Heh so they asked Arod about a possible Dempster suspension and he said something like I'm not the best person to ask about suspensions and I do have an attorney I can recommend hahaha
I think behind closed doors...away from the cameras...the Red Sox coaching staff and front office would prefer Dempster jump off a bridge into flooding waters. I mean think about it...Im a yankee fan for 40 something years and I could never paint a picture that would make me root for AROD in a million years. If you gave me a pen and a piece of paper and told me to sit at my desk and draw up a situation where I would root for him...I would sit there for days. And here comes Dempster..throwiing at him the first time..still...I get it..not smart but I get it. So what does DUMster do? He throws at him with a fastball on a 3-0 count with his team leading in crucial game for them. He literally cost his team the game...made the Yanks defend AROD? and made their manager look correct going bonkers on the field defending AROD. How did this happen? Could be one of the most foolish things I have ever seen. Nice to see Ortiz staying out of the mix because if anyone thinks this guy wasnt juicing, I have a bridge to sell you too. Perhaps Dumster could throw at him during batting practice.
About the only thing the ESPN booth was correct about last night was in saying that Dempster did it wrong. First off, throwing at him twice is not bright to begin with. Second, if you want to hit him, you wait for a good spot. Like with a base open, or later on in a blowout, or maybe with 2 outs and the bases empty.
I saw a funny comment last night, which doesn't seem as funny now, but it was something like "Great move by Red Sox fans booing David Ortiz for taking steroid while Arod is up". Terrible move by Dempster, there's a twitter rumor that Dempster told someone back when he was going to peg AROD when he got a chance because Arod snubbed him at an event. And I missed this, but Arod did the Big Papi celebration on home plate or something really similar. Clapped his hands and pointed to the sky with both hands. Hope he knew what he was doing. Like you said, I was reluctantly rooting for AROD because he was wearing pinstripes, but the Sox might have just unleashed the AROD that embraces being hated and I Would love to see that AROD
I have been reluctant to root for A-Rod, but what happened last night forced me to and I will support him wholeheartedly for the rest of the season. What Dempster did and how the fans reacted goes deeper than baseball. It becomes an issue of morality. Dempster: Okay, he doesn't agree with what A-Rod has done, but did he handle it the right way? He put his team in a position to lose and made himself look like a bitch in the process. It's easy to peg someone with a 90+ MPH fastball (hurts like a bitch) when your an AL pitcher and you know you're not going to get an at-bat. All you do is put your teammates in an uncomfortable position. There is no question that it was intentional and it was a gutless move. If I were A-Rod, I would have rounded the bases twice on the HR while staring at Dempster and blew him a kiss at the end (Bryce Harper style). BoSox Fans (not all): Has A-Rod affected your livelihood? Has he had any affect on how you have to deal with your everyday problems? Has he physically hurt you in anyway? The answer to every one of these questions is a resounding no. For you to want someone you don't know and have never met to get hurt is just as gutless as pegging that person yourself. A-Rod: Good for you. I wouldn't be surprised if you were met with a huge applause in your next home game. If I were Dempster or a Red Sox fan, I would be embarrassed. We've seen this with Matt Cassel, Mark Sanchez, and now A- Rod. Fans wishing and cheering injuries to people they don't know. This is what happens when people get too emotionally invested into professional sports.
AROD couldnt have thought up a better outcome...a get out of jail free pass. Imagine if he goes on a tear now. What Dempster did was the only thing imaginable that would allow anyone to back him..to defend him...to have his manager go ballistic. To have his teammates rush the field. To win the game...or lose the game if your Dempster. It could go down as one of the dumbest things to help a dying player. Top it all off, Boston goes to the West Coast for a road trip. This could be the start of them losing the lead for good. And DPf...Im totally with you with AROD doing the Ortiz thing at home plate. Lets get one thing straight here....AROD is a piece of shit....a piece of shit that sometimes I feel really bad for...he just seems like such a pathetic human being. AT THE SAME TIME you have a guy like Ortiz who was on the original list of 104 that were tested and like 96 failed and only ARODS name was disclosed. So if Im AROD...fuck Ortiz. I would have done the same thing. He should have pointed to the sky and then turned to their dugout and pointed him out.
Spot on with the jail out of free card, that's a great way to put it. And I get feeling bad for AROD. It seems like the MLB wants to take out everything on him and a lot of other people are getting a slide. Granted AROD has acted and does act like jerk, but with everyone piling on, he can embrace it. I think you hit on a key point, how bad has it been for AROD if I kind of feel bad for him? I think the MLB has looked terrible chasing after these suspensions and pressuring witnesses and trying to act with vengeance. As a Yankees fan first, but a big screw you to everyone piling on AROD as a close second, I really wish we go on a run and AROD wins WS MVP and the MLB has to hand him that trophy and hand him the World Series trophy. This was an interesting take I read today. I'm not sure if I agree with it, but it's interesting to say the least. http://deadspin.com/what-the-dumb-hysteria-over-a-rod-and-peds-is-really-ab-1167255086
Its funny how the Chowder fans boo A Roid relentlessly but cheer Big Poopie every chance they get. Gottalove double standards.
That makes no sense for a starting pitcher. Any starter suspended should not able to start again for less than 10 days from his last start, even if you only dock him a handful of games
yep, the suspensions for starting pitchers are silly. They announced a 5 game suspension and an undisclosed fine. He won't miss a start.