Ignoring the fact that the actual level of deflation (if the balls started at the bottom of the accepted PSI level) were completely appropriate. Science, how does it work? Not to mention when the guy was called "the deflator", that had to do with a Jets game that was played months before the playoff game. And on that Jets game the issue was with overinflated balls that somehow ballooned to 16psi... at a Jets home game. Nothing shady there, right? But I'm sure you are right. I'm sure "the deflator" took a huge chance to remove almost no air whatsoever. Now if the balls were 2psi under like it was first reported, you would be correct. Now you are just an idiot. No news there. Enjoy the postseason and a promising next season with a CB who makes 50 million too much for what he has left in the tank.
Hahahaaaaaaaaa. You keep trying to convince the world Tom Brady didn't direct his guys to deflate footballs and that they weren't deflated. Every single one of them. Piece of shit cheater. _
http://www.nytimes.com/2016/01/06/s...a-peyton-manning-derek-jeter-charles-sly.html Nothing to see here. Just a common link between many of the players and that link then shutting down operations last week. Moving along...