Please note i apologise to my neighbours for the whooping and swearing!!! Ah fuck it!!! j e t s!!!!!!!!!!
Should they get another TD, or just a TO on this drive? The guyshad ONE bad series and you want to blame them? This O has had 50 bad series this season.
This is a huge possession, we can't allow them to slice through us again. we have the momentum and we need to keep it.
How fast does the red carpet D-line give it back? All we can hope for is that the next drive by the Giants eats up ten minutes on the clock from all the running.
Crazy thing about Leon. He had 3 guys with a shot at him within 10 yards, but I knew they would all whiff. He's Hester-esque at times.
Leon's TD is an example of why DISTANCE alone on KO's isn't enough, That was such a line drive he was FLYING by the time he reached the coverage team. Nuge took a LITTLE too much flack for distance in the past b/c there was always enough air under the ball for the coverage squad to cover reasonabley well even when they were only reaching the 10
Tynes just got in the way on that play... unless you are John Hall the kicker should just step off the field after they kick