A dumbfounding call for sure. I'm not going to speculate what was running through their heads, but that was the proverbial flag wave.
I'm not crying. It's called an illegal fair catch. It's a penalty. You cannot try to advance after calling a fair catch.
Don't despair completely. New England's defense is one of the worst around, not in the same universe as Baltimore. With that said, our Jets just suck right now.
Eric Smith is this year's Drew Coleman. Wanna know where the ball's goin? Whoever he's checkin...that's who's getting it lol
5. Any undue advance by a fair catch receiver is delay of game. No specific distance is specified for undue advance as ball is dead at spot of catch. If player comes to a reasonable stop, no penalty. For penalty, five yards. There you go.
How could it be possible the Jets run this bullcrap offense in practice all week and think it's acceptable to put into place for Sunday?