Partially correct. In order of priority here are the elements that make us average at best 1) Mediocre talent evaluation, poor drafts, over paying for over the hill talent, giving away picks for malcontents....NO LONG TERM PLAN TO KEEP THE LEVEL OF TALENT STRONG Tanny and the many in the talent selection staff are to blame 2) instead of a "speak softly and carry a big stick" philosophy, we do the opposite - Rex and many of the players are guilty of this 3) Poor and transparent game planning - Rex and the coaching staff 4) dismal execution - over rated players 5) unnecessary distractions to value money over wins - the ownership We are what our record says we are
Last season (Pre-Sparano) the Jets got into the Red Zone 3.2 times per game. Somewhere in the middle of the league. We scored TD's more than 65% of the time ... maximizing our scoring and putting us among the top of the league in scoring offense. This season under Sparano, we've been in the Red Zone 3.4 times per game, but we've only scored TD's 42% of the time, minimizing our scoring and putting us near the bottom of the league in scoring offense. If you have Tebow on your team, isn't he supposed to be used in the Red Zone? Basically what we did was replace Shotty with Sparano, and Plax with Tebow and now we can't score in a whorehouse with a fistfull of 50's.
You have no proof of either of these things. Are you part of the team's planning meetings? Are you involved in gameplanning? How do you know any of this is true? Voted by who? The guy has a winning record and has been deep in the playoffs two out of his three seasons. That speaks a hell of a lot louder than some poll. You want to rely on that crap? Thank god you have nothing to do with running a franchise. Holy shit...
One word: preparation. If the players are better prepared, they make less mistakes. You get rid of, or reduce the roles of, players who don't perform. The Jets as a TEAM are not prepared. That's coaching, not the players. It's not like this is Rex's first year and he's weeding out the previous coach's players - this is his team. This is year 4.
yeah, well performance falls on players first. When your team lost games, did you go home saying "shit man, our coach screwed us!"? I sure as hell hope not... The Jets are inconsistent and do not perform up to the cumulative talent on the roster, but it is presumptuous and simplistic to lay that all on coaching.
Everything that poster said was true. 100%. You dont need to be in teams meetings to understand what a shit show that jets are. NFL players voted him overrated. Agreed , its not the end all. But its not the only piece of evidence either.
This. All I ever hear is criticism and controversy when it comes to the Jets. There's a difference between being overrated and being overexposed. The Jets are the latter. Most people fail to realize that.
I would argue that coaching is a problem, but the FO and talent acquisition has been a bigger problem.
Dude it's not always coaching, players have to play to and they have to wanna win and play with fire and passion, alot of players don't play that way on this team, Players in the NFL should be self motivated with all the millions of dollars they make, Coaching isn't gonna get you everything the players have to perform and execute,I still think Rex is the guy for this team even if we miss the playoffs
Except for the fact that BB has help turn the Pats into contenders for over a decade , got to and won multiple SBs and set his team up for success with a very talented team over the next 5-7 years. If he left or got fired tomorrow the Pats would still have tons of talent not including Brady. They have a better Rbs , backers , both lines and TEs. If 12 was to leave tomorrow they would be a QB and one or two guys away from contending. Were a QB and about 8-10 guys away. Maybe more.
I couldn't disagree more. Obviously players have to play. But coaching is a huge factor on this team. Or lack there of. This offense on this team is a fuckin disgrace. Just putrid. The design , the scheme isn't and hasn't been working. He stuck with sancheeze waaaay to long. It was clear to anyone not in NY that Mark wasn't/isn't the guy. Mark hasnt improved at all. He was bad with weapons and he's bad with mediocre talent. And the decision making in general , in terms of the entire team has been bad. Not only does the offense look bad , but the defense has been bad as well. S/T hasn't been anything special either. Rex's act is tired and weak. I for one never bought into. Who wants a coach guaranteeing SBs wins when he can't even win the div. It's like we've even conceded it over the last few years. It's time for a change. A big one. We need a new gm , coach and QB. Anything else is a band aid. It's time for the homers to wake the fuck up. Were a joke around the league.
That's debatable. That defense, specifically the secondary, is absolute garbage after throwing pick after pick at it. I wonder what Bill's success rate drafting actually is when you consider he stockpiles picks.
If BB had not got lucky with the Brady pick he wouldnt even still be in NE, luckiest coach in the NFL for sure.
Rex overrated? Thoughts....
Saw this here Thought maybe we could take a stab at it. Caption this picture. Rex: Andy, it's football 101 you should know this, you need to have a solid back up QB in case things go bad.
Has nothing to do with what Belicheck has done, you said Rex is the most overrated coach in the NFL so he should go. Should the same apply to B.B. since he's #2? All I'm saying is that poll is dumb as fuck
I tend to share this view, but of course the CS of today is a result of the "talent" acquisition choices that have produced it. Last year in trying to be fair about Schotty I was seen by many as a defender of him. It reminds me of a story here at work. A friend of mine here was transferred to take over as the asset manager for a district based in Reno. The district manager there was this really awful woman. She couldn't train managers, the properties weren't hitting their numbers. She was having an affair with this guy who ran a security company she was hiring and they were incompetent. But... the prior asset manager had left the DM in place for by then a long time. When my friend took over the district, he soon discovered this woman was a bad DM. So he decides she has to be terminated. So one day he goes in to his boss, makes the case to fire the DM, and then says that's what we should do. So his boss looks at him, and eventually says "That's okay if you want to do that, but just remember you're going to have to hire her replacement." If the point doesn't quite speak for itself, I will spell it out. It was all well and good to get rid of Schotty. But at this juncture it certainly does not look like Sparano has been any improvement. Certainly the O is not improved, and is arguably worse. And that I am afraid is not just on Sparano. It is also on Ryan and the Jet FO. What kills me is the fish fans were all laughing at us for the Sparano hire. What makes it worse is they still are.