It's a dildo. Of course it's company policy never to imply ownership in the event of a dildo... always use the indefinite article a dildo, never your dildo.
314, you're Upper Deck now and don't forget it. The only one around here who gets banged hard and long are Woody Johnson's PSL participants. If you're paying Woody a PSL, bend over and take it. Otherwise, forget it.
I'm going to go with the safe pick, the Patriots. It would be nice if we didn't have to open against a divisional opponent for once, though.
and the things that would come out of this girls mouth "i havent been fucked like that since grade school" shesh!!!!!!
That's not a definite. WE (the fans who go to the games) usually are "punished" when we act up by having the beer sales taken away. It's the offseason and we did nothing wrong so I guessd we will be able to have a few.
I can't tell if you were being sarcastic or not. Favre vs the Jets would be the storyline. But would the game need one? Why can't it just be two good teams facing off? Who needs storylines? Casual fans and morons- that's who.
Ravens vs Jets would be a perfect match-up. I live in Maryland and promised I take a friend to this match-up.
I'd love New England Week 1. Let's fuck those bitches up to kick off a new era at a new stadium and do it for the whole country to see. The only other teams who it could realistically be are Baltimore, Miami, Minnesota, Green Bay. I can't wait for the Green Bay game. I gotta go to that one. It's going to be an awesome.
You're right, and that makes me happier - I have to get up at 6:15 on Tuesdays to teach a class, but the 7 PM start means it's no big deal.
I was being sarcastic. (And I'll be at that game, whenever it is, screaming for Favre's head) I wasn't sure how JETSFANNYC missed that angle.
I figured so, but obviously wasn't totally sure. Also, I hadn't read the entire thread and was thinking maybe there was talk upthread about whether ESPN would want a Vikings-Jets game if Favre retires this offseason. But anyway, yeah, if Favre is there and that is a MNF game, it will be great. My father wants someone on the Jets to break one of Favre's legs (yes, my father is like that), but I'd be happy with a few sacks. Maybe that will be the game when Gladys ceases to be Gladys.
So Jets vs. Vikings,Ravens,Pats,Dolphins is a crappy matchup? I'll put that up against whatever SNF is putting that weekend.