These are grown men making millions of dollars a year, These aren't high school football players who need there Coach to speak and lift them up, Why weren't you saying this when Rex almost took us to the Superbowl back to back years???? Now its a problem , Rex can only do so much with the talent we have and we just don't have very much, Our Two best players are done and our offense is worse then ever , if anyones to blame its Tannenbaum
I don't think RR is overrated at all in fact the large majority of football fans thinks he ain't shit and won't ever win anything with the NYJ. Not sure how that equals overrating. Also, LOL @ Belidick being overrated. Guy is the best at what he does hands down.
I disagree. Their front seven is actually pretty good. If healthy their backers could be the best in the league in a year or two. Big Vince is having another very good year. Love is a good player and Jones is a beast. Guy gets held on almost every play. Versatile , strong at the poa , can set the edge and obviously rush the passer. Yea ok. Name me another team that contends every year? I'll wait... I agree with you about the poll. My point is this poll is just further proof that he sux. The BB part screams jealousy imo. He gets tons of credit for for all their success , as he should. Probably a little too much. But he deserves a lot of it. Guys like Big Sey and Tedy B used to hate it when people would say " all you need is 12 and BB ". That's where I think that comes from. Overrated means you didn't live up to the hype. BB has his team contending every year. Been to five and won three SBs. Clearly he's not overrated. Rex has guaranteed SBs when he can't even win a div. He looks like a fool talking shit when him and his players can't back it up. He lost his locker room , has no idea how to build a complete team and can't evaluate talent. Is say he's pretty overrated.
Rex Ryan voted most overrated
Honestly who gives a flying fuck what people on other teams and fans of other teams think of our coach.
Line of the day from Jets coach Rex Ryan. Responding to a player poll which named him the most overrated NFL Coach with Bill Belichick finishing second, Ryan quipped: "I finally beat Belichick at something." At least he hasn't lost his sense of humor. Can we get a poll on "Least funny Coach"?
People don't understand overexposed vs. overrated. The Jets are not overrated, they are overexposed. The Cardinals were overrated in the beginning of the season, but not overexposed.
Is he? He's very good but a lot of people would be very good with Tom Brady. I rank Belichik in the top 5 easily. Not sure if he's the best though.
I totally agree with the idea that execution in the nfl can often beat pure talent. But I wouldn't put execution 100-percent on the coaching. In the case of the Jets I think that they have a lot of hard-to-coach players. Guys who just don't or can't grasp the coaching staff's ideas. I think Sanchez is the best example of this. He is taslented but just doesn't 'get' it. And I can't blame that on the coaching staff fully. Of course, there may be a coaching staff out there better suited to this bunch. But I do blame the players too.