At this point I'm done defending Sanchez so I don't really care if they get rid of him. But Getting rid of Rex will be a huge mistake. I have not been more enamored with a head coach in this league in forever. And for the naysayers, he's nothing like his father. If he was, Schotty would have been missing teeth on the sidelines last year. He may be brash and has no filter on his mouth (much like myself) but he never knocks or disrespects the other team and he is always positive about motivating our own players - good bad or indifferent. He coaches us the level of talent we have. Imagine if this team had some real play--makers how much better it would be.
Just saw this on ESPN.
Woody, Rex is all talk no bite. Just tell him to start Tebow. If not, I'll get to go to bed early on a Thursday night in April when we have a top 5 draft pick. No big deal.
thankfully it wont be long before johnson puts the pressure on rex to start tebow, if that decision doesnt make itself. i feel like after mark sucks the first half first indy and we are down 10-14 points, they will have no choice but to go to tebow
A lot of qbs suck for a long time. Was Shaub that good until a couple years ago? Stop bitching deal with it. People want mark to go but no rr want to see mike t go but have rr stay. Rex believes in Sanchez that's good enough
when did matt schaub suck? he has been outstanding every single year that he has been a starting QB. here are his QB ratings as a starter: 87.2, 92.7, 98.6, 92.0, 96.8, 99.2 even as a backup he was good. not sure where you are getting this "schaub wasnt good until a couple years ago" thing, he has been good for half a decade rex believed in gholston too. how did that work out? rex made santonio holmes a captain, how did that work? out
I like Rex. He's done as much as could reasonably be expected with his talent levels. Ultimately, if my head coach's biggest problem is that he's loyal to a fault, I can live with that. That's what a GM is for.
I wouldn't call 11-5 a fluke. I would call that the team playing to it's full potential and actually having weapons.
those are good qb rating numbers? it's not a 100 point scale man schaub hasn't blown anyone away these last 5 years.
On a different note, NFL Network's ticker just said that Woody stated that Tebow will be with the team for 3 years. Not really sure what he's thinking at this point.
If you read between the lines Woody is saying after Sanchez contract is up he will make Tebow our starting QB. :rofl:
Even if that's true nobody will give a shit who Tebow is after hanging out on the bench for two more years.