Newer Members ? Calling You Out, Volume II

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by Sundayjack, Apr 6, 2006.

  1. jetophile

    jetophile Bruce Coslet's Daughter

    Oct 29, 2004
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    Yes, that Nancy Pants business. Let it out.
  2. ColoradoJets

    ColoradoJets Member

    Apr 6, 2006
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    I did not notice, I must apologize in advance for almost stealing his name, that was certainly not intentional. I'll have to come up with a unique avatar to distinguish myself better. :)

    Thanks for the welcome!
  3. Twombles

    Twombles Active Member

    Nov 6, 2005
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    (1) What was your first impression of the hiring of Eric Mangini as head coach, and the promotion of Mike Tannenbaum as General Manager?

    I thought that Mangini was a great choice at Head Coach, hes young and fresh and the Jets could be the place where he really starts out his career as a heluva coach. He could also go the other way, but i think because he came out of the Bellichik system that he will prove to be strong under pressure. Tannenbaum, i think that he will be proven by what happens in this draft, but im happy with the offseason from both of them so far.

    2) Who are you hoping the Jets pick in the 2006 Draft?

    Thats always a toughie. I like the guys that everyone else does, Mario Williams, D'Brickshaw or MABEY aj Hawk. Id be happy with either of the first two, but hell who am i HOPING the Jets get? Fucken Reggie Bush thats who (am i allowed to swear?)

    (3) The 2006 season will be a success if. . . .

    The Jets can build a rock solid base for the future. If the Jets win 8-8 which we wont, and havent developed the right players or made a good d line/o line aswell as the secondary then it will not be a success. The year after then we have to develop a hb at our first pick, then a qb the year after, then we will be a super team in 3 years.
  4. travis_muckle

    travis_muckle New Member

    Apr 7, 2006
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    OK, OK - gimme a break! I've only been lurking for a couple of weeks, but I'll play along...

    1) I think the New Regime is going to be good. Look at the difference between the compensation we got for Herm vs Abraham. Also LOVE the way the Dyson signing was totally non-leaked. The reporters must really hate these new guys. Good. Hopefully, we won't be just dropping trou and bending over any more.

    2) I don't pretend to know squat about projecting which 'can't miss' picks will be Blair Thomas. However, since you asked (what, were you drunk?), Super Mario, Cutler, Hawk, DeAngelo all sound pretty good. They'd better get some help on the O-line as well. The tight ends sound pretty good too, but I've had it with Jets drafting so-so TEs in the first round. Vince Young? Risky, but what potential.

    3) 2006 will be a success IMHO if they win 6 games, and are moving in the right direction. A QB who can escape pressure (not necessarily run 70 yds) and make ALL the throws. A decent running game. Good clock mgmt. A game plan that actually takes advantage of the fact that the opponents starting cornerbacks are injured, instead of just sticking to the same game plan no matter if you're playing the Steelers or the Hooterville Heineywipers! A coaching staff that doesn't trade/draft a super talent and then figure out how to work him into our system, but rather how can we can adjust our system to take advantage of this guy's abilities. Oh, and Mike Nugent progresses to where he is reliable and unflappable.

    4) I don't need to see a winner immediately - especially if there is progress. They get the first year to sort things out. Hopefully, the second year they can be at 8 or 9 wins and ready to make some real noise the third year.
  5. GangGreen Canuck

    GangGreen Canuck New Member

    Mar 17, 2006
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    (1) What was your first impression of the hiring of Eric Mangini as head coach, and the promotion of Mike Tannenbaum as General Manager?

    When the whole interviewing process was going on....Mangini was the one I hoped got the job. I am wary about his youth and his practical couching skills. However, what really impressed me was his philosophy. It reminds me very much of Sun Tzu’s Art of War(Check out the Link for more info). Any respected leader has studied it. Quotes like “I look forward to building an organization that people can be proud of, that’s built with character, that’s built with toughness, and built with discipline." and “What is my philosophy at offense, defense, and special teams? My philosophy is we are going to take advantage of the strengths of our players, whatever they may be,” Mangini said. “We’re going to attack the weaknesses of our opponents and minimize their strengths." and last but not least,
    “So I can’t tell you what that is going to look like, but I can tell you that week in and week out it’s going to be whatever game plan gives us the best chance to win,” he added. “That’s why we need smart players. That’s why we need players that are disciplined. That’s why we need players that are willing to play a role.”

    To me this gives us a great insight into, not only Billachek's Patriots, but that Mangini is going to emulate very much what was done in the Patriots organization. He knows that it takes more then skilled players to win. Let’s face it, if you look at any football team the number of skilled players, and I mean SKILLED players is really small. These are more or less your top players. There are more average players on any given team then elite skilled players. That’s why Mangini's goal is to find players with character, who are disciplined and who genuinely LOVE to play football. In essence with the proper motivation these types of players can be as effective, if not, more effective then some of the best skilled players out there. You don't have to go any further then The Patriots to really appreciate what a motivated team can do when they play with heart. We may hate (and man do I hate) The Patriots, but I am dreaming that in a few years, maybe the Jets will be the next Patriots of the NFL.
    As far as Tannenbaum, picture your best buddy. He (or She) is probably like another sibling. You think alike, like the same well together. That's my take on the move to Tannenbaum. Give Mangini his buddy to work with and they should do well together.

    (2) Who are you hoping the Jets pick in the 2006 Draft?

    Honestly, I know we need OL,etc...But I am hoping for Leinhart. A quarterback with his potential doesn't come along often. I say grab him if you can. With Pennington, Ramsey and Leinhart on the bench we should be set in the quarterback position for a decade or more. This allows us to focus on other key positions over the next few years in future drafts.

    (3) The 2006 season will be a success if. . . .

    ...Mangini can motivate this team they way I think he is capable of doing. If he can get these guys to buy into his whole philosophy I believe we are all going to be pleasantly surprised this coming season. Heck, we still have great core of players, plus, we have 2 things going for us in my opinion. 1) Everybody thinks we suck! How does this help see it in every major sport...The underdog team is usually not given any respect...and I know no one is going to give the Jets any respect this coming season. But the fatal error is that a lot of teams approach such a game with the attitude that "Hey, we're playing the Jets (or Houston, or San Fran, etc), this should be a walk in the Park" But it is amazing how many times the underdog pulls out a win. Being the underdog takes some of the pressure off the far as they are concerned...they have nothing to lose, nobody expects them to do anything...Hell, just look at Pittsburgh in the Playoffs.
    2) Our Schedule this year has many opportunities for wins this year. It's not easy's not hard either.

    With no one expecting much from us and with a decent schedule I think we will all be happy this year with our Jets.

    (4) How long do you give the Mangini/Tannenbaum administration to succeed?

    Given the youth of the Mangini/Tannenbaum administration, I think the owners are planning for the long haul, and so am I. It takes time, but I am confident that we will see results, and sooner rather then later. It's going to be a good year!!
    #105 GangGreen Canuck, Apr 7, 2006
    Last edited: Apr 7, 2006
  6. green27

    green27 New Member

    Aug 21, 2004
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    I'm not new but it only took a week of watching the board to become a memberand I faithfully 3 to 4 times a day just to see if any new info.This is the best web site except for kffl to get info.

    1. I wanted to see herm stay I kind of liked him but we moved in a better direction.
    2. you guys are selling me on williams,hawk or trading down to get a couple of picks in the middle rounds...mangold, carpenter.o'callaghan. I absolutely don't want a TE or RB on the first day. QB maybe but not needed. the o-line and d-line most definately and at least a better CB and LB late first day or early second day. And some really good quality picks that play ST as well.

    3.Sucess will have to fall on Chad.I believe that he will be back with everything to prove with the carisma that we know him to have.

    4. One year we already have cornerstones in our system no need to take longer.Nugent, graham,dreesen,maddox,miller,cotchery,coles,vilma and hobson.
    5.Cotchery=future..... great post!!
  7. LilGrrlGreen

    LilGrrlGreen New Member

    Dec 27, 2004
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    LOL!!!! YOU'RE RIGHT!!!! I stand corrected...:rofl:
  8. Murrell2878

    Murrell2878 Lets go JETS!

    Feb 1, 2003
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    This thread showed that there are a lot of intellegent noob's... I hope you guys stay around awhile. :up:
  9. Jetfan1215

    Jetfan1215 New Member

    Mar 14, 2006
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    (1) What was your first impression of the hiring of Eric Mangini as head coach, and the promotion of Mike Tannenbaum as General Manager?
    I was still a bit upset losing Herm for a 4th round pick, but with what was out there at the time, ex.) Mike Tice, Mike Sherman, Jim Haslett, i was happy to get Mangini. I kept hearing about his pedigree learning under Parcells and Belichick, plus judging by what the Pats did with their injured "D" i think Mangini is a guy who can think on his feet and has the balls to be a risk-taker.
    I was fine with Tannenbaum since he was already there and can guide the new coaching staff on the talent they have, plus getting rid of bradway was fine with me.

    (2) Who are you hoping the Jets pick in the 2006 Draft?
    With the 1st pick Matt Leinart, i would like to see them trade up for him since Tenn will take him at #3 if he is there. If they dont go with a QB then i'd say Mario, then D'brick (although i think D'Brick is the safest bet). Also i would like to see the Jets rebuild their O and D lines and get some more speed at WR.

    (3) The 2006 season will be a success if. . . .The line can open up some holes for Curtis and Schotteheimer Jr. can put a respectible O on the field, it would also be nice to have a healthy QB. I think the D will be fine.

    (4) How long do you give the Mangini/Tannenbaum administration to succeed?
    Wow, well with all the rebuilding and the uncertainty at QB, i'd have to go with 2 seasons, but to really make a big playoff and possibly Superbowl run then probably more like 4-5 seasons.:jets:
  10. johnnysd

    johnnysd Well-Known Member

    Mar 1, 2006
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    So, for anyone new-ish, I?m calling you out. Declare yourselves on any or all of the following. Call it an ice-breaking, if you want:

    (1) What was your first impression of the hiring of Eric Mangini as head coach, and the promotion of Mike Tannenbaum as General Manager?

    I really like the hire. There is much too much cronieism (sp?) in football and love giving a chance to a young, talented hard working person like Mangini that has a solid background. So far, Mangini has said all the right things, that being the few things he has actually said of any substance. He is a great contrast to Herm and will be completely different. Mangini will be about specific game plans each week and lots of adjustments. I think he will be better in clock management. I think we will be more disciplined and better conditioned and hopefully have less injuries. We will demand a lot of players, and we may find that the turn over is much greater than we anticipated. I know some liked Herm, but I felt the last year showed his true colors. Herm played one type of football. Very basic and predictable. It also tended to keep all games close as well, and our generally good defenses led to playoff appearances. But I personally subscribe to the Mangini /(bell/tuna) philosophy more and we will have great success. I was concerned about Tannenbaum but he has done very well in negotiations so far. I know that many were upset about the Abraham trade but we got tremendous value for a player everyone knew we wanted to dump. The Ramsey trade was done well as well. I like the low key reasonably low dollar free agents we have signed. We handled the cap brilliantly. So overall, very happy

    (2) Who are you hoping the Jets pick in the 2006 Draft?

    I think we have to let the draft come to us. Trading up would be a big mistake. Instead of the big 3, there is now a Big 5 or 6 so will we be in a great situation in the draft. I think there are 10 or so top grade talents, where there might not have been any last year. It is a tremendously deep draft. I would not be horrified if we took Brick or Mario, but I think we will have the opportunity to trade down and still get one of the top 10 and additional picks. My ideal pick would be Vernon Davis because the Jets need a playmaker and he fits the multiple use role Mangini wants. With one pick you would upgrade your O-line, receiving and running. I like Mangold at 29. I think though that everyone knows we like Mangold at 29, so someone may trade just above us to get him. I really, really like Brodie Croyle. He is the "sleeper" I am hoping we get this year. Last year I was hoping Nugent, and a few years ago I had L. Coles as my sleeper. It is fun when we get that later round guy that you like and he turns out good. If he can stay healthy, Croyle can be a franchise guy. Ideal draft assuming a trade down would be Davis, Mangold, Gilles, Croyle in first/second round.

    (3) The 2006 season will be a success if. . . .

    We show improvement over the course of the year and we start developing some of our young talent. I expect Colemna to have a real bounce back year. I see Justin Miller coming into his own. A return to form for Ellis and Robertson. A fresh approach to offense. Better clock management and game planning. I think the Jets schedule is not that bad and we could sneak into the playoffs. I hope we give Bollinger a chance. It is fashionable to hate on him, but I think he could become quite good and in an open competition beat out Ramsey. If Pennington makes a full recovery, he will be our starter again.

    (4) How long do you give the Mangini/Tannenbaum administration to succeed?

    As long as they need, as long as we continue to play hard and show progress.

    Very excited for next year. I think this year's draft is one of the most exciting and interesting overall in a long long time. Not just ofor the Jets but in general. Anything can happen on that Saturday in three weeks. There will be I think a number of surprise picks, and more trades than in recent years.

    No right or wrong answers, of course. And, nobody?s going to rub your nose in your answers two years from now, if they somehow turn out tragically flawed.[/QUOTE]
  11. Mantana Soss

    Mantana Soss Active Member

    Mar 12, 2003
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    Did you ever think you were a bit too passionate about this?
  12. Sundayjack

    Sundayjack pǝʇɔıppɐ ʎןןɐʇoʇ

    Sep 5, 2003
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    hehe. . .

    I know I couldn't write that, but doesn't it just feel kind'a good to read someone else saying it? The second and third lines of that paragraph are sheer brilliance. I could read them over and over again. :)
  13. Sundayjack

    Sundayjack pǝʇɔıppɐ ʎןןɐʇoʇ

    Sep 5, 2003
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    As a news source, I don't think tgg can compete with kffl. Still, there are some pretty bright people around this joint. It's a great resource for news, but we all vent here also. I'm not shy about saying that I didn't like spending a second round pick on a kicker last year. Didn't like it then; don't like it now; won't like it 20 years from now. I'm out of steam on that one.
    #113 Sundayjack, Apr 8, 2006
    Last edited: Apr 8, 2006
  14. winstonbiggs

    winstonbiggs 2008/2009 TGG Bill Parcells "Most Respected" Award

    Jan 20, 2005
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    I joined last year before the season and was a Herm hater out of the box, extremely unpopular position. NY Junc beat me down like a lifer working on a rock pile and MD did the rest to the point where I slowly and grudgingly gave Herm some credit going against my initial proper judgment (Herm has since proved himself the devil to most of the previous Herm lovers on the board).

    I like your position on Herm, extremely unpopular sort of like coming out as a communist in Germany on the day the wall fell. History may prove you right, I doubt it but I like the fact that you?re willing to stand by your man?
  15. winstonbiggs

    winstonbiggs 2008/2009 TGG Bill Parcells "Most Respected" Award

    Jan 20, 2005
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    Great first post!:up: Welcome travis_muckle Quick question, why the underscore between Travis and Muckle?
  16. jaywayne12

    jaywayne12 Well-Known Member

    May 12, 2004
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    Excellent post...great stuff...and only 20 posts from you? Really enjoyed this...keep posting....we need more thoughtful posts like this.
  17. winstonbiggs

    winstonbiggs 2008/2009 TGG Bill Parcells "Most Respected" Award

    Jan 20, 2005
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    We all have our cross to bear.
  18. Murrell2878

    Murrell2878 Lets go JETS!

    Feb 1, 2003
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    welcome our Canadian friend!!! :beer:

    I was home watching Mangini's interview when he got hired and said those things. And I have to tell you...I had goosebumps. To me, it was like FINALLY we have someone who "gets" it and is not just here to give good sound bytes. I think you are 100% right in the fact that we will be going after the "role" type players. I think that's why we signed Chatham. Here's a guys that can give us depth at LB, compete for a starting job and still contribute on Special Teams. Yeah, he will never be a great LB, but he can play many different positions. When we signed him I was so happy.

    I guess the only thing about Tannenbaum that worries me is his lack of "football experience". Will he be able to judge talent? We all know he has the ability to work the salary cap, and take care of all the business his job demands, but the football part is the unknown right now.

    I wouldn't be disappointed with Leinart. I'm really high on Mario Williams. To me I think if it was possible, the best thing to do would be to trade down. Ya ya, I know it's been said many times before. But, I'd give up Leinart or Mario Williams to move down a few slots and get a few extra picks. I'd really like to take Brodie Croyle in the late 2nd (if we were to pick up a late 2nd round pick in a trade down) or early 3rd. But, if Leinart fell to us to #4 I wouldn't be upset one bit if we drafted him.

    Interesting thought on this. I guess I never really put the underdog rallying cry into thought. I feel we will at best go 8-8. I would love it if we finished better than that, but I don't see it happening unfortunately. I think the best way to judge success in the 2006 season for me will be how well they are playing towards the end of the season. If they are whipping our opponents in the last 4 games I will be happier than a pig in mud!

    :up: Very nice post. I hope you stay around. We need some really quality new posters and you definitely look to be one of them.
  19. jaywayne12

    jaywayne12 Well-Known Member

    May 12, 2004
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    Another thoughtful post...good one...dont feel too bad about just getting a 4th round pick for Herm....that old rake that you never use in the garage..if someone knocked on your door today and offered you a dollar...would you give it to him? or put it out on the curb.

    I do agree...Bradway could have gotten more...but thats the trade off of getting rid of that clan.

    You hit it on the head...Schotteheimer Jr's name isnt mentioned around here enough as a bit of a question mark hiring. I just have gone with the "Mangini is a genius and wont make any mistakes" kind of attitude. Its the off season...and I sleep better at night.

    A young head coach puts his first/second most important hiring..probably his first because hes a defensive you have to believe he knows something we might not.

    Your number 4 answer is probably right on.

    Great post and welcome aboard.
  20. Murrell2878

    Murrell2878 Lets go JETS!

    Feb 1, 2003
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    Welcome bigredjet!!

    I agree, I would have taken Mangini over all of the other guys out there any day of the week. Experience or no experience. Our other options were Tice, Sherman, and Vitt among others. Like many others on this board we all agree that if we had hired Tice we would have gotten the next Kotite.

    Agree. This draft will be made with our 2nd 1st round pick and in the 2nd, 3rd and 4th rounds. I'm looking for Mangold at #29, Gilles in the 2nd and Croyle in the 3rd. There are also a couple OT's that I want in the 2nd and 3rd rounds too so there are plenty of options available.

    That's a good expectation

    another good expectation...Welcome aboard. Feel free to jump right in and share your thoughts!!!

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