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Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by WhiteShoeWillis, Aug 12, 2010.

  1. GATA

    GATA Member

    Mar 7, 2012
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    I'm from Jersey I've been a Jets fan since I was a little girl. I believe that we will have a SB Win in my life time. Yes it will happen .... Maybe even before I have kids, who knows.
    I love Rex even though there's a lot of people who dislike his demeanor. And like every Jets Fan the show must go on. I hope for a better 2012-13 season. Salutations
  2. PlasticCupChris

    PlasticCupChris New Member

    Dec 7, 2011
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    Whats up everybody? I am a lifelong Jets fan from CT. My favorite Jets of all time (well MY lifetime lol) are C.Martin, Wayno, and Chad Pennington. I hate Doug Brien (in a football sense not in real life even though i do understand field position didn't really help him). In a nut shell I am not a huge Sanchize fan but he's our guy for the moment and im riding with him. I understand the whole extension helps us a lot in freeing up cap space (I would never claim to understand how the cap works so i just leave it to more intelligent people to help me out) and I think Tanny's strength is restructuring and am really optimistic for the FA period.....the draft not as much though....A few guys i would like see the Jets get this year in the draft are: Melvin Ingram,M.Floyd or T Rich in the 1st (not a big Barron fan) David Wilson in a later round and if he is available in the 4th round or later i would def. take a risk on Burfict. As far as FA i think bringing Lowery back would be awesome considering the players available in the S position is kinda weak this off season(wouldn't be mad if they got Otagawe though)...damn there is so much more i would like to add but i guess i will leave it at this and add on to exsisting topics....
  3. Sloup

    Sloup Active Member

    Mar 12, 2012
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    Hey guys,

    Recently stumbled on this website, look forward to posting here!
  4. LetsGoJets11

    LetsGoJets11 New Member

    Mar 13, 2012
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    Field of Donkeys

    ! Whazzup y'all? My name is ryley and I am from the desolate land of wyoming. I have been a jets fan for three years and before that I didn't watch football. I have autographs from Namath and the NY Sack Exchange, even though they are before my time. I don't think I can wear my Jets or Clippers jersey without hearing crap from the Minnesota/Denver fans. Minnesota fans are pretty cocky for not having a ring, and for bronco fans, john elway is like their second Jesus. I did watch the super bowl with them, but we all cheered on the giants. I have a strong dislike for Brady lady and butterfingers Welker. Go jets! :pats_suck:
  5. Murph

    Murph New Member

    Mar 13, 2012
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    What's up fellow Jets followers, it feels good to be here. I live in North Carolina, so besides the handful of actual pats fans, I have to deal with the ENORMOUS group of bandwagon fans that feel like they have the right to get in your face a bout a pats win when they can't tell you who vince wilfork is. Needless to say I HATE the pats. Moving on, I'm excited about the upcoming season. I think Sanchez can be the guy we're looking for, but he just got caught up in the NY glitz and glamour last year. I think we can expect a different quarterback next year. I hope that our offseason moves consist of a solid safety, RT, slot receiver, and RB. I look forward to hearing feedback from all of you.
    J-E-T-S, Jets, Jets, Jets!!!:pats_suck:
  6. Kotite's Revenge

    Feb 28, 2012
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    Long tenured Jets Fan from So Cal. I've been browsing this board for many
    years and have decided to join to have a means to get shit off my chest.

  7. LetsGoJets11

    LetsGoJets11 New Member

    Mar 13, 2012
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    How's things hanging, KR? I like the name. Leon Hess was DEAD ON with Kotite. Died without a SB ring on his finger.
  8. BringBackFergy

    BringBackFergy New Member

    Mar 21, 2012
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    Hello GangGreen members - I'm a NFL fan and a Buffalo Bills fan but wanted to join your Board just to get insight into other teams and what better team than the Bills' division rival NY JETS. Also interested in Tebow and how he gets incorporated into your team. Looking forward to some good old fashioned fun and insight. Thanks.
  9. Darrelle24Revis

    Darrelle24Revis Active Member

    Mar 20, 2012
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    :deadskins::buffaloblows::pats_suck:What's up GangGreenNation! I'm a young NY Jets fan from the Bronx, NY that fell in love with Curtis Martin the first time I seen him play. I now live in the Washington D.C area and hate hearing Redskins fans talk football! Most of my family are VaGiants fans and made my year drastic. What I love is the new demeanor that Rex has brought to the team. Our defense is FEROCIOUS and I LOVE every last bit of it (except for blown coverage's)! I would DIE to see us win a superbowl in my lifetime. I BLEED Green n White!!! :metal:
  10. GB#15

    GB#15 New Member

    Mar 21, 2012
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    Hello, I am a newbie here,Bronco/ Tebow fan, but not a total "Tebow fanatic" I think it goes like this? J-E-T-S, JETS, JETS, JETS!!!!!! ? :)
  11. steves850

    steves850 Active Member

    Apr 21, 2009
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    You're a Tebow/Bronco fan from S. Jersey? :rolleyes:
  12. GB#15

    GB#15 New Member

    Mar 21, 2012
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    Well at least I'm not an Eagles fan! :)
  13. TheMadHatter

    TheMadHatter New Member

    Mar 21, 2012
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    I am a tebow fan but always pulled for the jets because of joe Namath.

    I will support the jets and tebow and whatever his role is with the team.

    Good to be here and hope the jets prove everyone wrong:jets::jets:
  14. Gatornate97

    Gatornate97 New Member

    Mar 21, 2012
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    ^^^^^ will do sir!

    No affiliation with an NFL team

    Am a Florida Gator and follow Tebow. Never followed a gator after their respective career

    But, Tebow is different and wish him well in his new role here as a jet. The wildcat role should be a perfect fit here and much success with him and Sanchez should follow
  15. LGENF

    LGENF Banned

    Mar 21, 2012
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    joined yesterday, having a ball with all these JETS fans on the board

    just give some of us a chance
  16. Tombs

    Tombs Banned

    Mar 22, 2012
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    Im here with the Circus. Contrary to popular belief we fully support Sanchez as the Jets QB and are along for the Super Bowl ride. We also fully support jamming the ball down the Patriots throat to the tune of 200+ rushing yards... consistenlty. Shon > Willis.
  17. TebowTrollCoach

    Mar 22, 2012
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    male nurse have fun

    I am a devout football fan, that's about it.

    Wasn't born a Jets fan, but got here fast as I could...

    Great board, thanks for the welcome, I PROMISE not to be a pain in the ass.
  18. Badaxe

    Badaxe Banned

    Mar 21, 2012
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    What's up Jet fans? Ardent follower of the NFL here. Interesting offseason in the league, eh? I grew up idolizing Jo "Willie." Native of the Denver area, but been living in Alaska for the last 16 years or so.

    I am a Bronco fan, but have always followed the Jets fairly closely. Will be interesting to see how Tebow is used. One thing is certain...the Jets are now going to be in the National spotlight. The media's twisted fascination with Teebs is unreal.

    Best of luck in the Draft and the upcoming season from Alaska.
  19. catsigater

    catsigater New Member

    Nov 18, 2011
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    Okay, since this is my milestone 10th post, I'll do it here.

    I'm going to lay my cards out on the table so every one knows where I stand.

    First, I'm a Gator. Dad's a Gator, Brother's a Gator. I grew up in FL, but went to H.S. my senior year in the North Country in Peru, NY near Lake Champlain, so I do have a bit of NY ties.

    I've also been a Dolphin Hater for quite a few decades, and don't much like the Pats, either, though I do have a grudging respect for what they've accomplished.

    My family is from the Mountain West (I was born in Laramie, if anyone knows where that is), so quite a few Broncos fans in the family. I also owned a restaurant/Sports Bar in Cody, WY from '96 to 2001, which coincided with the Broncos Super Bowl victories.

    After 2001, I moved to KC. We were literally packing our van to move from KC to Cheyenne, WY. about 100 north of Denver, when I heard Tebow was drafted. So I was pretty fired up about that.

    Now, I'm a lifelong Vikings fan, but have always had an AFC favorite ever since I was a kid. When I lived in NY, I followed the Jets. Now that Tebow's a Jet, I'll be pulling for them.

    Not here to recruit for the Tebow bandwagon, and I know he's got some limitations (which I hope he'll overcome), but I do support him and you'll probably hear from me whenever someone says something I consider wrong-headed.

    That's about it.

    Should be interesting, if nothing else.
  20. crna2112

    crna2112 Banned

    Mar 23, 2012
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    This is my first post, much like catsigator I come here due to the trade of Tebow. I'm not one of the whackos that thinks he can do no wrong though! I understand he has a lot of work to do to become a good QB in the NFL, primarily with consistent accuracy and reading defenses. I have no idea if he will ever be a great NFL QB, but I'm interested in finding out. He made improvements last year and I'm hoping this offseason will do him wonders.

    Being that I grew up in Orlando and currently live in Alabama I really have never had an allegiance to any one NFL team. I cheered for Marino in his heyday and was thrilled when the Bucs won the SB....I've always been a die-hard Gator though. My brother in law is from Queens and lives and breaths the Mets and Jets, so it will be strange rooting for the same team now!

    Anyway, thank you for allowing me to join in the forum, I look forward to great discussion regarding the team and the NFL in general.

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