The Ravens missed a FG in the closing seconds, that point is conveniently ignored since it's all about Favre mania. He's 40 yrs old how does he do it? Magical things happen when he's on the field!
Favre had nothing to do with the defense allowing them to get into FG position again. He also wasn't the one to call 3 straight run plays after the long pass. He did his job.
You bleed green? Packer/Favre green? Really, it's pretty irritating after three straight losses to see a fanboy posing as a Jet fan celebrating Brett Favre. What did he do for us exactly besides crap out at the end of the year and throw 21 INTS?
you must be overlooking the fact that teh same arm that threw 21 INTs allowed TJ to be the AFCs leading rusher. yeah, his arm, and hte respect that it garners allowed us to run. i am getting sick of the favre bashing. at least this is the nfl forum where the favre fellatio should be.
Jones ran for 200 yards yesterday with a rookie QB throwing 5 INTs. I guess Favre magically willed that to happen from Minnesota.
No but my team is on a losing streak, so I'm in no mood for this bullshit. But I forgot, your new team won. Goody for you.
yeah he had a great game yesterday. how many yards per carry did he average a game last year, and how many before yesterday? all i'm saying is favre's arm did open up the running game for us last year, and this year, teams are making us throw. exactly.
one thing you can count on favre for sure is he will throw an INT in the biggest spot. he's lauded for his "comebacks" but how many 4th qt comebacks has he aborted by throwing to the other team? this is the guy who has the most career INTs and who after being a seasoned and grizzled vet for years still threw 32 INTs in a season. favre sucks and if there weren't so many homos in the media and the NFL favre would just be regarded as average save for is longevity and durability. he's like the don sutton of football.
Yea - he's such a shitty QB that at 40 years old he has NFL teams calling him after all of training camp is over to come in and start. Then he goes out and helps lead them to a 6-0 start that surely wouldn't be 6-0 without him. Get a grip, man.
Jones will get his yards regardless of the QB as long as the O-line does its job, which it does. He went over 1,000 with a crappy line in 2007 and Pennington and Clemens at QB, did it with Favre and will do it with Sanchez. Doesn't change the fact that Favre killed our season last year with his INTs and lack of giving a shit.
i have a grip willie. favre won a super bowl before you were born and what has he done since? his stats are large because he's played for ever. and don't think the vikes signing him was pure football and not business.
I already read it. I think you may have even posted it somewhere else. I'm not even disagreeing with it. I think if you weren't a biased sports writer you would have done this research with a few QB's to have something to compare it to. I think the same stuff could be said about Elway, Aikman, Marino and a list of others. The fact of the matter is, the column is probably spot on about Favre getting credit for comebacks when he shouldn't have. The other fact of the matter is that it's probably true for a long list of QB's. But when people are biased they get tunnel vision.
Who said anything about his stats? Watch him play, he's still better than a lot of NFL QB's. I find it funny how some people refuse to give him credit. At least Junc is man enough to give credit where credit is due. If he sucks at the end of the season like he did last year, I'll certainly admit it.
+1 favre has his own agenda. the players in GB were glad he was gone and they went back to having one set of rules for everyone instead of one set for favre and his wing of a locker and another set for the rest of the players.
Happens all the time WSW. I think Moon probably fields about 10 calls a week to come back and take over a team. I have a strong feeling that Ryan Leaf's cell is about to blow up too if the 49r's lose another one and they feel like they need to replace Hill.
its not about not wanting to give him credit, its about countering all the undue credit he gets. if people wouldn't be rushing to heap praise on him that he doesn't deserve, then most people like me wouldn't have issues with him because things would be in perspective. but his fanboys make him out to be the jesus christ of football.