I'm not sure but I think your avatar might be a violation of the terms of use. Did you check with a mod before using it?
If it is OK for the back page of the Daily News, I'm assuming, since I wasn't the first, that it is OK here.
Not trying to police the boards, just friendly advice. If the mods have seen it since you started using it, I doubt there's a problem. Would be a good idea to check, though. Either way, I'm a fan of it.
This is so assinine. First of all, the guy wasn't acting in an NFL capacity. It would be a completely different story if he was at any NFL event representing the NFL. Second, he didn't have any idea he was on camera and that this would happen. Although that doesn't make much of a difference, it wasn't like he flipped off the fans while he knew he was on national television. And finally, how freakin assinine is it that you're not allowed to flip someone the bird while your not working. Completely insane, so if he gets caught on tape dropping the f bomb while he is out with some friends and someone posts it online is he gonna have to pay a fine. This is just so ridiculous.
if it is offensive, i might recommend the blur tool in photochop. my $0.02.:beer: edit: its a team fine.. not issued from the nfl. case in point, Rex mentioned this is behavior he would not tolerate, so why is it asinine? its not in accordance with behavior deemed appropriate for one of his stature within the organization. is it steep? yes. is it warranted. absolutely.
Yeah I dont think Rex has to pay this (I hope), Woody will prob take care of it..Hopefully Woody and Rex are having drink now ripping on Fin fans
I could be completely wrong, but since it was the Jets who fined him wouldn't that mean that Rex has to pay Woody the money?
Cato, I personally think Petro should overlay EVERY AVATAR on the board with that photo to show support for The Legend.
Oh, I agree with you on that one. Everyone should have this avatar on game day, at the least. Still, I'm not sure what Petro's opinion of it is or how it pertains to the "offensive/derogatory" rule. I'm not offended by it, just wanted to mention that it could be considered as such. Then again, I just noticed it and if he has been using it all day then there probably isn't a problem. Probably should have just sent him a PM, though. My guess is that this and the fact that he looked completely hammered in the photo were the main forces behind the fine.
I agree with this. Our own organization stepping in first makes sure the NFL won't get involved (they shouldn't be involved anyway, as this incident had nothing to do with the NFL in any way.)
Rex earns 4 mill a season! Why should Woody take care of it? I love Rex brash personality... I really do... but if he behaves like this he enables all of his players to not follow any rule... and that's just bullshit in this league. Good that he got fined and he'll take care of it... and still love the move on the phins fans
A head coach of a team can't give opposing fans the finger, regardless of where he is. Before you go crying about how their rights are violated, they agree to adhere to certain standards before they take the job. Rex Ryan is the representative of the organization and a hugely recognizable figure regardless of whether it's during the season, at an NFL game or not. He's being paid for his demeanor on and off the field. Come on, you have to assume you're being taped by somebody's cell phone these days. Obviously people blow things out of proportion all the time, that's why you just don't do it. It's not like they're telling him he's not allowed to drink a beer for the rest of his life, they just don't want him giving the finger to opposing fans in public. You guys are so over dramatic about this, almost as knee jerk as the people that are offended by his actions.
Who gives a shit if they were opposing fans? The person he flipped off was being a raging douchebag by all accounts. It shouldn't matter if he was a Phin fan.
I agree. Plus, why would Woody take care of the fine? The Jets fined Rex Ryan and Woody owns the Jets, does this mean he would pay the fine to himself?
Look at their salaries. Bullitt is a UFA and Ryan is making multiple millions as a coach. They cannot really afford the same amount. This fine is pretty much PR while the Bullitt fine is an after the fact punishment. Don't forget that there are very little controls on coach's payments like there are on players'. The Jets could easily be paying some of, if not most of, this fine themselves.
So what should they do to him if someone uses their phone and records him saying a curse word in public?