Yeah, I know all about it. Between the two days of the draft I came here and noted I wanted the Jets to take Robinson with their next pick if he lasted till then. He didn't. He went 100th to SF. Smith went 103rd.
Been here 3 years..and thats the toughest question ever asked. Lets see. Wow...ummm....chick would be letting him off the I think its more like a brother sister love he has for him...not sexual. Im pretty convinced that burninhellwoody is the grandfather....champ is the father..and rajensen could be the son. The problem with that theory is that both bihw and champ hate herm. Its confusing.
Now I see why you quoted me. The final couple sentences made it look like the Jets passed on Robinson for Smith. That's obviously not what I meant. I was simply stating the facts that they didn't draft him and they got Smith instead. I was sick all day today and am drinking now to take the edge off. Maybe that explains the shoddy writing.