New captains named

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by BroadwayAaron, Aug 13, 2011.

  1. stinkyB

    stinkyB 2009 Best Avatar Award Winner

    Aug 28, 2002
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    Personally, I'm not a fan of all the "captain" tags but whatever....... but I do think giving one to Holmes was a great way to keep a talented player focused on the task at hand.

    great video btw!
  2. southsidejet

    southsidejet Member

    Jun 9, 2004
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    I don't think there are any real surprises here. To my mind it will link to the work ethic and determination that all of the named captains bring day in and day out and tweaking it up a notch. This puts a lot on these players to be directing the guys who are early in their playing careers to improve their game get the habits and focus correct to be successful for the Jets.

    The positions tell a lot

    Revis as CB to lift Wilson, Strickland, Cole beyond,

    Pouha with the rooks coming in and return of Ropati to show what it takes to be a dlineman given that Eliis and Jenks ain't with us no more.

    Smith on specials make sense as the unit is undergoing change and the number of snaps he'll be playing on d also

    Holmes is our most explosive player on o who despite having a ring wants to win, wants to succeed and knows it can't be all him. The WR corps is essentially brand new and with Kerley and McKnight hopefully to come through they need to learn from him

    Sanchez is the face of the franchise. His work ethic can't be questioned however it's now time to develop and become more rounded and might hem him in a little from all the other opportunities he has

    Scott, Leonhard,Harris, Pace, Greene, Mangold, Brick, Moore don't need to be put out front they already go about their task with a high level of intensity and don't need to be given extra responsibility they are defacto team leaders and everybody knows it. Better to have them being the wise old heads. Besides Scott none of the guys seem to enjoy the spotlight and seem to avoid it.
  3. fltflo

    fltflo Active Member

    Mar 6, 2008
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    Anyone who might question the Pouha choice has not followed this team well enough or just came on board recently.

    This mans battle to be a NYJet was a challange every step of the way, and he stepped up every time. I remember so many posts and comments over the years that made Pouha just a second thought in most fans minds. All the while he went about doing his job and getting better each and every day.

    I might also remind all Jets fans that Pouha was (guessing here ) the only player in the NFL to do something for the fans during the lockout. You have to addmit that { Life of the Lockout] was pretty special. Then to head uptown and do that little thing with and for the fans in Times Square was also pretty special.

    Although nothing was said about this from the Jets F.O. , I am of the opinion that these two things have endeared Pouha to Woody right on down to Rex. This club is very fan friendly from the owner to the coaching staff to the players and Pouha shined bright in there eye during the lockout....

    Pouha,fucking great choice for team Captain... and Damn well earn.....
  4. NJjets1981

    NJjets1981 New Member

    Jul 29, 2011
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    We have him for a few more years before he starts his hold out crap again. I love Revis, but there are other guys who didnt hold out on their team last year who are just as good leading the D on the field.
  5. 624

    624 Banned

    Apr 26, 2008
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    I love how fans think they know the players better than the coaches based off of a couple press conferences and biased articles.
  6. firemanedjr

    firemanedjr Active Member

    May 16, 2008
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    Glad to see Pouha get some rec.

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