Media Hypocrisy

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by SienaSaints, Jan 4, 2012.

  1. fozzi58

    fozzi58 Well-Known Member

    Jan 1, 2006
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    Excellent Post OP> Read the book twice. Third time coming soon. I'm in complete agreement with you and have been behind RR since day 1. Reading his book only enforces my belief in him and I recently wrote an article basically saying that RR deserves extended time to coach this team because he has the pedigree, brought an identity to the team, and is probably the best coach in Jets history....not to mention could bring stability to the coaching carousel this team seems to have.

    ^^^Loudmouth a-hole poster. Also, see Post #9 in this thread.
  2. akibud

    akibud Active Member

    Apr 7, 2006
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    he said on the radio yesterday that he has no intentions of changing who he is. He's had success, and he intends to remain the same.
  3. championjets69

    championjets69 2008/2009 TGG Darksider Award Winner

    Aug 29, 2002
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    Er did U forget that 91 yard that Miami stuck on us or the 90 some odd drive Tebow put on us or pass & run Cruz stuck on us? :sad:
  4. Sanpetejets

    Sanpetejets Member

    Nov 16, 2004
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    First off, the OP is spot on. The media, particularly the NY ESPN media, has written countless "Rex must change" articles with their fingers crossed behind their backs. Of COURSE they don't want him to change. There is nothing easier than covering the NY Jets right now. The articles write themselves. Especially after a failing season, you can rip the team to shreds, rip Ryan to shreds, completely discount any success he had his first two seasons, and basically say anything you want about Ryan (including consistently making fun of his weight and using that as an indictment of him as a person... since when is it acceptable to include this in any supposedly journalistic endeavor?)

    I watched just about every press conference this season, either live or the next day. I wanted to see first hand how Ryan answers questions, how the questions are posed, are they loaded, who is asking them, is Ryan literally just saying the first thing that comes to his head, how are the beat folks shaping the PC narrative with the questions they ask, and mostly, is Ryan just a loud mouth blowhard.

    I encourage all Jet fans to go back and watch some of them. The same reporters who are yucking it up with him, laughing at his jokes, ask loaded questions they know will probably provide out of context quotes that show him as a blowhard, and are killing him in stories the next day, and perpetuating the narrative that they want.

    Has Ryan made mistakes, especially this year? Absolutely. His gamble about making the Giant game all about a battle for the town, the little brother stuff, which was designed to take the pressure off the team after getting shellacked by the Eagles (a tactic he has used about 5 times) backfired miserably, was his biggest misstep publicly yet (yes bigger than Super Bowl Guarantees) and in hindsight proved he didn't have a feel for the team. When he used this "it's all about me" tactic in the past, the team was up for it. This year they were not, did not have his back, as we found out the dissension was there going back to week 4. A HUGE mistake, with lasting reprecussions for his fan base and for his players . Remember, his talk about the Giant game was the first time his players said his talk may put undo pressure on them, and that maybe teams are taking a bit more joy in beating the Jets than they would if he didn't talk. It also seemed to allow open season, especially by the NY media, who don't care for shots taken at NY stalwarts like the Giants, Yankees and Rangers, on Rex and the team.

    But this notion that every time he speaks, he is saying something stupid, or with bravado, or brash or trash talk is nonsense, and has been all season. Which brings me to the OP and to this quoted post. Did you listen to the whole interview with Kay? I suggest you do. Then tell me if you think he hasn't already started to change, and that when he says "I am not going to change" he is talking about having confidence in his team, and in this case, having confidence he can get his team fixed which he admitted he has to do, and is going to answer questions truthfully, which the media is PRAYING he does.

    My question is... is it too late? Even if he tries to change some things (like the predictions or talking up his players too big, the latter of which is a BIG problem for him) is the media going to let him? I don't think so. I think it's too late. If you listened to the whole Kay interview, he was honest, he was contrite, he was confident BUT he was using coach speak and evasiveness I have not often heard from him. Yet what you pulled from the interview, and what the local and national media writes is "Rex vows he won't change".

    Case in point: Sanchez interview yesterday on 1050. Via tweet, a Jets beat writer tweets : Sanchez has been reading Drew Brees' book and is motivated by him and Rodgers' play: "All that stuff is in the near future for us."

    If you didn't hear the interview, that sounds arrogant and trash talky. How could he say that after the season he just had? There they are talking again! When will they shut up! Go away! Etc. Problem is, if you listened to the whole interview (or read the article that tweet was teasing) you heard/saw this: "All that stuff is in near future for us," he said, adding that they must put in the work.

    They must put in the work. The qualifier that takes it from brash baseless confidence to a normal quote from a professional athlete. Sanchez is saying: WE can do all that stuff, be as good as those guys, I feel like, BUT WE HAVE TO PUT THE WORK IN. WE HAVE TO EARN IT. IT'S NOT JUST GOING TO HAPPEN. This is a perfect example of what is done regarding Ryan every week this year.

    And it's not going to change... because the media doesn't want to change it. So, we as Jets fans have to hope he wins a SB before he burns out, or uses up any and all good will.
  5. akibud

    akibud Active Member

    Apr 7, 2006
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    I'm sure Ryan does get taken out of context constantly. That is all the more reason to go up to the podium, be brief, be elusive/evasive and go coach. The less you have to say to the non football playing humans, the better it is. Focus on the football players, not trying to convince non football players that your football players are the best at their positions. Let their play, speak for them as well as yourself.
  6. Jake

    Jake Well-Known Member

    Apr 9, 2004
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    No I didn't forget those drives. I don't pick single drives out of 60 minute games and critique the defense as a whole. The defense doesn't have to be perfect, it has to keep us in games. It did, we failed to win @DEN, vsNYG and @MIA because the Offense couldn't get the job done.

  7. abyzmul

    abyzmul R.J. MacReady, 21018 Funniest Member Award Winner

    Jan 6, 2003
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    For a second I thought you were calling me a loudmouth a-hole. :smile:

    Rage subsiding.
    Pulse slowing.
    Anger fading.
  8. championjets69

    championjets69 2008/2009 TGG Darksider Award Winner

    Aug 29, 2002
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    Nope if the D did the there job the Den game was a W right?

    Nope if Cruz does not breeze the sideline then the NYG game could have been a win right? ;sad:

    Nope if we stopped Mia we would have won that game as well :sad:

    To recap in those 3 games at least it was the Ds fault :sad:
  9. Royal Tee

    Royal Tee Girls juss wanna have fun

    Dec 31, 2002
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    Media? BWwwaaahahaha!

    The media is a joke and wasting breath on most of them is something I try not to participate in.

    Everything they do is to sell something....
    That said, the JETS have given them plenty of ammo. From Hard Knocks to Rex and you know what? Fuk it!
    That's My Coach & QB and this is My City.

  10. akibud

    akibud Active Member

    Apr 7, 2006
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    when your passing offense is ranked 21st and your rushing offense is ranked 22nd, and your offensive production is 25th, your D is being asked to do too much.
  11. Barcs

    Barcs Banned

    Nov 15, 2011
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    LOL. Thanks for perfectly backing up what the OP said. People are simply too dumb these days to think for themselves, and go against whatever some ESPN "analyst" claims. When has Rex EVER been an a-hole to anybody who didn't deserve it? Is it because he gave the finger to phins fans who spit on him? Is it because he never throws his players under the bus? Every single person who dislikes Rex can't make a single comment without putting in "fat loudmouth" or "blowhard a-hole", or some other fallacious nonsense. Rex is a nice guy and humble, sometimes too nice in that he refused to throw any person on his staff or team under the bus. He's admitted many times fault for losses and has said he's not the best coach in the league. Just because he joked about a superbowl win in the preseason everyone thinks he never shuts up, but the fact of the matter is he's been pretty QUIET this year. You just have the media parasites waiting for him to say anything so they can blow it out of proportion.

    lollercoaster. Why are you using arguments straight out of Francesca's mouth? So giving up 10 points to Denver was a bad defensive effort? Our offense has to be able to put more than 17 points on the board to get a victory. We can't rely on the D to shut every opponent down. People go nuts when the defense is completely worn out at the end of the game and they get scored on every once in a while. Cruz was all Eric Smith's fault. How are you going to bring up the Cruz play in the Giants game and say the D lost us the game, when the OFFENSE fumbled on the goal line. It works both ways. Our d could be better, but our offense could be WAY better. Our passing D was ranked 4th in the NFL this season. That's the one part of our defense that clicked, despite the alleged safety issues. Once we get tougher and more experienced on the D line the run stopping will come into effect.
    #31 Barcs, Jan 4, 2012
    Last edited: Jan 4, 2012
  12. displacedfan

    displacedfan Well-Known Member

    Nov 20, 2011
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    The media has been hypocritically always, but as a Yankees/Jets/Knicks fan I see it a lot now. Did anyone remember the last two years Antrel Rolle guaranteed playoffs for the Giants in the middle of the season he was wrong? Justin Tuck called the Falcons o line dirty, imagine if one of our players said this? The Justin Tuck comment was acutally applauded on ESPN as a smart move. Nobody cares about Suggs' comments about Tebow. Oh, Jimmy Rollins in 09 said the Phillies would win the WS in 5 games, but probably 6 to be nice to the Yankees.
    None of these guarantees or comments are remembered are frowned upon, but everything Rex utters is taken out of context and remembered as reasons he should change. Rex is an easy story, must get a lot of views, and is a polarizing figure.
  13. Denny

    Denny Active Member

    Aug 28, 2002
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    Agreed. The D had no excuse to play the way they did this year. At times I was shocked as to how easily the other team scored. They lost their teeth. That in combination with a terrible offensive performance and your golfing first week of January.
  14. Endlessly Counting

    Endlessly Counting Well-Known Member

    Sep 14, 2010
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    Good post. Jets and their fans have to stay the course. Maybe take a lower profile, not that it matters because whatever is said will be blown up anyway. FO has to make things right this off-season, then everything will fall into place
  15. akibud

    akibud Active Member

    Apr 7, 2006
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    it just does not seem like a fair assessment. The Jets defense ranked 5th in total defense this year. 5th against the pass and 13th against the run. If our offense was anywhere in the top 15 in run or pass, we are a better team by 3 games at least.
  16. ScotsJet

    ScotsJet Active Member

    Jan 3, 2004
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    It's too easy to say it was all the fault of one unit or another. Everyone had letdowns. Whether it's fair or not, when we're up 3 and the opponent has the ball at their own 5 the D has to hold, whether it's 3-0, 13-10 or 42-39.
  17. akibud

    akibud Active Member

    Apr 7, 2006
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    that too is true, but! that might be one game. For a 16 game season and with 8 losses, I would put the blame on this offense far more, even the Giants game. If the offense could find any sense of a scoring drive consistently and not turn the ball over, we win a lot more games this season.
  18. gizmo253

    gizmo253 Member

    Apr 15, 2009
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    get a job troll....seriously Mods need to implement some sort of clause where you cant post for 2 weeks after signing up in the offseason. It would prevent all these losers from polluting our board.
  19. talisaynon

    talisaynon Well-Known Member

    Apr 30, 2008
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    they're all cocksuckers.

    fuck em. gotta do what you gotta do to pay the bills.
  20. Jake

    Jake Well-Known Member

    Apr 9, 2004
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    Wrong. The offense spotted Denver 10 pts (pick six, FG drive that started in FG range). That one is on the offense, curmudgeon.

    Yes Cruz scored a 99 yard touchdown after the D had held the NYG to 83 yds on the previous 25 plays. If the Jets offense scored more than twice that could have been a win right? :sad:

    We lost by two points. Their last score was a FG on a drive that started in FG range. Offense fucked that up.

    To recap in those 3 games, the offense sucked balls.

    Really, though, why am I arguing with you? I know better than that.... Whatever, it's all typed up.

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