*** New Members Please Read/Introduce Yourself ***

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by WhiteShoeWillis, Aug 12, 2010.

  1. steviep

    steviep Active Member

    Aug 10, 2003
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  2. spinjani

    spinjani Member

    Aug 9, 2012
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    Hi everybody.

    I've been lurking on this board for years, but since I have had more down time lately, I've been trying to become more of a student of the game.

    I've been a Jets fan since the O'Brien and Toon years.

    Hope you guys feel like discussing some Jets football.
  3. JoeNamathsFurCoat

    JoeNamathsFurCoat New Member

    Aug 19, 2012
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    Hey There, New Poster Here

    Long time lurker, thought I'd finally try and contribute
  4. lunamoth

    lunamoth Banned

    Aug 19, 2012
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    New to board

    Hi, lunamoth here. I am just a gal that likes the Jets.
  5. HAYN

    HAYN Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2012
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    Biggest Jet fan and Patriot hater in Hawai`i. Ready for some football.....and beer!
  6. danangmarine68

    danangmarine68 New Member

    May 18, 2012
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    Not a hard core Jets fan yet, I will probably be chastized for admitting I'm a Tebow fan but actually I'm a long time Gator fan. Have been ever since first setting foot on campus in the fall of '63 . That was the same year that Steve Spurrier stepped on campus as a freshman. I remember the night that we beat Joe Willie, Bear Bryant and the rest of the Crimson Tide on their home turf in '65. That was Steve's junior year and Joe Willies senior year. Well a little more than three years later Joe Willie won a Super bowl and I was getting shot at along the Song Dat just south of Danang.

    I'm a Floridian by birth and a Gator by the grace of god. During the Korean war years, my dad was flying air-sea rescue and ASW in VP-46 over the sea of Japan and I along with my mom and younger brother were staying with our grand parents out in Nassau County. Will never forget the first time my grand parents took my brother and I over to Flatbush to see the Giants and the Dodgers play at Ebbets field. I've been a Dodger fan ever since even though they abandoned Dodgertown down in Vero Beach a couple of years ago. I would take my son down to watch the pre-season games while they were still there.

    I've been an SEC football fan ever since my years at UofF but never had a NFL team to call home. When I was growing up the closest NFL team was the Redskins. Never got into them. When I left the Marines I started watching that upstart team down in Miami :) as they were starting their famous run but lost interest in them when they brought in Marino. After my brother returned from Nam he did some Army reserve training with a couple of guys named Kiick and Csonka.

    I am probably stretching myself thin in the forums world so I'll get my post count up over ten and then just lurk for a while longer, as I have 3 Mustang forums, 2 tahoe forums, 2 Rc planes forums and 1 sailing forum. I will however definitely be following the Jets games.

  7. AlmightyRevis

    AlmightyRevis Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    Hi guys/girls,

    Figured it's time I make a post an introduce myself. I live in Los Angeles, get all my Jets news and opinions from this site, the best resource I have.

    Love Revis since the day we drafted him, he's my favorite athlete. I believe in Sanchez, and am, to this point, not a fan of the Tebow experiment.

    Let's hope it all works out!
  8. brdawk20

    brdawk20 New Member

    Aug 27, 2012
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    Eagle fan here, still missing Brian Dawkins, and have fun memories of the Buddy Ryan days. I think he's a better D coach than his sons though.
  9. cardken

    cardken New Member

    Jan 17, 2011
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    Introduction, my name is Cardken, I live in Louisville Kentucky. Am originally from Kansas City. So grew up in the "dark days" of the 80's in Chiefs Country. My Uncle was a huge sports fan and admirer of Joe Namath, so I followed suit and was a Jets fan as well.
    Huge supporter of the current regime, wrote Rex Ryan a letter about his book after I read it, and got a letter back and autographed picture from the man thanking me for support. I thought that was class act considering how busy he is. A few year prior when they had the Head Coaching vacancy, I sent my resume in and got a response back, as they would "keep it on file", lol, it's framed on the Jets wall in my house. Well short run down on my affiliation with JetsNation! J E T S ! JETS!JETS!JETS!:pats_suck:
  10. JaxSuzy

    JaxSuzy Banned

    May 19, 2012
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    Looking forward to hanging out here

    As you've probably guessed from my screen name, I'm in Florida and a diehard Gator fan. Yep, I'm here because of Tebow - but don't hate on me please :) I'm ready to get to know the Jets and root for the team as a whole. I did my time getting to know and love the Broncs, but they broke my heart when they signed the Forehead and dumped Tebow. I love college football and I'm a big SEC fan. If the Gators can't win the whole thing, I hope any other SEC team does. My favorite NFL team has always been the Packers, followed by the Jags and Vikings. I personally don't think it's odd for fans to support their favorite QB when he goes to another team. After ya'll ruined Favre (just kidding) I still rooted for him with the Vikings, and I bet a lot of other fans did too. I'm sure that the Forehead's fans are rooting for him now that he's with Denver, too - that's just the way these things go. We all know that it takes teamwork to win, but QBs are like the lead singer of the band - they get all the fan mail.

    I've watched every Jets preseason game, and I plan to keep on watching the whole season. I sure hope we can score a TD soon. While I haven't been a Jets fan til now, I will admit that I've always liked Mark Sanchez's butt and me and my girlfriends think ya'll have 2 hot QBs now. See? It can't hurt too much to get some new fans, can it? Girl fans? LOLOLOL
    #850 JaxSuzy, Sep 5, 2012
    Last edited: Sep 5, 2012
  11. Sanchito6

    Sanchito6 Member

    Sep 5, 2012
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    Hello everyone. I'm a 22 year old fan. Been a season ticket holder since 1996. I sit in the coaches club, section 113 row 12. Huge Mark Sanchez fan and will always love my ny jets
  12. BE_A_JET

    BE_A_JET New Member

    Aug 3, 2012
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    See you at the game!
  13. devronnyj

    devronnyj Active Member

    Jul 4, 2012
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    I been a jets fan my whole life I don't troll and never will I love my team to much. I'm 17 but I feel like I'm pretty knowledgeable . Go jets
  14. devronnyj

    devronnyj Active Member

    Jul 4, 2012
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    Oh and I'm not tebow follower
  15. Midlife Crysis

    Jan 23, 2011
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    Hello everyone.

    I have doggedly following the Jets since 1980 and have the emotional scars to prove it. :) Originally from LI but have lived and worked in DC area for 15+ years. I'm excited for the new season and looking fwd to joining the conversation here this year,
  16. gonyjets

    gonyjets New Member

    Sep 9, 2012
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    new member but long time jet fan

    Hey guys whats up, long time Jets fan, seen a lot of good and seen a lot of bad with the Jets but wouldn't for anything, well one thing just want to see the Jets in a Super Bowl just one time :

  17. Viffer98

    Viffer98 Member

    Sep 9, 2012
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    Hi Everyone,

    I'm a long-time lurker (I thought I had signed up a while ago but maybe I never completed the process) and I decided to join so I could comment. I've been a long suffering Jets fan since the Namath years but my support will never waver. I just hope I live long enough to see us win a super bowl (I was really too young to understand when we won the last one).

  18. Classyy61

    Classyy61 New Member

    Sep 7, 2012
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    hi everyone, my name's Simon and I live in Canada(Montreal). GO JETS! oh yeah and I'm Bleeding green too :)
  19. srcgvjerct379

    srcgvjerct379 New Member

    Jan 18, 2011
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    HI..this is Kim...(real name). I am not a new member for I signed up a while ago. However, due to personal family things, I have not had the real chance to set-up my profile and to be part of the forum community. Now, I am back and football season is here.

    Unless my eyeballs (lol) are going blind on me...I CANNOT for the dear life of me, figure out how to add a photo(s) to my profile. Nor do I know how post a topic. When I hit new thread, it said I did not have enough posts to comment???

    Please help. I am off to do yoga and cardio and will be back later. Please tell me where to find to ad pics and to how to post in the forum.

    Thank you for helping me...GO TEBOW and JETS!!!

    Kind Regards - Kim
  20. JerseyFrasca

    JerseyFrasca New Member

    Aug 7, 2012
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    Good evening. *I've followed this forum for a few years, but only became a member about a month ago. *I'm a life long Jet Fan living in Tempe, AZ. *I dig the arguments, points of view, and loyalty here at GangGreen. *First game watched on tv, Jets/Pats 85 playoff game. So there's that.


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