Yeah keep accepting 25 years of mediocrity though and 14 years of no playoffs, make sure to buy those tickets now and buy into the hopium, run don't walk! I for one will not be giving Woody another dollar after he keeps repeating this shit over and over again, this story is already scripted and we know how it ends, there is no hoping and wishing and cinderalla story here to come.
I'm not a huge fan of Glenn but I'll feel much better if we sign Halaby as GM. Very interesting that Newmark hasn't signed yet. Glenn/Newmark was discussed as if it was a package deal given their history together. Maybe part of Glenn sleeping on our offer was because of us expressing that we aren't 100% sold on Newmark? Perhaps wishful thinking by me, but I could see it. Also interesting that we've apparently ditched the GM>HC hierarchy already. The reason I feel so strongly about Halaby is I think he'd be a great hedge on the Glenn hire. Anyone well-versed in analytics knows how important offense is. Glenn is saying the right things about being involved in the offense but there's a difference between knowing what to say and knowing what to do and Halaby would reassure me that we'll know what to do.
I probably lean towards Halaby but I think the talk of a package deal was the creation of someone's imagination here, not necessarily based on anything real. Hiring the GM first may have secured the GM>HC system but I don't know that getting Glenn first does not mean it is gone. You'd have to think that the coaching candidates were discussed with the GM candidates and vice versa - that should eliminate a mismatch.
Yeah, and not scheduling anyone else for the second round and the fact they had a strong connection from Detroit. There were certainly indications that's the tandem. However, if it is not and we get Halaby instead I would be very happy.
I’d also prefer Halaby just from resumes and experience but to be honest, I don’t know enough about either guy to really have a valid opinion…I haven’t heard either guy talk about how he would build a team, what he thinks of our roster, what he would do at QB, what kind of HC does he prefer, etc. So hard to really know anything…
Yes, they saved on airplane miles that way. We don't even know if they were in the building at the same time and that "package" talk had been going on for a few days before. I would like to have seen the GM question resolved weeks ago but admit I'd be guessing if I said I knew what was on the mind of those making the decisions. I don't even know who is involved in the interview process. Does anyone know if Tannenbaum and Spielman were there? Anybody else from their company? Was Phils Savage or Hymie Elhai? We don't even know how many Johnsons were involved.
I thought I saw someone say that the team was Woody, Hymie, and Chris Johnson in the room, but not sure if they were the only ones or if there were others as well, and honestly, not even sure if the source is legitimate, so really who knows? Maybe we’ll find out after the fact
Doesn't look like we have a 2nd round interview lined up with Halaby yet: