefully look to get under the skin of other posters some time or another? 75%, 90%, 95%? I think it is a very high number.
You're wrong. Only a select few members seek to get under others' skin, of which you are one of the club. Then you didn't pay attention to his posts. He's admitted before he loves to troll Yankees fans.
well after getting consistently pwnd by **** (God knows how that happens), he has to let off steam some how....
That happened 2 seconds after Clemens name was discovered on the report.... my attempts are to restore order.... Troll Patrol on duty....
Interesting that in that 60 minutes last night Arod admitted then he and Boras are no longer even speaking. Of course there are different interpretations as to why but that's still a pretty serious thing and one I'm sure other people looking for a representative will take into account.
Damn. I forgot to watch it. You had to expect him to sour on Boras. People don't want to believe it, because everyone wanted ARod, regardless of what they might say, but there was never a chance he wanted to be anywhere but in pinstripes. He got bad advice from his agent. He made up for it. I can't wait to see him back at third next year!