Haha. I don't know why some of these idiots continue to get married. Meaning just do your thing and if it doesn't work out, cut bait. You should see some the # of marriages during the Golden Age of Hollywood to present. Does anyone remember Jennifer O'Neill? MARRIED 9 TIMES. Hang up your cleats. I'm not saying that the second or even 3rd time around doesn't and can't work out because it certainly can, but after you're married for the 4th time forget it. Just shack up already.
True story: yesterday the neighbors had a tree service come to remove some dead trees..... one of the work crew was wearing a t-shirt that IN BIG LETTERS said 'I WORK HARDER THAN AN UGLY STRIPPER" oh and if J-Lo wants to catch Brady, I'm willing to take one for the team for a few months.....
Yeah. This is a stretch but it is a play on high gas prices. A new car with full tank costs less than filling up this car.