Jets fans' reaction to Chad's injury/NBC Mention. Merged X a lot

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by Phokus, Sep 9, 2007.


The fans were cheering because...

  1. Chad's ankle looked like it was on a swivel.

  2. Chad was trying to get off the field on his own power.

  3. Jets wouldn't have to waste a timeout.

  4. They just really want to see Clemens.

  5. They're drunk and have no idea what's going on.

  6. Some girl flashed her tits.

  7. Fan with a Brady jersey spilled his beer.

  1. statjeff22

    statjeff22 2008 Green Guy "Most Knowledgeable" Award Winner

    Jun 4, 2005
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    In addition, there are also fans in the NY area who can't afford tickets, are on the waiting list for tickets, or simply don't want to spend an entire day at the stadium. That hardly makes them bad fans.
  2. NYJets38

    NYJets38 New Member

    Mar 1, 2003
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    The post was that the lack of velocity was obvious on some throws. Not that he didn't try certain throws.

    On the first TD drive, he had that 9 yard pass you mentioned, he had a 17 yard deep out to Coles outside of the right hash, he had a couple of shorter outs to Coles and Cotchery later in the game.

    He made a number of intermediate throws today. It wasn't all dump offs. And it's pretty tough to do much more than dump offs when you have no time to throw.

  3. He had time to throw the Majority of the first half. it wasnt till the Pats got a 14 point lead, and we abandoned the running game that pass protection really fell apart.
  4. zoobooz

    zoobooz Member

    Nov 16, 2004
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    I'm happy I was at a bar with no sound... I had to turn away when they played that replay over and over. Chad played well today, even with one leg. I'm not a Chad fan, but today he got the ball where he needed too. I didn't think there was anyway he comes back in after that hit - the man is a warrior and has given everything for the team - to boo him, disgraceful.
  5. JetFanInTampa

    JetFanInTampa Banned

    Sep 5, 2003
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    All this hatred for Chad, or love for Clemens, because of a couple of freaking preseason games, unreal.
  6. Br4d

    Br4d 2018 Weeb Ewbank Award

    Apr 22, 2004
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    You're right on the Clemens side, although it is natural to want to see our second round QB play because otherwise he was a waste of a desperately needed pick to fill other obvious holes.

    The Chad hate is a lot more complicated. Very few people who want Chad out actually think he's a bad QB. I certainly don't think he's a bad QB. Put him on the Bears or the Pats or the Chargers and he'd probably win 10-12 games for them and get to the championship game or even the super bowl.

    Here's the problem: the Jets aren't that good and aren't likely to be that good any time in the future. The Jets have a chance to be as good as Indy or Pittsburgh or maybe New Orleans and in order to win when they get to that level of talent they're going to need a QB with absolute top level skills to win it all. Does he have to be Peyton Manning? No. But he does need to be as good as Ben Roethlisberger or Philip Rivers or Drew Brees or it just won't matter.

    Put Chad on the Patriots and they're a 10-12 win team who could very easily win a Super Bowl with a bit of luck. On the Jets he's just a link to a past might-have-been that died in the summer of 2003.
  7. jets1960

    jets1960 New Member

    Aug 28, 2002
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    Thank god we have Tom Jones.
  8. plasticsloth

    plasticsloth Well-Known Member

    Feb 18, 2006
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    i was absolutely ashamed to be a jets fan when i heard the cheers for chad's injury. I was shocked at the character of jets fans at the stadium. Any real fan never cheers against their own players just so some backup qb who had a good preseason can come in. The spectacle at the stadium was absolutely disgusting.
  9. 3rdAnd15Draw

    3rdAnd15Draw Well-Known Member

    Dec 15, 2004
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    i'm hardly pennington's biggest fan but it was quite suprising to see the reaction when pennington came up lame after that sack. i'm willing to attribute it to the fact that they just wanted to see clemens in since there were also a good amount of cheers when they announced chad was back in.
  10. macbk

    macbk Well-Known Member

    Aug 23, 2004
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    Can someone verify, because I'm not too sure about this.

    When Clemens came in for Chad, wasn't it like 4th and 20? If so, in my opinion, the cheers would justify that they were for Chad getting hurt, and Clemens coming into the game. Just for the fact that they were so far away from getting a 1st Down, did they really expect Clemens to perform a miracle and get the 1st? I really don't know, as I can't vouch for everyone...
  11. JetsFan2004

    JetsFan2004 Member

    May 12, 2004
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    I was ashamed to be a Jet fan today. The Patriot fans next to me were laughing at us for our non-support of our starting QB. The guy 2 rows behind me even got up and yelled "yeah, get the pu$$y off the field".

    What a disgrace some Jets fans are. I also got into an argument with the guy and he wanted to fight me caus I told him he wasn;t a real Jet fan. Pure trash.
  12. BK_Jetsfan

    BK_Jetsfan New Member

    Apr 29, 2006
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    No, it was 3rd and something like 13. Clemens threw a short pass to Thomas, then the Jets punted.
  13. JetsFan2004

    JetsFan2004 Member

    May 12, 2004
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    In my section at least, the chears were definetely for Chad getting hurt becasue they were derogatory statements made about him. When he fell for the second time, they were yelling "stay down" I was shocked to look behind me a see a fan wearing green. i honestly thought it was a Pats fan yelling.
  14. VickBlows

    VickBlows Active Member

    Oct 17, 2004
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    Having not been at the game I cant speak of the dynamics ? but I will say; I?m over Chad?have been for years now. Don?t think he?ll ever win us anything other than a game that we are SUPPOSED to win but?

    There is still a lot about him I admire?I appreciate him laying it on the line every fourth game when he starts, I appreciate his dedication to earning another paycheck and all the work involved. I appreciate him winning nearly every game he was supposed to win last year ? and I appreciate him talking Jets football with me on the few occasions I have met him.

    Saying so ? I truly hope the cheering was for him getting up ? and no for an apparent injury because the ladder would be disgraceful to jets fans. If Mike Vick was Quarter sack of the team I love and got sacked, bit by a pit bull and tee-bagged on a given down?I wouldn?t cheer.
  15. PMCRW

    PMCRW New Member

    Jun 12, 2007
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    I love the way people are doubling back on this. YOU KNOW very well that people in that stadium cheered because Chad went down. The cheers got even louder when Clemens came out.
  16. ukilledkenny

    ukilledkenny You bastards!

    Aug 11, 2005
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    today was my first jet game since i was a young boy. what i took away from this situation was this.

    when chad went down the crowd was quiet as we watched him limp off the field falling once or twice most everyone around me, myself included thought he was done for the season right there, i mean he couldnt even get off the field. but still no one was cheering.

    the cheering began when chad was far off the field and already on the bench, and clemens was jogging on. i saw this as the fans trying to show clemens that we believed in him to lead this team for the rest of the year.

    maybe im totally off base but that is how i viewed the situation as it happened live at the stadium.
  17. VickBlows

    VickBlows Active Member

    Oct 17, 2004
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    ^^ Yeah - kind of figured that was the cast but hoped not...that's bullshit.

    Just a quote from today - P Martinez

    "I'm going to just savor every little bit that I can get from the game from now on," Martinez said. "I'm just coming back from a surgery that if I have to do it again -- see you guys. No more".

    "So I'm going to enjoy every little moment that I have, every curtain call, sign as many autographs as I can because it's not going to last too long."

    And…for love of the game…Chad did it twice. Again – no huge fan of Chad as a player (as an individual a different story) but to cheer for that guy to get hurt is just wrong.
  18. Jetfanmack

    Jetfanmack haz chilens?

    Aug 27, 2002
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    People did cheer. There weren't many, but there were a lot of sarcastic people saying "Here we go again" or people cheering that Clemens was going to be coming in and that Chad might be out. I was disgusted.
  19. Greenjet74

    Greenjet74 New Member

    Sep 10, 2006
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    I just got back from the game and NO ONE cheered when Chad got injured. The cheering didn't start until Clemens went on the field. The crowd was just excited to see him take a snap in the game.

    I am not sure how it looked on TV, but the crowd definitely was not being vicious.
  20. SuperBowlPleez!

    SuperBowlPleez! New Member

    May 3, 2007
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    I Am Definitly Ashamed To Be A Jets Fan. And Not For The Loss Niether. Keep Up The Good Work Jets Fans. How Bout Next Week Lets All Cheer When The Ravens Score!!!

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