Woody Johnson is really becoming a terrible owner. Unfortunately I don't see him selling any time soon.
That picture depicting the Jets as clowns should have Woody "Doink" Johnson up there instead of RR, Chez and Tebow.
Holy fuckin' Christ Woody.... You can't get anyone other than a fuckin Pats fan? I guess it must hurt Cena more to lead the J E T S chant. He's probably doing it against his will.
Actually its good to know that Jon Cena is the kind of fan who will change his allegiance for a few bucks or a commercial tie in. Jets fans can have him.
No keep him... We insist. Take woody too. We'll trade him for bob krafts mac and cheese plant. Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk 2
If Bart Scott comes out and drills him over the back of the head with a folding chair all will be forgiven and respect will actually be gained. I know it won't happen tho.
Wow, what a shitty stunt and you're hearing this from Tebow fan who thought the trade was a stunt. A fucking wrestler as an honorary captain? Wow, Stevie Wonder has better vision of success than this guy.
Cena and Tebow used to be 2 of my most despised people in the world Now one is on my team, and the other is leading our chant. Woody Johnson should stick to making baby powder and not fucking up my football team.