NY Rangers 2011-2016 Season + Offseason Thread

Discussion in 'Ice Hockey Forum' started by FrankTheTank, Oct 7, 2011.

  1. jonnyd

    jonnyd 2007 TGG.com Funniest Poster Award Winner

    Oct 14, 2005
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    I know he was rusty but Kreider had about 7 give-aways last night. Its comforting to know that some things never change
  2. jonnyd

    jonnyd 2007 TGG.com Funniest Poster Award Winner

    Oct 14, 2005
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    At this point, I would take 3 miserable seasons in a row where we get lottery picks each year. Maybe then, we can draft some fucking talent....one cup in 75 years is brutally pathetic. whats a few horrendous seasons to give us a chance to find a Crosby or Ovi et al
  3. eyedea

    eyedea Active Member

    Oct 7, 2004
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    That’s true, not to mention one of the best offensive defensemen of all time.
  4. eyedea

    eyedea Active Member

    Oct 7, 2004
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    I know, but it's his 1st game back in months. I was not expecting much from him, but his speed did show.
  5. HackettSuxTNG

    HackettSuxTNG Well-Known Member

    Sep 28, 2003
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    Zubov, the second best offensive defenseman on that team would be better than most of our forwards this year.
  6. HackettSuxTNG

    HackettSuxTNG Well-Known Member

    Sep 28, 2003
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    On hold with Joe and Evan. I am Joe from Bloomfield
  7. eyedea

    eyedea Active Member

    Oct 7, 2004
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    agghh how sad is that. look at this.

    23Jeff BeukeboomD286-5230R/-7March 28, 19658 G, 8 A, 16 P
    29Phil BourqueLW316-1196L/-9June 8, 19620 G, 1 A, 1 P
    22Mike GartnerRW346-0187R/-14October 29, 195928 G, 24 A, 52 P
    17Greg GilbertLW326-1191L/-12January 22, 19624 G, 11 A, 15 P
    9Adam GravesLW256-0205L/-6April 12, 196852 G, 27 A, 79 P
    18Mike HartmanLW266-0190L/-7February 7, 19671 G, 1 A, 2 P
    30Glenn HealyG315-9190-/L7August 23, 196210-12-2, 3.03 GAA
    16Jim HillerRW246-0190R/-1May 15, 19690 G, 0 A, 0 P
    15Mike HudsonC266-1205L/-5February 6, 19674 G, 7 A, 11 P
    25Alexander KarpovtsevD236-3221R/-RApril 7, 19703 G, 15 A, 18 P
    26Joe KocurRW296-0205R/-9December 21, 19642 G, 1 A, 3 P
    27Alex KovalevC206-2222L/-1February 24, 197323 G, 33 A, 56 P
    19Nick KypreosRW276-0205L/-4June 4, 19663 G, 5 A, 8 P
    32Daniel LacroixC246-2205L/-RMarch 11, 19690 G, 0 A, 0 P
    28Steve LarmerRW325-11195L/-13June 16, 196121 G, 39 A, 60 P
    2Brian LeetchD256-0185L/-6March 3, 196823 G, 56 A, 79 P
    6Doug LidsterD336-1190R/-10October 18, 19600 G, 2 A, 2 P
    4Kevin LoweD346-2200L/-14April 15, 19595 G, 14 A, 19 P
    14Craig MacTavishC356-1195L/-13August 15, 19584 G, 2 A, 6 P
    39Todd MarchantC205-10179L/-RAugust 12, 19730 G, 0 A, 0 P
    32Stephane MatteauLW246-4215L/-3September 2, 19694 G, 3 A, 7 P
    8Joby MessierD236-0200R/-1March 2, 19700 G, 2 A, 2 P
    11Mark MessierC336-1210L/-14January 18, 196126 G, 58 A, 84 P
    13Sergei NemchinovC306-1205L/-2January 14, 196422 G, 27 A, 49 P
    16Brian NoonanRW286-1200R/-6May 29, 19654 G, 2 A, 6 P
    5Mattias NorstromD226-2210L/-RJanuary 2, 19720 G, 2 A, 2 P
    12Ed OlczykC276-1207L/-9August 16, 19663 G, 5 A, 8 P
    3James PatrickD306-2202R/-10June 14, 19630 G, 3 A, 3 P
    35Mike RichterG275-11185-/L4September 22, 196642-12-6, 2.57 GAA
    10Esa TikkanenLW296-1190L/-8January 25, 196522 G, 32 A, 54 P
    8Darren TurcotteC256-0182L/-5May 2, 19682 G, 4 A, 6 P
    24Jay WellsD346-1210L/-14May 18, 19592 G, 7 A, 9 P
    21Sergei ZubovD236-1198R/-1July 22, 197012 G, 77 A, 89 P
  8. Poeman

    Poeman Well-Known Member

    Jan 5, 2006
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    Did you get through? You should record yourself on the radio or something and put it on youtube.

    These Rangers are a joke, I am so sick and tired of this shit...They never make it easy and they never play up to their talent level. Not to mention we are so fucked with all of our picks being gone
  9. Poeman

    Poeman Well-Known Member

    Jan 5, 2006
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    lets not kid ourselves here...If we do not trade Zubov we probably win another cup with him and Leetch out there...Especially on one of the Gretzky teams

    Fuck it all to hell
  10. eyedea

    eyedea Active Member

    Oct 7, 2004
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    Who was around when we use to call WFAN and drop names of board members? I think someone taped them, this was years ago. I use to call up Somers as KOZ and talk about "section 17a, badger on LSD, flaming penguins" lol
  11. Poeman

    Poeman Well-Known Member

    Jan 5, 2006
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    Damn it dude and you never recorded this? And when you say back then was this during the pre-facebook and youtube boom?

    lol one of you probably have a CD recording of this somewhere...KOZ probably has it on a floppy disk
  12. eyedea

    eyedea Active Member

    Oct 7, 2004
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    yea it was before that, but I can't remember who did post it to some kind of online file share site. You were able to listen to it. It
  13. TommyJ

    TommyJ Well-Known Member

    Dec 22, 2010
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    the rangers are outclassed at every position, period. it's quite simple. I was psyched after game 1 but I knew that the rangers were not the better team. it would take a whole lot to beat the pens, had a feeling theyd wake up sooner or later, too bad it was immediately, game 2 really hurt, it was the last time we saw any kind of effort from the team. these guys are creampuffs, and when you're creampuffs who can't score, you're thoroughly hucklefucked. you can't outskill Pittsburgh, unless you're Chicago or Anaheim maybe, you have to hit and frustrate them, and we know this team does nothing that resembles that. fuckin' soft..................
  14. jaywayne12

    jaywayne12 Well-Known Member

    May 12, 2004
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    jon..they are a much better team offensively..much better team. When I refer to them as a team like this, I mean a team that has never been known as a shutdown team. A team like this meaning that we have made the Pens look like a trapping defensive juggernaut.

    I could see the Rangers losing games 5-3..but when you are losing to the Pens giving up 15 shots on net..if you were told that the Pens would have 15 shots on goal, most of us would think the Rangers are playing their type of game and doing well. Hope that makes sense.

    We could break down a million ways the Rangers could lose this series but the way they are losing this series is pretty sad. Gutless is the right word..from the goalie to the defense to the forwards to the coaching. Gutless.
  15. Poeman

    Poeman Well-Known Member

    Jan 5, 2006
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    Gutless is perfect for this team...Lack of character is another...Pussified is another one...Weak-minded, ultra-soft, mediocre

    There's plenty more where that came from
  16. jaywayne12

    jaywayne12 Well-Known Member

    May 12, 2004
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    Of course the Pens are the better team. Still, to me, this team has choked. Could care less of the talent they have. Are you guys watching some of the panic giveaways in their end? Choke to me is the perfect word.

    Now, if they were playing at their best could they be winning this series? If the Pens play this way against the Bruins or the Canadiens, they will get their asses handed to them..thats how bad the Rangers are playing.

    Are the Pens better then the Rangers..forwards yes..much better..but we are making their D look like the second coming. Watching their passes and giveaways..their stupid shots on goal...their setup on the power play..this is a major choke job.

    Teams will less talent can still choke...and this is one of the worst performances by a Ranger playoff team I can ever remember. Partly talent..and a lot of choking.
  17. tcrock

    tcrock Well-Known Member

    Sep 8, 2003
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    fortunately I didn't watch last night, apparently didn't miss much. Know why I didn't watch, got home around 7 ish, and by the time I helped put kids to bed and ate somthing the puck had dropped and they were down 1-0. I think with the exception of Game 1 againt Philly, they've lost every time they give up the first goal.........so yes their guts and resliency definitey coming into question. I knew down 1-0 they were already done. I really don't know ht happens to this team in he playoffs, it's funny that no matter the coach, or system, they seem to manage to go into goal scoring droughts at the worst times, no matter who's on the team either. I'm not clamoring for Torts or Cally or anything, I like AV........but there's something to say for he grind it out hockey........at least that helps overcome scoring deficiencies. When you're supposed to be a speed, attack team and you can't score, well you're down 3-1 in a series and on the verge of elimination.
  18. matt robinson 17

    matt robinson 17 Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2002
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    I agree Jay, so disappointed I want to punch the fuckin' computer I'm typing this on, St.Louis (useless midget, gets knocked off the puck like a fly on your shoulder every shift. a complete non factor), Nash, Richards, Hagelin, Dorsett, Carcillo should all be gone next year ....I would bring up the whole Whalers team for game 5, maybe some of them have heart, we're going to lose anyway
  19. matt robinson 17

    matt robinson 17 Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2002
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    Pat Leonard@PLeonardNYDN · 15h
    Nash on being booed: "It's tough. But I understand where they're coming from." #NYR

    No I don't think you do, you fuckin coward
    #12739 matt robinson 17, May 8, 2014
    Last edited: May 8, 2014
  20. jaywayne12

    jaywayne12 Well-Known Member

    May 12, 2004
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    Great points. Bottom line is that this team really overachieved during the season and got lucky with the only team that had no discipline whatsoever in the first round. The Flyers didn't play dirty...but played so stupid that the Rangers were able to get by.

    Then they go against a team that reminds me of the baseball Yankees for years...they score a thousand runs...they hit a million home runs and then when pitching dominates in the playoffs they are exposed. Penguins always remind me of that kind of team. Really not much of a reputation for playing great defense but have superstars that put on a show during the regular season only to get exposed in the playoffs. So you would think, if the Rangers could play grind it out hockey and use their strength at the blue line that they could make this a series.

    Only problem is that their strength at the blue line has MAC playing as if he still has concussion issues...Staal looking a bit slow and a step behind the play. Girardi playing ok...and the team is forced to bring in a journeymen guy like Diaz to help out with offense against a team that has to be thrilled to death to have him in the lineup instead of a stronger defensive minded guy. If you break it down, the Rangers, who need to beat this team with dominating defense, are forced to put a guy like Diaz in the lineup to help out on the power play. It makes little sense but at the same time, it had to be done...that's how weak and bad the team was on the power play.

    Again, on offense..there is no doubt where all the talent is..its all with the Penguins. Still, this wouldnt be the first series where a team that was much stronger on defense beat a team that was much stronger on offense. The Rangers hid the flaws all year long on how bad they were offensively because the system somehow hid the flaws....NASH HAD 11 ASSISTS THIS YEAR. Announcers talked about the Zucc,Poul, Brassard line like it was the Gretzky Messier line....that's how bad this roster was offensively.

    Cant see any help in the future either with the cap problems and a farm system that at no time during the season or the playoffs had the ability to bring up a kid that was a goal scorer. Nothing there. When I saw Hank interviewed last night, you could see that entire problem with this franchise in his eyes and hear it in his voice. This team is fucked...period.

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