There's no vice versa when a god king's involved. So, no it's not okay to say you know more than I do...especially when you definitely don't. Good Madden strategy though. ^^^ The most knowledgeable poster in TGG history! For those of you that don't want to click the link to one of the most retarded threads of all-time, here: u for serious brahh?
wow. that thread is on the highest level of fucking stupid, and it ruined my night. im going to sleep now.
I walked into this thread and quickly was overwhelmed by the scent of stupidity. I tried to walk out but the fumes blinded me so much that I tripped over my own two feet, and fell face first into the bare crotch of a coked out hooker with herpes. So now I'm infected for life and smell like rancid vag and epic fail. Not exactly the most productive click of a mouse I'd say....
Of course, it works in Madden. Even at All-Madden difficulty, the FB dive play from any form goes for 5 yards. Not so easy in real football. Teams do try this stategy in certain situations. I distinctly remember Jones and Greene in the backfield together two years ago. No idea how the play unfolded, though, so I may be full of sh*t. However, the key to any strategy is practice. The coaches have to spend time practicing with a personel set that will rarely be used, which gives it a low priority. Some teams have the personel for it. Look at Tampa with Graham or Baltimore with McClain. Those are tailbacks playing fullback. Tony Richardson started his career as a tailback in Kansas City and lead the team in rushing yards in 2000. The next season, the Chiefs new (and brilliant) coach named Dick Vermeil converted him to FB to pave the way for Preist Holmes.
My football knowledge is so big, it has it's own gravitational pull. A meteor just crashed into my football knowledge. BAM!
That other old thread is hilarious! I can definitely picture secret meetings between the Jets and Phins to organize a tie, classic. lol
That clearly shows lack of football knowledge, lol. Creating scenarios of wins/losses. You're too full of yourself. Based on your previous posts, it's clear you think you know more then everyone.
it's something that you would never see happen, but it was true at the time. it would have benefited those teams. that has nothing to do with football knowledge. I clicked the last page on Electric's posts and this is what I find. I guess that's all he worries about. Being smarter then everyone. Mr E gettin owned!
I dont know that Mr. Electric believes he knows football more than anybody. It appears that he just calls out morons who make it clear...that they have not a fucking clue.
I think the self indulgence in this post is comparable to self oral copulation. Although i got a good laugh out of "I use it in madden all the time" and the thought of how shortened TJ's carear would have been with this plan put into action, you my friend have a god complex on a web forum.