Mangini already has 50% of you Jets fans screaming for his head. Once he loses this game by > 50 - that should do it for him.
Please Belicek is a friggin joke when it comes to credibility. He waits till after he gets caught to bring something up that happened a year ago. Man my 5 year old knows better than that. Oh yeah they did it first. Whats next na na nanana. Pathetic. I lose more respect for this guy every week
What I find funny about the whole "revenge" angle that the media is taking is that not one quote has come out of any Patriots (to my knowledge) actually going after the Jets. I'm sure BB is pissed but I really doubt that he goes on rants during weekly practices about the value and economics of loosing a first round pick, and besides, there is no way in hell the Jets could have thought that this would blow up the way it did. This is just speculation, but it would make more sense to me that in relation to spygate the Pats didn't become angry at the Jets per se, but at the people who said things like "well now you can't view their accomplishments as so impressive anymore" in reaction to spygate. Of course BB and the Pats will still try to beat the living piss out of the NYJ and their HC, but personal animosity between players is something BB isn't big on and I doubt that he will try to explicitly bring in animosity between coaches as motivation for the players. The reason that the Pats will try to beat the piss out of the Jets is because they're the Jets, they're their divisional rivals and their most hated rival not named Indianapolis.
Thanks for trying to add something relevant to the conversation, instead of just trolling around like the other two fools who showed up for this thread: 72-0! blah blah blah RAT! Ironic that comes from Boston, the city which banned t-shirts with the "Stop Snitching" in there public schools. Nobody likes a tattle tail, but people hate the bully more. the patriots are going to "bukkake" all over the jets- which im sure is a reference really to the amount of porno that individual watches... Anyway, I agree with some of what you say, mostly with the point about the revenge doesn't derive from spygate, more just because the teams hate each other and the last time they faced (in the reg. season), the jets beat them at foxboro. I actaully think that this whole media-hoopla probably motivates the jets more than the pats. Yeh, you guys lost your draft pick (what are you sitting at two right now anyway!). Having the entire patriot-darling media telling you over and over that your going to get lambasted in an epic way, probably helps the jets motivate more than it strokes the pats egos. Let's be honest, both locker rooms are hearing this. Im not saying the jets are going to win, but this is why you play the games... but i'm saying this whole media complaint shit has been blown out of proportion...
Anyone think Bill Belichick has some close personal relationship with any of his players?? highly doubtful.. He prepares them well every week, they respect him for it..If you think any of those guys are going out to win one for Bill're high.
A. The point is, Mangini wasn't fined by the league because he did nothing wrong, regardless of how desperate pathetic Pats* fans are to spin it otherwise. B. Its pretty gay to call yourself Bill Belicheck. Are you in high school?