You gotta get Sid to give you the backdoor number so you'll never have to wait on hold. Not like I listen to Miami sports talk so I wouldn't know who you are but if your livin large. As for Randall.... he's an awesome guy. Lives about 2 miles up the road from me and he goes to church with my brother in law. I know Randall was on the Ravens but I don't see him and Lewis being buds.
Well I wouldnt call it living large, lol. But the thing about Syd is he talks New York sports down here. Its awesome. His show is aimed at New Yorkers in south Florida. Syd's a good guy and a great tipper. I really cant say anything bad about him.
If I'm Ray Lewis sitting at a bar and some random dude comes up to me and calls me Ray Ray, I'm punching him in the face.
no you dont, you simple stare back at him expressionless thinking "who the fuck is this guy" and then crack a grin thinking about how you could and should fuck this guy up. That's pretty much what it sounded like happened.
You're a brave man. Back when the Boca Bowl bowling alley on military, by the mall, was Don Carters. Ray Lewis was bowling in the lane next to us. Just looking at him scared the shit out of me.
I know, dude is lucky Ray didn't cut his throat and let him bleed out right there. Count your blessings son!