I'm Sorry, The Fix Was In: holding penalties not called

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by JetsKickAss, Jan 23, 2011.

  1. SteelCityBeer

    SteelCityBeer New Member

    Jan 21, 2011
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    No one in this league is ever out-played. The refs were paid by Rooney and Goodell because of the large market the Steelers bring with them. If New York had a larger market, maybe, just maybe they would get the calls. However, as it stands, New York is just too tiny and hasn't the potential for big cash! Try getting a Starbucks or something and a few might move to New York.

    We cheat the Ravens too, so maybe you theorists could get together and go bowling.
  2. JetsKickAss

    JetsKickAss Well-Known Member

    Sep 19, 2004
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    Sure, the Super Bowl against Seattle the calls split 50-50. And Mike Renfro's (?) catch in the 1980 AFC CG wasn't a catch, either.

    Why don't you tell us the last time a Steeler DL-man was called for HOLDING on a RUN play ??
  3. Steeler Tim

    Steeler Tim New Member

    Jan 18, 2011
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    Smith went to the head of a defenseless receiver. It doesn't matter whether he backed off or not. It doesn't matter that he didn't hit him with his helmet. You just can't go to the head of a defenseless receiver ... period.

    Now, like I said I think it is a bullshit call because there is nothing Smith could have done to prevent it. The receiver was dropping his head and that is why Smith hit him in the head. It clearly wasn't a deliberate attempt to injure.

    Defenders are placed in a no win situation at times. The rule is bullshit ... plain and simple.

    I'm sure you can come up with 10 calls/non-calls that should have gone your way and I could probably do the same but to think the fix is in and it's a league wide conspiracy is crazy. To think the Steelers always get the calls to go their way is also nuts.

    People always bring up the Miami game with Ben's fumble into the end zone as a call the refs gave to the Steelers. What nobody bothers to mention is 2 plays before that one Mendenhall ran the ball in for an apparent TD. He was sitting on the goal line with the ball held to his side yet the officials marked it short. On TV they show replay after replay showing he scored but Tomlin never throws the challenge flag.

    Why? The next day we find out that in the visitors coaching booth in Miami they don't have the network feeds connected. The coaches only get to see what is replayed on their jumbotron. Guess what. Miami doesn't replay questionable calls for the visitors on their jumbotron.

    So what ends up being the big story? Not that the Steelers have a TD taken away. It's that the refs give the steelers the ball on a fumble everyone thinks Miami recovered. It's all media bullshit. They make the stories and half of you guys believe them hook, line and sinker.
  4. Steeler Tim

    Steeler Tim New Member

    Jan 18, 2011
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    I believe Hampton was called for it a couple of times this year. Why?
  5. SteelCityBeer

    SteelCityBeer New Member

    Jan 21, 2011
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    I'm not going to argue. We won and you are pissed. Whether the Refs called a good game or not, I really don't know because I was at the game and not watching on the big screen. I know we out-played you in the 1st half and you kicked our ass in the 2nd. I blame Rex for the flat 1st half you had, not the Refs. He was trying to be something he's not, the Jets are not and it didnt work.

    Better luck next year
  6. JetsKickAss

    JetsKickAss Well-Known Member

    Sep 19, 2004
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    Yeah, and the guy weighs 250 pounds.......

    No DL-man would HOLD on a running play.
  7. jonnyd

    jonnyd 2007 TGG.com Funniest Poster Award Winner

    Oct 14, 2005
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    holding calls? We lost the game because of Pitt's ability to run the ball in the first half so effectively. I htink we can all agree on that. And the bottom line is, we were in their backfield on MOST of those runs! We just tackle like AIDS infected cuntbags. We lost. No fix
  8. Steeler Tim

    Steeler Tim New Member

    Jan 18, 2011
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    He weighs about 350 and D-linemen hold all the time on running plays. Especially in a 3-4 defense. They don't want an O-lineman to get out and block the linebackers so they hold. Their job is to eat up blockers. I don't know how you don't know this unless you don't follow football.
  9. nyJETS0511

    nyJETS0511 Banned

    Aug 25, 2003
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    been watching football for 30 years... i still dont understand holding.....seems like everyone holds on every play
  10. Steeler Tim

    Steeler Tim New Member

    Jan 18, 2011
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    You are correct. It has often been said that holding can be called on every play. I don't know what makes the officials throw a flag on one play and not another. Every team has to live with this inequity.
  11. LukasHenry

    LukasHenry Banned

    Jan 17, 2011
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    You are ridiculous. A sore loser. You got the shit kicked out of you for half the game and couldnt come back. Valiant effort in the end but not enough. The knock out blow was delivered via 3 and 6. Period.

    Holding calls. You have got to be kidding me. There is holding all over the field on every play on both sides. We can sit here and dissect every game and you'll find that out real easy.

    Are you really bringing up an afccg from 1980?
  12. RevSmitty73

    RevSmitty73 Member

    Jan 18, 2011
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    Tim..You sound like a knowledgeable guy. In fact, one of my best friends is a Steeler fan so I'm rooting for you guys against Green Bay..(plus the fact, if my team is going to lose, I'd like to lose to the SB champs) Honestly though, you have to see what we are talking about. The '06 Super Bowl was ridiculous. As far as this game, How does Ben scramble and get chased out of the pocket all those times, and you guys arent called for one holding penalty? Smith gets called for the hit, but no flag on Harrison? The refs arent the reason we lost, you guys were the better team in the 1st half and we couldnt come back, but if one of those calls is made/not made, the game may have had a different outcome.
  13. fozzi58

    fozzi58 Well-Known Member

    Jan 1, 2006
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    The late hit on Sanchez and the Forward pass being called a fumble are the only 2 calls I question.

    As stated by both Jets & Steelers fans, if those hits were on the NFL's poster boy QBs, that call would have went their way EVERY TIME. There is no denying that fact.

    LukasHenry - your counterparts have already called out steelers1282 for being an un-knowledgeable classless douche. Don't get to that point.

    Keep in mind you are on the opposing team's message board. While we are fully aware that we also have douche-baggery amongst our own fans, this is a bitter time for us. So keep the hits clean.

    Please and thanks.
  14. miggymiggs

    miggymiggs New Member

    Jan 21, 2010
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    late hit on Sanchez def should have been a flag. That roughing the kicker was just painful to watch.
  15. nlam

    nlam New Member

    Nov 29, 2010
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    i dont know if this has been mentioned before, but i really disagree with the rules about "roughing the kicker". its obviously really hard to get to the kicker and block the punt in time, but if you're 1/4 of a second late and u graze a kicker's leg thats "roughing the kicker"? to me it would seem like that rule discourages the defense from going all out to get that block.
  16. JfaulkNYJ

    JfaulkNYJ New Member

    Oct 7, 2009
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    who gives a fuck. the jets missed like 20 tackles in that game. the jets did not deserve to fucking win. never in my wildest dream would i imagine david harris, pouha, scott, ellis, pool, smith, etc missing so many tackles. iam stunned how awful the fucking defense played in the first half. they were playing like a team week 17 with 1 win.
  17. jeff41

    jeff41 New Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    It was a good call by referee Ed Hochuli and a good confirmation in replay.

    Sanchez’s hand was moving upward as he was cocking his arm to throw the pass. The contact that knocked the ball loose came before the hand started forward. It’s all about the hand. Even though the elbow starts forward as part of the cocking motion, it’s only a pass if the hand is moving forward.

    Nine out of 10 of these types of plays are fumbles. Referees are wise to rule these fumbles, because the majority of the time they are. As it turned out, this play would prove to be the difference in the game.

    -Mike Pereira
  18. Bumm

    Bumm New Member

    Jan 20, 2011
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    Harrison held up enough and as a result there was barely any impact. The refs saw that and determined no flag was justified. Much ado about nothing.
  19. Ron Mexico

    Ron Mexico New Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    With the exception of the fumble/incomplete pass at the end of the first half, I thought the officiating was quite fair. Both sides got a few non-calls and both sides got called on some chickenshit stuff.

    The refs didn't make the D miss 50 tackles in the first half. If the game really was fixed, it looked more like the Jets defense was throwing the game, not the refs.
  20. Steeler Tim

    Steeler Tim New Member

    Jan 18, 2011
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    No holding calls on the Steelers ... I don't know why. I'm sure they held on plays just like I'm sure the Jets held on plays and they weren't called.

    If the refs throw a flag on Harrison for the hit on Sanchez I don't think I could complain. It was so close as to whether Harrison had already left his feet before Sanchez swung his feet around into a half slide. Again, one of those plays that I think could be called either way.

    The fumble returned for a TD was also such a close play. I was really undecided until I saw the view from the last couple of replays. That view, in my mind, showed Taylor's helmet hitting the ball before Sanchez's hand started forward. Again, one of those plays that I think could be called either way.

    The overturn of the catch by Miller could also be argued. It could have been ruled a catch just as well as an incompletion. Another play that could be called either way.

    If one play in that game had been called different every play from that point on would be different. We will never know but as they say ... that is why you play the game.

    My bitch about the officials is I want consistency. They have been horrible with that this year and I think a lot of it goes back to Goodell changing the rules mid-season. The guy is ruining football.

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