The fuck? An all-NY-SuperBowl would have more of a story line than say a Eagles/Patriots even considering T.O. by far. And, on top of our original fan base we gained a lot of Packers' fans and also a lot of casual NFL fans like the Jets, we're a pretty likable team. NO one like the Patriots (even people down south!) People are going to watch the Super Bowl regardless. It's the single biggest night of television in America. Does he know how many great quarterbacks won 0 SBs? Or how many won as a 15+ pt underdog? Must be a Bills fan.
He wrote that to create the same kind of reactions we're posting on his thread. He is a provocateur and the more we get pissed off by his work, the more happy he'd be.
This guy [the article writer, not GreenMachine] apparently watches too much television and reads too many sports pages. Redundancy does breed its own contempt, that is true. But you have to be a real masochist to reach out and take it 10 hours a day, seven days a week, et al. If this guy didn't habitually over-expose himself to sports-bimbos and AP re-writers he would probably be a lot happier with himself and thus would not add such predictable fish-wrap to the media garbage flow aimed at us "consumers". Duck, you sucker!
What this clown wants is us to get worked up over it but we should be better than that. I am sure this is one of the same dudes who didnt give two shits when 9/11 had happened because sure as fuck the nation cared about New York there and especially during their baseball openers which were very huge.
I agree that the media has beat Brett Favre death nationaly: But the guys is still third overall in total voting amongst all players for the probowl - Pretty Sure Favre would draw national attention to the Superbowl, much like he did with GB in the 90's. He is still the most popular player in hte league. Period.
The ratings would be through the rood to watch Favre try for another superbowl as a Jet. I dont think it matters who they are playing but the fact thats its 2 NY teams makes it all the better.
Whoops, someone forgot to pick this up at the pharmacy before trying to work on this POS of an article:
i think this guy just doesnt like new york...he shoulds like a small town sister fucking prick...and he can blow me....yeah thats new york of me...but maybe we're like this because everyone else is just jealous of the fact that the world runs through this city... so if you dont like new york thats fine...but dont write an article about it an proclaim it to be sports related you shitstained inbred fuckbucket
The Super Bowl is like a National Holiday. You broadcast it, people will come. It is nothing like the Subway Series. It is a one time deal for 3 hours a year. This guy actually writes about sports and doesn't even find the thought appealing? What does he find exciting? Watching paint dry? Dipshit!!
The Super Bowl is not like the World Series. People will watch.....and from countries all around the world. The entire country loves the Super Bowl, regardless of the storylines. A NY/NY SB would be very compelling outside of NY. Obviously many people in the midwest would be interested as well because of Favre. Favre being in it is also very compelling to a lot of southerners, and of course Eli is from the south also. I've got to believe a lot of people are fans of the Giants because of him. I have to admit I didn't care about the Yanks/Mets series, other than to see if Clemens and Piazza were going to fight. I do care about every SB though. So do most Americans.
The rest of the country hates NY? Is that why they all want to come here, to see the place they hate so much? Is that why its the #1 tourist destination? Or is it jealousy that NY is the place that matters the most in this mostly hick country? As for the Jet-Giant superbowl, I doubt it will happen, but if by some miracle it does, I will enjoy the shit out of it and the rest of the country can suck ass. Oh, and one more thing - Joe Willie was the most influential single player in the history of the NFL. So screw you, come to NY.
Yeah, this guy is an idiot because he's bashing NY saying no one really cares about NY Sports save for the natives, ratings would drop in a NY Superbowl, yadda yadda yadda -- except, he's writing an article about NY. Ironic?
IF IT HAPPENS (lets play them one at a time), I think that 4/5s of the country and free world will watch, I mean, >>> Its Brett Favre Bro <<<<
you're getting it wrong. he's saying that most people around the country hate NY sports teams. Most people around here root for the smaller market teams. The world series was a perfect example. Tampa built a team the way you're supposed to. They don't buy players like the Yankees do. Most people root against teams like that. The Cowboys are like that in the NFL. Not sure how they always stay under the salary cap. Probably because Jones pays off Goodell. Anyways....its not that people hate the city or its people. Just the sports teams.