New York Jets media silence

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by ArmandJ, Jan 2, 2013.

  1. Barcs

    Barcs Banned

    Nov 15, 2011
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    Haha, that's probably how most of the darksider fans are right now. They need social drama and other bullshit to worry about. The whole Rex Ryan in the Bahamas thing is absolutely stupid. They bash Ryan all year long and now get butthurt because he didn't talk to them in 4 days? Who the fuck cares about a press conference? I still have yet to see one single piece of evidence to suggest there is actually a rule about press conferences. I think Cimini is butt hurt that he couldn't exploit Rex for ratings this week with sensationalist nonsense. Aw poor guy. It must be difficult to have to base your career on the hope that others will fail.
  2. RuJFan

    RuJFan Well-Known Member

    Jun 8, 2012
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    I happened to catch the first 10 minutes of Lupica show today. Within his first 5 sentences he said that when Rex being in Bahamas they need to clean out all people from a water slide when he’s about to use it.

    And then this motherfucker has balls to call Ryan a disgrace, unprofessional. REALLY, you slimy son of a bitch? You imply that an NFL coach, the man who was cooperating with your fucked up dirty-ass radio station so fat people have to leave when he goes swimming and he is unprofessional?!
    You fucking piece of shit, a pathetic excuse for journalist.

  3. kongshouse

    kongshouse New Member

    Oct 8, 2012
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    It's pretty bad when the coach has to leave the country to avoid a PC. It's time for rex to start being a coach and not the neanderthal oaf that he portrays over and over. When will this nonsense stop? I mean shit, just do the fn PC , what does it take an hour out of your day. Answer the questions you want blow the rest off and be done with it. No, that's not how the nimrods want to play. They deserve what they get. Be professional, like the rest of the NFL.
  4. Cimini just reported that the NFL ruled in favor of the Jets & that they are acting in good spirit of the media relation rules set fourth.

    Wow! The jets actually won something.

  5. Br4d

    Br4d 2018 Weeb Ewbank Award

    Apr 22, 2004
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    It was a policy not a rule. The media over-reaction to the Jets choosing for whatever reason to temporarily ignore the policy was over-blown.

    The Jets probably should just clamp down on their media availability within the guidelines of the actual rules the NFL has put in place to govern that aspect of communications.

    It wouldn't be a bad thing if the Jets became boring and uncommunicative for a year. Obviously being gregarious and out-going isn't a big positive for them right now since all the hype they fed the media over the last 4 years didn't buy them anything when they actually needed to be able to withdraw for a bit for contemplation.
  6. BacktoQueens

    BacktoQueens Well-Known Member

    Mar 29, 2006
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    I just listened to the Giants presser.
    Wow what a wealth of information that was..

    'We were very inconsistent. We need to play better. Obviously missing the playoffs is not where we want to be'

    Most of the questions were softballs. One real question asking if all coaches would be back, Coughlin didn't give a firm answer as he probably can't yet.
    No one pressed him about Fewell's job status despite the 31st ranked defense.

    The Jets presser will be equally as unexciting, unless they unveil a GM at it.
    Only difference, the questions will be much more aggressive, and the over analysis of answers will be comical in the post presser 'articles'.

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