Jets in Green Bay Dec 3rd

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by jetsfan99usa, May 24, 2006.

  1. jetfaninwisconsin

    Oct 21, 2004
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    dont worry bout the weather, it doesnt get cold till january, there will probaly only be a inch or two of snow and i dont even know if that, the winters have been changing in wisconsin over the last 10 years, not as cold as it once was, but yeah, stay away in january, but come for the game, great city, great people, drunk, but great people and make sure to get some cheese curds, to my disarray of working with people from all over the states, not many know what a cheese curd is, but damn, those are the best! NYJATW knows what im talkin about...
  2. OhioJetsFan

    OhioJetsFan Member

    Aug 27, 2005
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    By all means, for at least one meal, head out for the Titletown Brewing Company. Fantastic microbrews. Last time I was there I had pot roast in beer-soaked gravy and lumpy mashed red-skinned potatoes with bacon, fried onions, and sauteed mushrooms mixed in.

    Oh, and knock back a pint of the Johnny "Blood" McNally ale. (As you can tell, the place made an impression on me.)

    Green Bay isn't that big, so don't fret about getting to the stadium. Call the hotel you are staying at and ask them for the best advice. The people in Green Bay are some of the friendliest in the midwest; without the team, the town is a bump in the road, and they know it. Be sure to ask the locals for anything and you can find some great out-of-the-way stuff.

    Just my .02ยข worth. Peace.
  3. greenthumb

    greenthumb New Member

    Mar 25, 2006
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    I have been there twice. You wont need to rent a car if your staying at the Raddison since the whole community is built around the Pckers the hotel will have busses leaving for Lambeau about every half hour.
    Make sure you go early and take in the the Packer hall of fame, well worth your time.
    Just be ready to be annoyed by the very repetitive ba bom bom ba bom Go Pack Go song!
  4. jetsfan99usa

    jetsfan99usa New Member

    Aug 23, 2004
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    Thanks guys for all the advice. We made the trip to New York the last time these two played. My brother is a huge packers fan so it was a blast for me last time, and he was miserable. Hope for the same luck again. Thanks again for all your help
  5. greenthumb

    greenthumb New Member

    Mar 25, 2006
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    Did that meal come with a tripple bypass or did you have to pay extra?
  6. NYJalltheway

    NYJalltheway Well-Known Member

    Aug 12, 2004
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    oh yeah.

    I dont even really like cheese much at all but cheese curds are a must.:beer:

    And to my shock, a lot of non-wisconsinittes don't know what a braut (sp) is!

    I thought all of America loved em :lol:
  7. NYJalltheway

    NYJalltheway Well-Known Member

    Aug 12, 2004
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    ugh yes, i hate that song.

    the store is a very nice on that they have, and the hall of fame is a real treat. :grin:

    i like the little stadium you can kick balls, catch em, do the 40, etc...real fun.
  8. OhioJetsFan

    OhioJetsFan Member

    Aug 27, 2005
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    Actually, there was a special at the time I was there: add a heart cath to any meal for only $1.99 extra.

    The menu has changed since then, but it is still killer (no pun intended):

    I take it back: the "Railyard Roast" is still on the menu....
    #48 OhioJetsFan, May 30, 2006
    Last edited: May 30, 2006
  9. Br4d

    Br4d 2018 Weeb Ewbank Award

    Apr 22, 2004
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    There are two places in my life that I have been really cold:

    1. In the woods in late November in Wisconsin deer hunting (well, my friends were deer hunting, I was just along for the beer.)

    2. 2 weeks later at Lambeau Field watching the Packers and the Vikings go at it on a truly frigid day.

    The trick to surviving both places was carrying a thermos of hot chocolate with a stick of butter melted in it. My arteries will pay the price in twenty years but that stuff kept me warm and toasty when the next ice age was threatening to break out all around me.

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