He is a Ravens fan that is pissed that Ryan, Scott etc are now on the Jets. I am sure you could find many similar posts on a Ravens message board which is all this amounts to.
I love how on one hand it's said that the Jets can't be judged because "they haven't played a down yet", but it's fair to say they're over rated without "having played a down yet"...
Uhm wow, just wow... How is this even a legimate response to someone who just argued that your article is crap Isaac. I think his artcile actually makes a better defense in why the Jets are rated #4. And if you look at the poll on the side 178 people voted and 83 percent say its a top 5. Wow just wow. That part cracks me up.
That is an incorrect statement. The Patriots have a fourth color- silver. The Houston Texans are the NFL team with the most red, blue, and white. That particular team only uses three colors. They don't have a fourth getting in the way and taking up space.
no mention of Lito Sheppard in the article? He just decided to leave him out of the secondary discussion... interesting omission
It's not black. It's deep steel blue. Their official colors are deep steel blue, battle red, and liberty white.
From the paragraph on Rhodes: Earlier in the offseason, he claimed ?there wouldn?t be a better defense on paper? than the New York Jets. Like, seriously? I love it when these sites ruin all of the credibility in two words. Bleacherreport is a f*cking fan blog with no journalistic integrity or accountability. As a source, it's the "published" version or RaiderJoke.
Does this stupid moron know that we traded for Lito Sheppard because he is going to PLAY for the Jets? And that Dwight Lowery is the third CB? He doesn't even mention his name in the secondary discussion because then his point will become moot He calls Lowery a steal in the fourth round, yet claims that no one is scared of him. How on earth does that become a steal then? Contradicting asshole! Pace and Bryan Thomas are proven, but not dependable. Pace is still young, and he's proven. Why would he not be dependable then? We were in the middle of the pack last yr. We upgraded our D with the addition of Lito, Jim and Bart. We only really lost Coleman, big deal. Not like he was irreplaceable anyways. This D is better than last year on paper. People say that this is true until we do anything. Well apparently we can't do anything in the offseason on the field. Its done off the field in the off season and we improved ourselves. Don't tell your not excited about this D. It may not be number one, but it is a top 10 on paper.
Does anyone else realize the blecher report "articles" are written by fans? They are basically longer posts than we see on the board and we usually see positive ones written by jet fans and negative ones written by non-Jet fans.
but that's the problem. Now that people can go on the internet and blog away, its seems legit enough to take seriously. people have to realize the difference.
That is why I mentioned the writer is a Ravens fan. If you click on the "authors" name it takes you to their little bio and they usually mention which teams they are a fan of.
I think Rhodes is totally overrated but I hope the new defense changes that and until I see it, all I know is this defense wilted in December. Words don't mean shit to me after 35 years.
Rhodes had his first bad year last year, he had been playing better than guys like reed and Polamalu for a couple of years but he wasn't good last year. I hope it was scheme related and related to the S next to him which we think we have fixed but we'll see. I'd bank on a big time year from rhodes this year but time will tell.
Kind of silly to get riled up over what is essentially a opinion posted by a fan. Thanks for the head's up.
exactly. This is a guy who was beloved by this board when we were appalled that he didn't beat out John Lynch for a pro bowl spot, and now he's cast aside due to a mediocre season in 08, even though people who went to the games and understand defense said he's playing so deep in the secondary he's got no shot to make a play. Its on the coaching. Ryan knows what Rhodes can do, so expect a better year.
Let's get to know the writer, Isaac Barrow: Isaac's Bio I was on Facebook, and on the side of the screen, I saw an ad for Bleacher Report. I'm glad I clicked on that link. My favorite professional writers are David Steele, Spencer Fordin, Tim Kurkjian and John Clayton. My favorite writers on this site are Lawrence Barreca, James Williamson, Cody Swartz, Bryn Swartz, and Luke Jones. I'm lucky enough to be the 5th best MLB writer and community leader of both the Baltimore Ravens and Baltimore Orioles, my two favorite teams. Any questions, shoot me an e-mail at isaacbarrow2891@yahoo.com.